19 August 2024

71 Years Ago Today...

15 Menachem Av 5784
Happy TU b'Av! 

[Note the similarities to what has been happening here in Israel, first with judicial reform, then with the hostage families...]

Coup in Iran
(19 August 1953)


  1. All part of the deep state to control the entire world and impose a new world order.

  2. Very interesting, and makes a tremendous amount of sense, as to why a frustrated people would allow the religious leader in, in the first place. I hope they do their homework, and know their own history, before trying any radical change in regime again.

    I wonder if the U. S. has thought about trying to bring back this "royal" dynasty, in an attempt to control the region again. If history repeats itself, it could get another 25 years of control, and then the whole thing may just repeat itself again.
