29 November 2023


17 Kislev 5784

This is just a different tip of the same iceberg, but be aware of the names, activities and goals.

RETURN  MINISTRIES (Dean Bye and Chaim Malespin, currently serving his "lord" in Gaza) [google-search this blog for either name]

Jews and Christians working together to fulfill God's plans and purposes for Israel and the nations according to the Word of God.

  • Assisting Christians to return to their Judeo/Christian roots so as to fulfill our God-ordained destiny
  • Assisting the Jewish people to return and be restored to their God-given inheritance in Israel
  • All in preparation for the return of the Jewish Messiah
Return Ministries is focused on building bridges between Jewish and Christian Communities and mobilizing the church to understand and embrace God's call to bless and serve Israel and the Jewish people. Return Ministries is committed to standing with Israel and the Jewish people as ambassadors and advocates for Israel. We will continue to initiate and participate in events in Canada, the USA, Israel and other nations in order to strengthen this unique and powerful bond between Jews and Christians - for such a time as this!

North American Aliyah is the central focus of Return Ministries. We share God's covenant love for Israel while teaching and mobilizing the body of Christ to participate in the prophetic ‘return and restoration’ of His Jewish people from the four corners of the earth to the land of Israel.  [Hear Missionary Dean Bye say:  "These Jews Shouldn't Be Here in Montreal!"]
Protocol for Christians Rallying with
Jewish Communities in Support of Israel
Isaiah 40:1-2 - “Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God. “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem…”

With the nation of Israel currently at war, we have an opportunity as Christians in the nations to support Israel and the Jewish people and to express our support by rallying with our local Jewish communities as a sign of our shared values. For those unfamiliar with uniting with the broader Jewish community, the following will give direction:

Generally, Jewish people appreciate openness and honesty in relationships. If asked why you have come to be with them, feel free to say you are a Christian who loves and supports Israel and the Jewish people, and you would simply like to show your love and support. There is no encouragement here to deny your Christian faith but simply to distinguish that you are not coming to force your faith on anyone.

These solidarity events, when open to the public, may include a diverse group of Jewish people across a spectrum of secular, traditional, or religious who may have different levels of observance. The hosting synagogue may have variations in protocols. These guidelines provide a general frame of reference. If you have specific questions, call the synagogue hosting the event. 
Dress is usually business casual, all with modesty. Women - shoulders covered. If a Reform Synagogue, women may wear pants. Skirts or dresses for others. Men may wear a kippa (yarmulke), usually available in the lobby for temporary use. 
Avoid jewelry or clothing with a cross, ichthus (fish symbol), Christian messaging, New Testament passages, or similar. Christian symbols may inadvertently communicate a message that builds walls rather than bridges while we are attempting to show solidarity. 
Be aware of whether men and women sit together or separately during the service and whether men and women shake each other’s hands. Be a better listener than a speaker, let them initiate. Shake a hand if one is extended to you, speak when you are spoken to but don't monopolize anyone's time with lengthy questions.
Observe the proper time allotted for the gathering and don't linger when that time is over. Important to note that it is unusual for Jewish people to know Christians who are interested in them as people, caring for them and desiring to understand them and their traditions, etc. The history of Christians with Jews has been tragic; thus we have not been trusted for centuries. As Christians, we need to learn through humility how to develop relationship with them through a love that has no conditions.


(Victor Marx)


Our global efforts have helped thousands of women, children and members of our military find hope, healing and the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Children are the innocent casualties of evil in our world. In Syria, Iraq and areas challenged by terrorism and war, millions have been forced from their homes and housed in IDP camps. They are often the unintended victims of physical violence and intense trauma. We go into the most dangerous places in the world to reach them.

In many places on earth, women are facing unprecedented hardship. In places like Cambodia, women are the regular victims of sex trafficking, abuse and violence. We meet these women with compassion wherever they are.

LION and LAMB Comfort Toys - They are here handing them out to the child captives returning from Gaza.


Have you ever heard of the "Helping Hand Global Forum"? Me neither.

Helping Hand Global Forum (GLOBAL FORUM) 
  • registered in Israel and the USA as an international non-governmental lobbying organization.
  • confederation associating 250+ other related Israeli and international organizations.
  • representing activities in Israel and 180 countries worldwide.
Its primary objectives include:
  • international diplomacy through interactions with business, finance, and politics in Europe, America, the Middle and Far East.
  • promoting interfaith dialogue initiatives, improving the relationship between Israel and the world, and preserving the memory of the Holocaust.
  • supporting humanitarian aid projects to help disadvantaged individuals in need, regardless of religion or ethnicity, in Israel and worldwide.
(Click the link.)

We are truly in exile in our own Land. We have been thoroughly infiltrated and taken over by foreign, anti-Judaism interests who seek to assimilate us even within the Land of Israel, the one place on earth a Jew was supposed to be free to follow Torah and mitzvot!!!!



  1. Nothing shocks me anymore! Hashem please rescue us!

    1. Did you see the level and extent of their involvement??? It's unbelievable, even for me!

  2. Like the above commenter says, 'nothing shocks anymore;.
    When you have so many living in EY who know less of Yiddishkeit
    than someone from a far away island with no Jews
    there, so no surprise these erev rav/amaleikim have such success.
    These leftists have worked so hard on dejudaizing Israel, it's no wonder they succeed in their evil mission. But the worst is when you have a 'so-called Jewish' government that aids and abets these missionaries, so there's a doubly difficult task to getting rid of them.
    Moshiach, may he come immediately, has a gigantic job ahead of him
    from all sides. H' Yerachem.

  3. בס"ד
    When I saw all of these billboards and slickly produced posters that appeared so quickly after the savagery of Oct. 7, I had the feeling that somebody or organization had, foreknowledge that this incident would occur. B7 where I live, there is not a single billboard space that does not have a sign with photos of the hostages. I'm sure this is the case nationwide. Somebody or organization is "investing" a lot of capital to manipulate the minds of the masses. No investor spends this kind of money without the expectation of some type of return on their initial expense. If not a financial return then what exactly are they expecting to receive?

    I don't know the answers to any of these questions and that quite frankly disturbs me as a former investigator. But, the bottom line for me is the fact that there are some despicable scum who seek to capitalize and profit on the absolute despair and suffering of the family and friends of the hostages. Usually I sail on a pretty even keel, nothing surprises me these days, but I have to say that that the implications of Oct, 7 have yet to be realized and none of the reasons that were reported, from intelligence failure or dismissal, to stand down orders issued, give any semblance of comfort at all. Very disturbing. There seems to be no comfortable middle ground to this atrocity at all.


    1. Thank you very much for your cogent and thought-provoking comment, Stingray. I wish you Shabbat shalom.

  4. בס"ד
    Shabbat Shalom to you also Devorah, and to all of your readers and commentors
