04 August 2024

"When Av Enters, We Diminish Joy"

29 Tammuz 5784
Yom Kippur Katan
Erev Rosh Chodesh Av

However and whenever it comes, it's going to be at the most auspicious time.  We are about to enter The Nine Days.

Quotes from today's online news...

(Ynet) "Iran may keep Israel on high alert for an attack for a prolonged period to increase the anxiety in the public,...."

(JPost) "The Iranian attack on Israel in response to the assassination of Hamas political bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran last week is expected to come on Monday, three US and Israeli officials told Axios reporter Barak Ravid on Sunday."

(YWN)  Iran Plans to Attack Israel on Tisha B’Av, Western Intelligence Sources Say

"The report suggests that targeting Israel on Tisha B’Av has emotional and psychological significance, aiming to exploit Jewish Israelis’ vulnerability on this day. Historical traumas and images of destruction may be revived, and the attack may bring an element of surprise, catching security forces off guard." 


  1. Not first time a Persian antisemitism choose a date that he thought was favourable, only to get punched in the face

    1. If this whole period of history is refered to as "birth pangs of mashiach" and we know that "mashiach is born on Tisha B'Av", perhaps it's not refering to an actual person being born on that date, rather it's the "actual date" of the birth we've been building up to...

    2. He doesn't know that the day is called a Moed.

  2. This is the first time in jewish history since the churban beis hamikdash,that the jews on a scale of millions living in there land have been in this situation in Av. 6 day war and yom kippur war and holocaust and other perilous times are not reverent to this comparison.

    It can go 2 ways, positive and negative, lets not talk negative, but positive,if we see miracles,(i would suggest say shehechiyanu, and the brochas of moshiach without mentioning The name , as until you see him in the flesh and the temple you can use it.)as this would be the first time since the spies sinned that we would have seen a reversel of this time.

    The persians/Iranians helped in away build the second beis hamikdash..May they help with what they plan on doing, clear har habiyis at this time with what is currently on it.
