26 August 2024

"SHOWTIME" Follow-Up

22 Menachem Av 5784 

It is a criminal, illegitimate government which purposely and scandalously
abandons its own sovereignty and its own citizens' welfare.
It has no right to continue to rule!!!

~ ~ ~

I knew when I chose the title yesterday that it could go one of two ways.  Either this would be a real advance toward our geulah goalpost or it would be just another show to keep the status quo going.  Unfortunately, we are stuck in a rut that benefits all those in power:  the United States, the Erev Rav regime in Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah leadership.  It's to their benefit to artificially drag this out for as long as possible.  It gives Hamas and Hezbollah relevancy, that's clear.  However, those who not only started it, perpetuate it and could put an end to it today - the US and Israel - are using it to bring the Jewish people to despair and hopelessness so that they will agree to anything to get out of the rut.  

Our only consolation here is that ultimately HKB"H is the One orchestrating everything.  In the end, it doesn't matter what these entities plot or plan, only His plan is the one which will succeed and our salvation will come from the unlikeliest of sources.  No one can anticipate how it will happen.  All we have to know is that IT WILL HAPPEN!  

Giving up is not an option!!  

Every promise of our deliverance will be fulfilled and in a magnificent way.  We just have to strengthen our emuna, understand that this is the final test and know that we can pass it by holding tightly to our faith and trust in HKB"H and that He always keeps His promises.  

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Leaders of northern regional councils announce they are ceasing contact with the government until it delivers a full plan to return their residents safely to their communities and rehabilitate the region.

“We haven’t interested you for 10 and a half months, and from now on, you don’t interest us. Don’t call, don’t come, don’t send messages. We have managed alone until now, we will manage,” a joint statement by Mateh Asher Regional Council head Moshe Davidovich, Metula Mayor David Azoulay, and Upper Galilee Reginal Council Giora Zaltz reads.

The message comes after leaders expressed their outrage at the government that Israel’s preemptive strike on Hezbollah this morning was aimed at preventing attacks on central Israel, while the military has not shown such initiative while their communities have been under fire since October 8.


  1. Exactly why Moshiach comes from The Galil....

  2. I think we all need to be as pragmatic as humanly possible at this point. Not man, not army, not maneuvers, not bombs, not strikes or no strikes, not words will pull us out of this. We just have to make amends and do teshuva. What will happen will and there's no stopping events to come.

  3. "ein od milivado' means everything comes from Hashem, the jewish people are not ready, the mashiach is not ready, and when the right time comes, no matter leftists or rightists, they all will do Hashem's Will.
    The question 'What our government is doing?" is inappropriate, "What should I do?" that's a real question. The rest is an illusion.

  4. and the Galilee shall be destroyed, and the Gavlan will be desolate, and the men of the border shall go round from city to city to seek charity, but they will find no mercy. It’s in the script

    1. What do you mean? That they are following TB Sanhedrin 97a as a script... that what? ...was made up? Of you are using "script" as a term to say what to expect, because it is in the gemara?

  5. It's noteworthy how Israel, without US "assistance" but with the help of God, defeated six Arab nations in six days in 1967. However, today, in 2024, Israel thinks the US is God and with its help is still at war with a group of terrorists ten months later.

  6. Devorah Chaya, you are absolutely right. Why is it that we pray first for
    MBY to come to defeat our enemies because that is also part of H's Plans. Just out of the blue miracles will not come at this time but later
    in the era of MBD. Now miracles will occur within Hashem's 'nature'.
    We pray H' will answer their prayers.
    Yasher koach for those who are showing the powers they are
    very angry because of the dire situation that was placed on them by said powers.

  7. Beautiful video about biblical Shimshon with contemporary twist.

  8. Sadly, we are on a much different spiritual level here in Israel than we were in '67. Our avoda became technology and toeva. I was shocked to learn of Israeli's devotion and absolute dependence on America when I first arrived 16 years ago. On a different note, the rhetoric of the northern leaders is silly. We don't have our own army, so I love the sentiment but it's not practical. As others have said, teshuva and tefilah.
