21 August 2024

Nothing Is What It Seems

17 Menachem Av 5784 

The "most right-wing government in Israeli history" took power on December 29, 2022 and immediately recommitted itself toward fulfilling the Death Process aka Peace Process.  Likud has always been the "piecemaker" giving up the Sinai, giving away Gush Katif, freezing new settlements and refusing to annex Judea and Samaria.  

The Jews of Eretz Yisrael are caught in a deadly, destructive loop from which we can't break free because they put their faith in elections and keep re-electing the same people who are dedicated to losing.

Do you remember hearing about this?  I don't.

Aqaba Joint Communique
February 26, 2023

At the invitation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Jordanian, Egyptian, Israeli, Palestinian and U.S. Senior Officials met in Aqaba, Jordan today, 26 February 2023.

Following comprehensive and frank discussions, the participants announced the following:

1. The two sides (Palestinian and Israeli sides) affirmed their commitment to all previous agreements between them, and to work towards a just and lasting peace. They reaffirmed the necessity of committing to de-escalation on the ground and to prevent further violence.

2. The five parties recognize the importance of upholding unchanged the historic status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem in word and practice, and emphasizes in this regard the Hashemite Custodianship / special role of Jordan.

3. The Government of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority confirmed their joint readiness and commitment to immediately work to end unilateral measures for a period of 3-6 months. This includes an Israeli commitment to stop discussion of any new settlement units for 4 months and to stop authorization of any outposts for 6 months.

4. The five parties agreed to convene again in Sharm El Sheikh in March to achieve the goals listed above. (Continued here...)
An Arab media article published a day later "Explained: What is the Aqaba Communique and why is it controversial?" paints a picture that looks very much like the one we've seen throughout the hostage release negotiations.  Despite the doublespeak, obfuscations, and denials, the next meeting continued per agreement.
Joint Communique from the March 19 meeting in Sharm El Sheikh
March 19, 2023

The following text reflects the Joint Communique following today’s meeting in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt:

At the invitation of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Jordanian, Israeli, Palestinian and U.S. political and security senior officials met in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt today, 19 March 2023, in furtherance of the understanding reached in Aqaba, Jordan on 26 February 2023.

The five Parties held thorough discussions on ways and means to de-escalate tensions on the ground between Palestinians and Israelis, in order to pave a way forward towards the peaceful settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Towards achieving this purpose, and beginning implementation, the Parties have agreed to the following:

1 – The Parties reaffirmed their commitment to advancing security, stability and peace for Israelis and Palestinians alike, and recognized the necessity of de-escalation on the ground, the prevention of further violence, as well as of pursuing confidence building measures, enhancing mutual trust, creating political horizon, and addressing outstanding issues through direct dialogue.

2 – The Government of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority reaffirmed their joint readiness and commitment to immediately work to end unilateral measures for a period of 3-6 months. This includes an Israeli commitment to stop discussion of any new settlement units for 4 months, and to stop authorization of any outposts for 6 months.

3 – The two sides reaffirmed, in this regard, their unwavering commitment to all previous agreements between them, in particular, the legal right of the Palestinian National Authority to carry out the security responsibilities in Area (A) of the West Bank, in accordance with existing agreements, and will work together towards realizing this objective.

4 – The two sides agreed to develop a mechanism to curb and counter violence, incitement, and inflammatory statements and actions, which will report to the quintet leadership in April, in a resumed session of the meeting in Sharm El Sheikh.

5 – The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to all previous agreements between them, and reaffirmed their agreement to address all outstanding issues through direct dialogue.  (Continued here...)
These communiques were issued by the US State Department.  I might think they misrepresented the Israeli government position except for the fact that Israel continued to meet.  Furthermore, and what's more critical, is that their actions, even after the Simchat Torah Massacre of October 7th and up to this very day, prove that they are still adhering to this US-mediated plan.  Just like they are continuing to send representatives to ceasefire negotiations even when the other side has refused to even make an appearance!  And this is likely why no pre-emptive action was taken despite the threat Hamas posed prior to October 7th.

If you like the reality of life in the post-Oslo era, keep pinning your hopes on new elections and keep giving your votes to "right-wing" parties.  In fact, just keep supporting the Democratic State.  But, if you want to escape this deadly, destructive loop we're stuck in, begin to think outside this box!!


  1. Can you give some specific thoughts on, " begin to think outside this box!!"? The only thing I can think of is to increase our Torah learning in order to do teshuvah and fulfill the mitzvos with improved kavana and simcha. I daven to Hashem that He will restore Torah leadership to Eretz Y'Israel and the K'lal. These are surely not out of the box thinking.... are there other proactive ideas you have/had in mind? thank you for your blog! Batya!

  2. Jesterhead21/8/24 4:06 PM

    Definitely open to some outside of the box thinking to get out of currently deadly paradigm or for Hashem to speedily create the very situation where he once more directly intervenes in history and brings Moshiach.

    The latter would certainty saves the Jews of Eretz Yisrael from having to deal with a situation similar to the recent UK elections, where Labour under Starmer came to power despite their vote share being 2% less than Corbyn (as many alienated voters stayed home) and are already openly authoritarian.

  3. In 2022, the King of the made-up county of Jordan claimed that Pres. Trump offered him the entire West Bank. We can't believe him, but who knows what Trump have said, given his "Deal of the Century," which Jews are still in denial about.

  4. First of all people have to be willing to accept a true leader that arises NOT from a 'democratic election'. Instead of sheepily following elected overlords even when they treat us as the enemy and treat our enemies as beloved citizens.

    -The original Me
