25 August 2024


21 Menachem Av 5784
Shavua Tov! 

(This was yesterday.  He is already here.)


  1. Here in Nahariya, I head nothing and/or slept through whatever it was happened. The only new guideline according to the City's WhatsApp notification group is to avoid gathering in open spaces. How is it that the one rocket/drone that made it through was the one that knocked out the Akko power grid for a few hours? Are they getting us ready?

    Note: a map of the missiles launched by Iran showed that nothing passed over Nahariya, Akko, or Haifa. It was too obvious of a space on the map. Are they saving us for later? No idea.

    1. No sirens in Nahariya Sunday. City workers, including social services, were told not to come in. The biggest excitement was that [non-kosher] Aroma coffee was closed in the morning and [kosher] Roladin had a busy morning, because they were open.

      City returned to its routine by the afternoon.

    2. YWN

      Despite the IDF strikes, Hezbollah fired hundreds of drones and rockets at northern Israel, including Akko, Ma’alot, Katzrin, and Tzfas. A number of rockets scored direct hits on buildings, homes and a kindergarten in Akko. A woman was lightly injured by shrapnel.

    3. Why have they been successful now? Their precision has increased due to new weapons? They've been able to better calibrate their weapons, based on knowledge of how far off they are? Is Iron Dome, all of a sudden, less effective?

  2. Correct. It's a show.

  3. Very early, around 5 maybe, I heard tons of explosions, and then quiet. Now we'll spend the rest of the week putting out pressers and videos to pump up our egos. I think it was all a big show on both sides.
