05 August 2024

"Black Monday" MARKET CRASH!!!

1 Menachem Av 5784
Rosh Chodesh  

Geulah energy is ramping up to incredible levels!  Mashiach is here!!

5 pm Update...

And this is just in Asia.  What will be when the NYSE opens in four more hours???
We Are Here ⬇️


  1. The hurricane in Florida would normally have been the big news of the hour if it had not been preempted by Iran and financial news.

  2. Be'D when Moshiach is revealed, all the nations of the world will be clamouring for him to be their leader. Taking the UK as a case study: there is no leadership. The new government is more extreme and more incompetent than the previous one, which failed to deal with the problem for fourteen years, ergo there is no one to talk to. Also the media is pushing an agenda. People can see through it and feel rudderless.

    And generally, people everywhere are tired of the political classes and the media. Everyone will gladly welcome Moshiach.
