08 August 2024

The Waiting Game

4 Menachem Av 5784

[Please continue to refer to This Space Reserved for important updates or observations related to imminent threats.  Latest update 9 Aug/5 Av12:50 am.]

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How do I know we are standing in the doorway to redemption at this very moment?  Because of the waiting game.  I wrote about it in July 2016 (see below) and how do I know this is the moment we are about to step through it?  Because the whole world is watching and waiting with us and every source of news is anticipating how much longer we will be waiting - "waiting" is the news right now.  Even our enemies are telling us outright that the "wait" is "part of our punishment."  But, it's only a "punishment" in their eyes.  It is not a punishment (nor a decree)  but a test - the final test.

The next step will reveal our righteous Mashiach.  Have no doubt.

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"Whoever doubts or minimizes his [the Messiah's] importance denies the Torah that attests to it."  -- Maimonides, Commentary to the Mishnah (Sanhedrin 10:1)
Our absolute faith in this essential event is what will elevate our souls back to Gan Eden.

Twice before in history has man stood at this precipice.

The original man and woman started out in Gan Eden. God set up a test for them. Adam left Chava alone in the garden and the Satan came and sowed doubt in her mind. She did not wait for Adam's return to confer with him about what the Satan had told her. She acted on her own, ate of the forbidden fruit and you know the rest of the story.  The Sages tell us, however, that the fruit was only forbidden until Shabbat.  Had Adam and Chava only waited!

At Har Sinai, those who accepted the Torah were elevated once again to the level of Adam HaRishon in Gan EdenMoshe went up the mountain to receive the Tablets of the Law. When he failed to return exactly when expected, they began to doubt that he was ever coming back, so instead of continuing to wait, they commenced to build the Golden Calf and fell from their elevated status.

The final opportunity to rectify this error is upon us. We can see what these two previous tests had in common - doubt followed by a failure to wait - and from that we can extrapolate that these two elements will figure prominently in our final test as well.

In the little time that we have left, let us use it productively to strengthen our emunah in Hashem and His word. Know without any doubt that He will finish the work He started; that He keeps all His promises; and steadfastly wait for Him to fulfill it in His time.

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Keep this in mind!  It is not Iran or Hezbollah or any other human being who decides when the next phase of this struggle will begin or its outcome, only HKB"H.  This is HIS game!!!


  1. Amen, Amen, Amen

  2. This idea is gaining more traction with me and I'll tell you why.

    People In Shul: Israeli Analyst Predicts The Date Of The Attack

    Ehud Yaari, the Middle East analyst for Israel’s Channel 12, estimates that Hezbollah will retaliate for the elimination of its commander Fuad Shukr on Tisha B’Av.

    “I have a gut feeling that Hezbollah will want to attack on Tisha B’Av,” Yaari said in an interview with Kol B’Ramah.

    I was reminded today that the Gush Katif Expulsion was scheduled for Tisha b'Av and was actually carried out on the tenth - the day when most of the burning of the Holy Temple took place.

    Mida k'neged mida that is the ideal date for the fall and destruction of the Erev Rav regime which ordered it. And all the more so when we take into consideration that the handover of Gush Katif to the Arabs is what led directly to the predicament we are in at this precise moment in time.

    This event is all that is standing between us and redemption now.

    1. NOTHING is standing between us and the geula.
      That's a fact.

  3. "This is an aspect of Keter,(20) because the word keter suggests
    waiting, an aspect of repentance. As our Sages taught:
    Anyone who undertakes to purify himself is assisted [from Above]..."

    See pg 4

  4. Tisha B'Av for every reason - it's very clear even to a small child that this is what will be.
