03 August 2024

And We Wait...

29 Tammuz 5784  
Yom Kippur Katan
Shavua Tov!

So they keep saying...


  1. בס"ד
    i don't think the Iranians actually have a clue how the elimination of haniyeh was accomplished. The story varies from a short range missile fired from an adjacent building to explosives planted 2 months prior to the elimination. Which is it? Apparently they have arrested numerous people, maids, bodyguards and senior intelligence personnel and still cannot come up with a plausible explanation. Maybe this has sowed deep distrust in the upper echelons of the Iranian command structure. Great, let the infighting begin and let them devour each other in the process.


  2. The U.S. is going to exploit this to try c"v, to get Israel to withdraw from Gaza and the "West Bank".
