28 November 2023

Talk, Talk, Talk - It's the Talk of the Town

15 Kislev 5784

I'm old enough to remember my parents repeating something they heard as children growing up during World War II:  "Loose Lips Sink Ships."

I was thinking about that last night while listening to the news presenter on i24 go on and on about how upset everybody is that the little red-haired children have not yet been released.  And then, I was reminded again this morning when I read Biden's statement that he does not believe Hamas is purposely withholding American citizen hostages.  Hello!  He made it clear from day one that he wanted to see Americans released first!  And it's clear from the constant harping about Baby Bibas how important it is to Am Yisrael that the youngest hostage at age 10 months come home quickly.

Of course, Hamas is holding them back on purpose!!!

We were told early on that Hamas routinely monitors Israeli news sites in order to gauge the effectiveness of their tactics on the public mood and determine how best to continue their campaign.  All this talk, talk, talk even to describing in great detail the crowds in "Hostage Square" in downtown Tel Aviv where counselors are standing at the ready to give mental health support.  OMIGOSH!!  

I guess it's a sign of our times, the phone glued to the hand, the constant texting, podcasting, soooooo much talking!!!

I understood Mr. Pollard very well when he mentioned having a law in place to use in order to silence people who are undermining the war effort while under attack. The idea is not as outlandish as most of the "horrified" people think.

Writing for a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes declared in Schenck v. United States (1919) that “[w]hen a nation is at war, many things that might be said in times of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight, and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right.”  (Source)
Mr. Pollard has taken a beating in cyberspace for suggesting such a thing regarding the hostages' families who have been flying all over the world saying whatever their hearts dictate to them regardless of the consequences.  The worst part of that is they were being manipulated by a fifth column who is "praying for both sides."

Maybe it's a generational thing.  The whole focus on "rights" over obligations.  Younger people have been brainwashed through mass media to let everything out and hold nothing back.  Discretion is not even in most people's vocabulary anymore.

With all our emphasis on proper speech, this should be an easy concept to grasp for Torah Jews.  Because the way of the world right now is toward uncensored, unhindered, unrestricted speech, we Jews have to be more careful than ever to guard our speech.


  1. "Mr. Pollard has taken a beating..."

    Sadly, I noted that R. Chananya Weissman joined the bandwagon on this.

    I agree. Either there is a war or there isn't. And if there is, these people do incredible damage to our ability to destroy the enemy.

    Clearly, Hamas was on the ropes. At the very least, the government should have insisted on a parity swap of hostages for prisoners and nothing less, and held fast to that position. If they had, Hamas probably would have been destroyed by the time the caved to such a demand.

    All one has to do is study the history of "free speech." Regardless of rhetoric and propaganda, the ENTIRE purpose of the free speech agenda was always about pushing blasphemy and perversion and nothing else.

  2. We can all take something upon ourselves to bring Moshiach even closer and with less chevlei. Here is a great and easy way for anyone to learn and work on the halachos of speech.



  3. Excellent idea!



  4. yes, i agree with you. what pollard says sounds harsh, yet if one takes a moment to imagine how the enemy plans.....he is right. this is what israel needs - someone with backbone who isn't afraid of opinions.

  5. Israel is in an existential threat



    1. Certainly not! But the Borei Olam wants the faithless Jews to think so. If they were close to Him, they'd know better. Maybe they will still do teshuvah from fear.

  6. Agree with Shimshon. A main reason that so many misunderstand Jonathan Pollard is because he is speaking 'common sense', something that has almost disappeared from the face of the earth in these insane chaotic and confused times; that we are seeing so many who think 'good' is evil and the 'evil' is good. How dumb can they get? There seems to be no sense of values, respect and human decency
    which should make people worry because we've almost reached the
    depths of the corrupted earth before the great Mabul.

  7. "flying all over the world" - you're not kidding! I received this in my email this morning  .....

    ""LIMITED time left to join us for A SPECIAL SHABBAT DINNER!
    We are truly honoured to extend a warm welcome to the families affected by the tragic events of the 7th October Hamas massacre, who are visiting from Israel.
    This is a time for our community to unite and demonstrate our unwavering support and compassion.

    These families are our special guests brought out by the Embassy of Israel, Canberra, Australia and we are privileged to host them at a meaningful Shabbat Dinner. They will share their personal stories of courage and resilience."

    1. No, not kidding. I know for sure that they were already all over the US, in Rome with the Pope and in Geneva for a big rally. Here, they indicate that they are to be paraded through "the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Committee of the European Union as well as decision-making bodies and major political leaders in France."

  8. I learned a long time ago that it isn't always what you say, but how you say it. I think that if Pollard had conveyed his thought, but with less anger or with less "attack" expression, they would have been heard differently by the audience and he would be facing less criticism.

  9. Well, the "audience" was subscribers to Machon Shiloh, which very few, if any, would take any exception to what he said OR how he said it. And I seriously doubt that the "criticism" affects Pollard at all. We are all sick and fat from the sugar-coating of what passes for the truth today. Maybe a bit of hard, sugar-free Truth is in order. Also, I don't agree with his stern voice and demeanor being characterized as "anger." That's a matter of opinion.

  10. Agree with Devorah Chaya @ 9:19 pm. I also found Jonathan Pollard
    extremely sincere and he, obviously, spoke from his heart; and no one can know better than him the mistakes that the State of Israel are constantly committing due to their G-Dless, leftist views and I believe their desire to make sure that Israel is like all the other nations, because to them Torah Commandments mean nothing.
    He is extremely intelligent and shows he has the ability to lead.
