27 August 2024

"Jewish" State or Israeli State

23 Menachem Av 5784

It's high time we set this record straight!  The terms Jew and Zion were coopted by the Erev Rav in order to capitalize on the inherent kedushah of the concepts they represent.  They knew it was the only way to get actual Jews involved and committed to its existence, without whom their plans would never succeed.  But, as it evolved, they began to believe more and more that they no longer depended on those Jews and could very well do without them altogether.  They believed early on that these Jews would eventually assimilate, but facts on the ground were proving them wrong.  

In the past three decades, they have filled our Land with gentiles:  migrants, "asylum-seekers", criminals, murderers, thieves, prostitutes, practitioners of foreign religions, promoters of foreign culture, all the while shrinking its borders.  They gave away our land, traded away our birthright for empty words, worthless promises and a pat on the head from the world.

The Israeli State has itself become an existential threat to the Jews who live here.  They have stolen it from the real owners no less than the Arabs.  Therefore they must be recognized as the enemies they have proven themselves to be and must be forcefully opposed if we truly value our lives, our identity and our God-given destiny.

Israeliness v. Jewishness


  1. Piece of Erev Rav Excrement PUNDAK dropped dead and went to Hell in 2014 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Pundak where he keeps company with Rabin Murderer Syzmon Persky ("Peres" means VULTURE) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimon_Peres who joined Pundak there in 2016. So Fall ALL the Enemies of Israel. We will OUTLIVE THEM ALL. God's Kingdom WILL be established. The Erev Rav/Amalekite Combo that STILL runs/ruins the Land of Israel is an Emergency Life Support Systems. Ben David is ON THE WAY.

  2. Thank you for this excellent post and the excellent comment by Lowell Joseph Gallin! At long last, in a few words the 'whole truth' was brought out.
    Halevai every real Jew in EY gets to read/watch this POST!
    It is such a pleasure to read this that I was so elated and smiling
    through this short but ultra important post!
    We get to read and watch news daily with all the important information
    but the reasons that we are in this ugly and evil situation is rarely ever
    brought out to the public.
    The public MUST start in becoming educated. The time has come for
    our Geulah Shleimah!

  3. Only something so out of the ordinary and so mind blowing will push people out of the lull, fugue and brain-washing they've been inundated with, day in/day out for over 76 years from birth to death. The state and its politics, its flag (huge power pull over the mind inducing pride/sadness combined with nationalism - a toxic combination), the vaccinations which have literally thrown people under the bus mentally and physically, the blasting of propoganda through the media, covertly and overtly and this is considered normal - and the excision of Torah, spirituality from the souls of the people bit by bit. Slow changes, little pieces, here and there - and all of a sudden you have a complete secular robot ready to kill for the flag waving mind controllers. You are a number from birth, you exist to serve the state and should you rebel against the system, they will take you down with water cannons, fists, bombs and assassinations. No questions asked.

  4. He is a puppet of the FreeMasonic Deep State that controls all governments and run by the Eruv Rav and Amalekites, just like many of the current people running this clown show.

  5. Only one small point of contention Ak .....I feel like there are two opposing sides the freemasons and the satanic groups and they are warring for control with each other. I feel like Trump, Musk, Kennedy and others are freemasons, like the founding fathers of the USA themselves were. The other side Harris Biden, Obama, Clinton along with the Pope in Rome are straight up satanists. What is the difference to me? Both groups represent כוחי ועוצם ידי and defy God. But the satanist straight up hate mankind and enjoy all forms of cruelty. Whereas the freemasons are sort of more benevolent rulers and will graciously allow us peasants to live in peace while they rule and control over us. Either way, they all gotta go. The only thing that gives me a slight pause is that Rav Kook said that Trump is the reincarnation of Koresh so who really knows anything.
    I am just impatient for it to happen already, and worried about my sons who serve in the army.
    What does everyone think..... this is going straight to Moshiach ben Dovid, or is Moshiach ben Yosef coming first?
    Also I am super confused by different timelines presented by different rabbis using different sources. some say according to the Zohar its not for another 2 years, some say not till 2030, some say this is only an opportunity and not be'itah, that beitah is not till the year 6000. But so many rabbis, like Ha'Rav Dovid Abuchatzeirah and Ha'Rav Hagaon Be'eri and Also Ha'Rav Kanievsky ztl" all say Moshiach is imminent.....anyone have input on this?

  6. To nothing @ 10:04 am - Agree with you but agree with the last few
    Rabbanim listed in your comment. No way is it the year 6000. We know from most all sources that we will have a 200+ year messianic era which will be the life we all strive for plus lots more and the rest of the world will KNOW AYN OD MILVADO, HASHEM.
    It has to be imminent because techiyat hameitim must occur starting 214-210 years before the the 7th millenium.
    We have also been foretold that it gets worse before it starts getting better; we just pray the Geulah will come with kindness and great mercy because we see that so much of the world is still at such a low degree (-49) and it must get better in order for the geulah to come with great rachamim because redemption will come (& hopefully very, very soon) any which way when Hashem deems it the time for our ultimate Redemption.
    We cannot fall into despair and we must keep up our Emunah and Bitachon in HKB'H and in a flash, we will be redeemed! Amen!
