09 August 2024

"With Justice and With Righteousness"

5 Menachem Av 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Devarim - Chazon 

Stone Edition Chumash Commentary on Parashat Devarim:  "...R' Hirsch explains that Devarim was Israel's introduction to the new life it would have to forge in Eretz Yisrael." 

Am Yisrael were standing on the other side of the Jordan River opposite Yericho preparing to cross and conquer.  Everything was about to change for them.

Today, parashat Devarim, Am Yisrael is standing on the threshold of the Final Redemption and everything is about to change for us!!

It's Shabbat Chazon.  Envision a different future...

(Haftarat Devarim)  "...Woe!  O sinful nation, people weighed down by iniquity, offspring of evil, destructive children; they have forsaken Hashem, they have angered the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away backward...."

"Hear the word of Hashem, O chiefs of Sodom; give ear to the Torah of our God, O people of Gomorrah...."

"Wash yourselves, purify yourselves, remove the evil of your doings from before My eyes; desist from doing evil.  Learn to do good, seek justice, strengthen the victim, do justice for the orphan, take up the cause of the widow."

"...If you will be willing and you will obey, you shall eat the goodness of the land.  But if you will refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword - for the mouth of Hashem has spoken."

"...Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and her returnees with righteousness."




  1. For those who are already aware of the blood libel related to the events at Sde Teiman, the following information is for you:

    Sde Teiman Case: Medical Reports Prove That Allegations Are False

    SHOCKING: Israeli TV Leaks Doctored Video, Causing Untold Damage to IDF Soldiers

    1. Let us focus on the 3rd Temple being rebuilt and turn mess over to Hashem. G-d bless you

  2. As the mother of 3 Israeli soldiers, 2 in miluim and one bsadir...I am sickened and outraged by this. But it is all Min Hashamayim. I feel like Hashem is preparing our chayalim to turn against this diseased erev rav government and follow Moshiach Ben Yosef. Beezrat Hashem he should announce himself immediately. Moshiach and Geulah shelaimah b' Rachamim.

    1. Amen v amen! may your sons be well... and all of our soldiers and all us Jews

  3. Moshe Feiglin in the Constitution Committee on the treatment of soldiers ! Going on the attack - investigating the investigators |
    the problem is that those who is suppose to investigate this issue, it is them who created it.

  4. בס"ד
    To the Mother of the 3 soldiers, may you and your sons be blessed and protected. You are right! I am seeing this awakening among the young soldiers daily. They are starting to realize that they are korbanot to be sacrificed on the altar of political expedience. They understand, or are starting to understand that the so called leadership does not have have their backs and that they could be prosecuted for all manner of offenses for defending our land and people.
    The "shift" in consciousness has begun and will inevitably reach critical mass and cannot be reversed. I believe that it will bring the revelation of MBY. Game over for the erev rav garbage.

