29 August 2024

"OUTBREAK" - The Truth About Polio in Gaza

25 Menachem Av 5784

There are unconfirmed reports (meaning the government denies) that a ceasefire will go into effect in Gaza to allow for mass vaccination against polio.  There has been an "outbreak" of Polio - Type 2 declared by international organizations based on one confirmed case which only appeared after a determined search was conducted.  

And what is "Type 2" Polio anyway.  Never heard of it before.  The following JPost article was very informative on this subject.  My remarks are interspersed in brackets.

A recent case of type 2 polio in a 10-month-old baby in Gaza has sparked urgent concern among global health organizations. This is the first case of type 2 polio in the territory in 25 years, highlighting the severe risks of a potential outbreak in the region, particularly amid the ongoing conflict.

[One case in 25 years "highlights the severe risks of a potential outbreak"?  How exactly??  It's a nonsense claim meant to be swallowed without chewing first.]

On July 16, 2024, the Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN) reported the detection of six cVDPV2 isolates in environmental samples collected from Deir al-Balah and Khan Yunis in Gaza. These samples showed a close genetic linkage, indicating that the virus circulating in Gaza may have been introduced as early as September 2023 and that the virus appears genetically related to the strain circulating in Egypt in late 2023.

[Back in July, they went looking for evidence of polio in the sewage.  They don't tell us how many samples were collected, but six isolates doesn't seem very many for a potential outbreak.  Note that it was, by their own admission, likely introduced via Egypt before the war even started - at least a year ago!!! - but it's all set up now for Israel to be blamed for this as well.  Took it a year to infect one baby.]

Type 2 polio, also known as circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2), is one of three poliovirus strains. Unlike the naturally occurring form of the virus, wild poliovirus, cVDPV2 emerges from the oral polio vaccine (OPV). The OPV contains a weakened, live form of the poliovirus, which replicates in the intestines and builds immunity by triggering an immune response.

During this replication process, the vaccine virus is excreted and can spread within the community, particularly in areas with inadequate sanitation, offering passive immunization to others. However, in rare cases, especially in areas with low immunization rates, this weakened virus can mutate into a more contagious form and begin circulating in the population.

[This is a desired effect of the vaccine administration even with the knowledge that some percentage of the population will acquire the disease as a result.]

...cVDPV2 has been responsible for most polio outbreaks in recent years.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other UN agencies have announced plans to vaccinate over 640,000 children in Gaza with more than 1.6 million doses of the polio vaccine, specifically targeting this variant. The campaign is set to begin in late August and September 2024. However, its success is contingent on achieving a humanitarian pause in the fighting, which would allow the safe delivery and administration of the vaccines.

So the logical solution to a 25-year lapse in polio in Gaza followed by an "outbreak" of one 10-month-old infant who is sick with the VACCINE-induced form of the disease is to VACCINATE more than half a million more children???

They'll do anything to achieve an end to the war and our ultimate defeat.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved "limited pauses" in fighting to allow for polio vaccinations for children in Gaza amid calls from international aid organizations, according to an Israeli official familiar with deliberations. - ABC


  1. Four generations ago, "they" didn't bother pausing the Holocaust even though "Dr." Mengele was performing experiments on Jewish children while whole families were being exterminated...so why bother now?

    1. First is the justification for a ceasefire. Second, vaccines are a population control mechanism. The official story is just that. What they are for real, and how safe and effective they are, historically, is a different matter entirely.


  2. Just a few years past and 'they're at it again'!

  3. Same World Holocaust Organization that pushed the poison shot on the world during the scamdemic!
