12 August 2024


8 Menachem Av 5784
Erev Tisha b'Av 


  1. Only 30k views???
    We need to do better...

  2. Awesome that he is starting to speak the truth about Islam.... but it sounds like he is talking to xtians. He keeps talking about "freedom" like he is appealing to the West to fight with us against this tyranny. He explained that Islam and xtianity are the rebellious daughters of Judaism... then doesn't mention xtianity at all. He should be saying that Judaism is the middle ground between the extreme of Islam (might) and the extreme of xtianity ("love"). Instead, he talks of how it is all about freedom to choose. Yes, there is freedom and free will but Judaism is also about fear. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Hashem. Hashem is not all lovey-dovey about having all manner of freedom so we can choose life. There must be fear of G-d, fear of sin and fear of punishment. Think of King David's rule! Feiglin is appealing to Iran with reason (when they are programmed to attack us when we are unworthy) but ignores completely who he should be speaking to: JEWS! If we were doing what we are supposed to be doing, Iran would become as harmless as a cotton ball. It is WE who have the power to stop Iran in our tracks with our repentance and return to true Torah. We cannot allow abomination parades in the holy city of Jerusalem (or anywhere in the land of Israel), nor the corruption of the erev rav, etc. and expect that appealing to our enemies with reason is going to help us. The only appeal Feiglin or anyone else needs to make is to the Jewish people: do teshuva! "Leviticus 26:3-16
    3 “‘If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, 4 I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit. 5 Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting, and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land.
    6 “‘I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country. 7 You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you. 8 Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you." WE NEED TO KEEP HASHEM IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING EVEN WHIL WE DO OUR HISTADLUT. I admire Feiglin for speaking the truth about Islam. This is a good thing. But he is very off on addressing the REAL issue that will stop all of this... especially during the 9 Days/Tisha B'Av. The only way forward for the Jewish nation is teshuva (repentance), tzedeka (charity including chesed), and tefilla (prayer). May Hashem protect us in the merit of our forefathers and for His own honor and glory.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu2CVl8cIPA

  4. בס"ד
    Oh wow! What a concise and powerful message. Kol hakavod , brilliant! Excellent presentation.

    I truly hope that Khameni and his minions actually get to hear this this. Indeed, the entire world should hear it. It really deserves to be broadcast globally.


  5. Israelis OUT OF AZERBAIJAN (too close to Iran) tells me Israel means to do something very harsh to IRAN??https://www.jewishpress.com/news/middle-east/iran-news/iranian-vp-resigns-irgc-vows-revenge-for-haniyeh-idf-warns-soldiers-out-of-azerbaijan/2024/08/12/ AND Gallant to Austin: Iranian Preparations Indicate Iran Plans ‘Significant’ Attack. ALSO Turkey is too quiet, don’t trust that they won’t try to enter Israel. :-) Neshama

  6. Or maybe this is when the US attacks Iran (when they attack Israel), but then Iran gives it back to the US in spades! And then Russia decides to take care of Ukraine FINALLY?? Wow this could be the …….

  7. Thanks, this must be distributed throughout the universe.
    A Tremendous Yasher Koach to Moshe Feiglin. Fantastic- truth is
    seeping out to the world after being inundated with complete lies
    for such a long time.
    His interview with BBC was also EXCELLENT!

  8. beautiful!! beautiful!!!

  9. Thank you for this!!!
