05 November 2023


21 Marcheshvan 5784

I fell down on the job.  I was supposed to write about this last week and  I delayed.  Now, the advance warning has been lost because A MAJOR ATTACK is going to be made on Klal Yisrael TOMORROW - NOVEMBER 6, 2023.

You see, what I was supposed to get into last week was the idea that this is not a "multi-front" war.  It may be coming from several directions, but the fronts are TWOEISAV and YISHMAEL.  And the fact is that nobody is acknowledging this fact.  I doubt more than a handful of people even know and even some of them don't really care.  

We are in the greatest of danger when Eisav and Yishmael unite against us and here everyone is so focused on Yishmael that they are ignoring the threat Eisav poses to us.  And what else is new, right?

I had been pointing out the terrible instances of "street-preachers" attacking and inciting against Jews all over Eretz Yisrael for weeks.  But what's happened since The Simchat Torah Massacre is just unbelievable and it was going to be such a big job to sort through and present it to you that it never got started.  

It's impossible now to get all that information out.  It will have to suffice to tell you that they have taken every advantage of our heartbreak and misery, co-opted every story, and inserted themselves into every outreach effort; not to even mention their inroads into the IDF! - all in the certain knowledge that this is the moment they have been watching and praying and preparing for - that moment when we would be knocked low and primed to accept their false god.  Now, they are moving in for the kill. 

If you are already minimizing my words in your mind as you read, check yourself very carefully.  This is a weakness in your faith.  You have to accept the FACT that Christianity is even more abhorrent to HKB"H than Islam is, although they run a close second.  They are not your friends or your protectors, they are enemies of our God!  And those who promote this false religion to Jews in Eretz Yisrael are quite deserving of the death that awaits them.  I don't even want to tell you what is to become of the Erev Rav 'Jews' who pimp out Klal Yisrael to these spiritual predators!!

It's one month later, and this is going to be THE EQUAL of what happened on October 7th, only it will be coming from Eisav instead of Yishmael.  The damage this can do to Klal Yisrael will be as devastating from the spiritual side as The Simchat Torah Massacre was in the physical.  I know how hard this will be for most people to accept.  That's why I refer you back to Bilaam and Balak.  

REMINDER:  The video of the meeting between Rabbi Shalom and Rabbi Abitbul...

...Rabbi Shalom, Shalita, reads the words of Rabbi Yonathan Eybshitz, zt'l: "And truly, due to our many sins, the advice of Balaam happened, who said to Balak: "What will this people do to your people in the end of days. Namely: "Acharit Yamim", which is Simchat Torah, when due to our many sins the Satan rules, and Balaam's advice is almost fulfilled due to our many sins, in which the mixture of women and young men and virgins will dance like stags and foxes there and a great breach will be made due to our many sins..."! "That's what happened!!! The boys and girls went ... celibacy prohibitions and there was also a statue (as everyone who saw the videos from that 'nature party / the Nova party' knows, God save us!!!!!! (And it happened) on Simchat Torah!!! here!!!

This is Part 2 coming TOMORROW!!!!  The sexual licentiousness was just part of the story.  (See Parashat Balak.) These lewd acts were the prelude to the killer thrust:  AVODAH ZARAH!!!!  People, you have no idea how much HKB"H HATES, HATES!, HATES!! avodah zarah.

Christian Messianics have joined forces with the Erev Rav in the government to have TOMORROW - NOVEMBER 6, 2023 declared a Day of Prayer in hopes that Klal Yisrael will be enticed to join in just such a display of avodah zarah!

This is the kind of unity that gets Jews killed!!!  Hashem yerachem!!

There has been an answer to our prayers. We have been praying that the Israeli government would call for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. After a month of war against Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, many Knesset members along with chief Rabbis all over Israel have realized that a national day of prayer is needed. The Knesset members and the Rabbis have asked all Jewish believers in Israel and Gentile Christians to join our nation in this fasting and prayer time.
Monday, Nov. 6, will mark 30 days since the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel

"The call for a National Day of Prayer for Israel is the latest in interfaith work and prayer for peace. "

...“We, the members of the Knesset from the various factions, hereby turn to you and request that a call be issued from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to all the people of Israel for a day of prayer and supplication. We suggest that the Chief Rabbinate issue a call to the entire public to gather in the synagogues in every city and town and in every locality to cry out before the Lord of the world.

“In our humble opinion, such a call that comes from you, the Honorable Chief Rabbis of Israel, will be powerful and will encourage the entire public to gather together in all the synagogues all over the country on the coming Monday for a day of prayer and supplication to the Lord of the world.”

They are a Who's Who of Erev Rav characters.  More quotes...

May Global Christian Prayer Networks Be Activated to Pray in Solidarity with Israel on Monday, Nov 6! 
This is a call to global prayer networks to stand in prayer and solidarity with the Jewish people this coming Monday, November 6. May we ALL stand together in unity, in echad, as ONE,....

"Rabbi Tuly Weisz has called for the faith community to unite together, “Israel365 invites Christian leaders to participate in Israel’s National Day of Prayer by encouraging your community to pray Psalm 122 on Monday, appealing to the God of Israel in heartfelt prayer for the peace of Jerusalem.”

“If 100 Christian leaders sign up by Sunday 12 PM EST, Israel365 will place a full-page ad in the “Jerusalem Post” newspaper on Monday with the names of the signatories. Our goal is to boldly demonstrate to the Israeli public following the horrific attack and subsequent wave of global antisemitism, that for the first time in history, Jews and Christians are united in faith, prayer, and solidarity with Israel” said Weisz."

There is no way to stop this.  It's another birur, but one which I fear will bring immediate horrific results.  All I'm asking is that you stay as far apart from it as you can possibly get and help spread this warning to as many people as possible.   


This is very likely to be the thing that brings the "death" of the Erev Rav regime, if it succeeds, a mortal blow to anyone who is attached to it and subscribes to its warped "values."

Once again...

From the book The End of Days by Shmuel Raber:

The Jew’s safety raft

The Jew’s safety raft is supported by three points. The top point is the Holy One, may He be blessed, with whom we are joined by faith and properly observing the Shabbat. The second point is the holy Torah, by means of which we are connected to Hashem through loving and studying it. The third point is the People of Israel who act in accordance with Jewish law and unite to sanctify the Heavenly Name by separating themselves from the airev rav and the gentile culture.
…the last war will be the beginning of the redemption, and a Torah-true Jew who is completely separated from the non-Jews will not be subjugated, as we find that in Egypt when two people drank from the same cup, one (an Egyptian) drank blood and the other (an Israelite) drank water. This shows that in fact there is no rule whatsoever over a Jew who is separated entirely from the non-Jews” (Rabbi Aharon Kotler, in the name of the Chafetz ChaimLeket Reshimot Channukah by Rabbi Noson Wachtofogel, p. 40).
I have a tradition passed down from one to another in the name of Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, z”l, that in the final war before the arrival of Mashiach all of the righteous Jews will be savedWho are ‘righteous Jews’? Those who are separated from the non-Jews! It does not mean that they must be one of the 36 righteous individuals, rather they must be separated from the ways of the non-Jews and have no contact with their culture! Not with their newspapers, their music and books; to be entirely separated from them. Then Hashem will say: You are Mine and you are under a different authority so no one else will rule over you” (Ibid., p.41)

And finally...

"The argument of the nations here is that we must achieve unity and break down the walls of separation. Is this not fair and logical according the the false thinking of the worshippers of foreign culture? Is not the unity of all nations and the disappearance of the differences between Israel and the nations the goal of the Hellenists [today's Judeo-Christians] ...."

"G-d decreed upon holy Israel that they must be separated from impurity and from the impure nations. The idolatry and foreign culture of the nations cannot coexist with G-d's Torah or with G-d himself."

~ HaRav Kahane ztz"l, Hy"d, Or HaRa'ayon


  1. Replies
    1. Typical Eisav... always under the guise of the "kosher" pig hooves... pretending they are helping without an agenda!

  2. Replies
    1. Evil, idol worshipping woman!

    2. One way to know that a religion is false is when they always try to catch us when we're down, depressed or in trouble. Judaism appeals to, and engages with, the best in us, always.

  3. Our Jewish soldiers are not only fighting inside enemy territory, they have embedded among them another enemy which undermines them. Title of video sent to me: "Israeli soldier shouts out his faith in Yeshu-!" Another video features a "Believing" Christian woman in Israel bragging that the "messianic community" has at least 1000 soldiers in Gaza, even at high levels of command. Hashem yerachem!!


  4. We are fighting a multi-arena, level, world battle right now - from all borders including the inside. The xtians in compared to the arabs and their insanity, weaponry from the INSIDE of Israel minor. Tunnels are being dug from the arab villages to the Jewish towns. That's where the alarms need to be raised. Nobody is doing a damn thing about it because the Erev Rav wants the Jews and the arabs to fight it out to the death.
