05 August 2024

So Much News, So Little Blog Space...

1 Menachem Av 5784
Rosh Chodesh  

The following was left as a comment today...

Hat tip to Shimshon:

"And I heard the man clad in linen, who was above the waters of the river, and he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens, and he swore by the Life of the world, that in moed, moadim, and chetzi moed, and when they have ended shattering the strength of the holy people, all these will end."
If "moed" is Simchas Torah, "moadim" is Pesach and Shavuos, and "chetzi moed" is Tisha b'Av, this posuk applies perfectly to the year 5784. Our strength (as in "my strength and the might of my hand") is almost shattered.

And what follows next has come out in the last hour or so and really points up the utter failures of this miserable regime...

Hostage families demand PM explain why Israel returned 80 bodies to Gaza, got none in return

Lapid slams government: ‘For 5 days, an entire country has been waiting to be bombed’
They are not going to survive what's coming.  Thank God!!  We're going to get Mashiach in their place!!!!!


  1. Biden is in the situation room and Trump (who is getting intelligence briefings as a candidate for president) says he heard that Iran would attack Israel tonight.

  2. https://www.newsrael.com/posts/h2mzh7ks1g6 - BREAKING: Explosions heard in Isfahan, Iran
