"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

24 September 2015

This Will Blow Your Mind

12 Tishrei 5776

A popular movie made in 1985 - "Back to the Future" - appears to predict the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11 and the destruction of the Freedom Tower that replaced them on October 4, 2015 (Hoshanah Rabbah). Here is a clip from a longer video about how the NWO encodes their plans in popular films. It's very convincing, but anyway we don't have long to wait to find out if they are right. Btw, I've seen this movie several times over the years and I never noticed these details. I'd be interested in hearing what you think about it, unless it's a complaint.


  1. There were several films and TV series that showed 9/23. I wonder if the people of the world talking about it put a bump in the road? Plan B now?

    1. Being the movie (Back to the Future) was sixteen years prior to the event, could we be looking at a future year of 9/23? I for one feel that the education facilities will be introduced to increased security and scanners much like TSA. This is in response to Planned Parenthood child sacrifices. Perhaps the year is not 2015, but maybe 2016. Most if not all the movies reference a door, gate, opening, or the birth of something dark. But, then again, perhaps it has not manifested itself yet. Just a thought.


    2. I don't think these two things are similar at all. Like the Torah codes, l'havdil, you could only see it after the fact. But knowing that, you could figure out that they are hinting in the same way to a second Muslim terrorist attack to strike the one tower (Lone Pine) which replaced the Twin Towers (Twin Pines). Since the 9/11 dates were revealed on clocks, what is the only other significant clock we see at the same time they are saying "save the ...tower" and the scene focuses on a dire warning that must be delivered about an event which would occur 30 years into the future (2015) and upon which "life depends"? It's the time that the "...tower" is struck by (like) a bolt of lightning - 10:04 - translated into a date, October 4th, which just happens to be Hoshanah Rabbah.

      I'm just saying, in all the crazy conspiracy stuff I've seen, this takes the cake. And it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Hashem put it into their minds. Writers have to be open to inspiration and that inspiration can come from anywhere. Artistic types pick up well on the spiritual wave lengths.

      I wondered if it was Hashem inspiring all that 9/23 stuff because it seemed too widespread to me to be a human conspiracy. Anyway, maybe 9/23 - Yom Kippur - was a big turning point that we'll only become aware of later.

      Or here's another thought, maybe the whole point was to get a massive number of people fixated on that date in order to increase their power to do something else, but Hashem made them choose that particular date knowing that the Jewish neshamahs would be fixated instead on their prayers on that day and would be too preoccupied with that to participate - kind of like a war of minds. Who knows what the ramifications of that would be in Shamayim.

      In any event, it doesn't hurt to realize that there is another whole hidden world existing around us, whether it be the evildoers or the armies of God. It should keep us humble and ever thankful of Hashem's Divine protection.

      May all the lies and hiddeness be exposed to the purifying light of redemption SOON!

      And stay away from the Freedom Tower on 10/4. (In CB lingo, "10-4 simply means 'yes, I understand your message'. )

    3. Here is another question... What made the Powers That Be decide to start their "War on Terror" on Hoshanah Rabbah 5761? Were they trying to co-opt the power of that day for themselves or did Hashem put it into their minds to do so? Of course, we can only speculate, but the act of speculation itself can be of value even if we already know we can't be certain of the answer because it takes us into a greater realm of reality. It assures us that yes! Hashem is in control of it all and I am (in the words of King David) just a little worm. However, Hashem loves even the little worm.

  2. Yes, the illuminati encode events in media. So far so good.

    The rest is disinformation, designed to direct people to the very teuma-dic philosophy/phenomenon of 11:11. Don't even google it, trust me and save your pure neshama that just came out of an awesome day of atonement.

    Also designed to direct energy toward the 9/11 conspiracy theory which, ultimately blames the jews for everything.

    1. Well, even though he's in Hollywood, Robert Zemeckis is Catholic, not Jewish.

  3. No it isn't; especially as there is more and more proof that bombs were planted beforehand to facilitate a collapse, especially Building 7.

    1. I was at 9/11, on the street. Seconds before the first building fell, I heard and felt an enormous blast from ground level, the air from the blast compressed my face so much that I had thought a nuclear bomb exploded. After that the top of the building began to crumble.

    2. Yes, there was something that was planned and executed by the illuminati- and they will use that event to direct anger at Jews. That was what I was saying- not that there wasn't a conspiracy, but that it is all designed to direct people in certain directions.

  4. It seems somewhat convincing to me and that makes me wonder about my sanity. Because we have been talking about this stuff for years and predicting Moshiach for years and nothing happens. I mean the world is a cesspool but what's really new about that.

    I fear that what we have on this blog are a group of people, me included, who can't deal with life, so we invent a fantasy world and actually make life decisions (like making Aliyah) based on it. Pity the children of such lost people.

    1. Mr. YK, depending on prognostication of future events times and dates is not healthy for anyone. They will come, because it is written. But they do will not come in accordance to our prognostications, but instead they will come as they were determined to come, in their time, according to the method of their "unfolding" that was determined from above. The problem with prognostication is that, when things to not happen within the timeline a human has determined that it should, people grow weary and lose faith. Perhaps it's time we should all begin to live as if Moshiac is already here? Instead of focusing on events we think should unfold at a certain time we imagined they will, we should instead focus on practicing things like Chesed, truth and love. Maybe we should perfect ourselves against practicing things like lashon ha ra or arrogance? Maybe we should perfect ourselves in humility like Moshe or being hospitable, welcoming and inviting to all like Avraham? Maybe our focus is off and needs to be tweaked...and then we won't have room to be disappointed when dates don't occur as we imagined them. The events will come, the times will come (and indeed much has already passed right in front of our own eyes), but they will NOT come according to our imagined timeline, they will only come in accordance to the timeline that HaShem Himself has determined. So focus on the NOW and how we live out the holy guidelines we were given...so that we can truly be a blessing to all this upsidedown world. -Batya

  5. When I look at these conspiracies, I don't know whether or not they are true. It's possible.

    However, we know that Moshiach is coming, that's true. We don't know when, but very soon B"H.

    1. We only know from the Torah that he will come someday. Could be in 200 years. Generally, we are not supposed to predict it.

    2. Actually, as mentioned in a book, 'Geula B'Rachamim', Moshiach has to come before 6000, and techias hameisim is going to take years, so it has to come before that. Therefore, it has to come very soon

  6. Devash, I thought you might find this interesting. Is the warning shofar blowing in UK? https://www.facebook.com/neriyah.duval/posts/1207848929229765

    Yisrael, your Yetzer is working on you. Don't let it turn you into a scoffer.

    1. Will you shut the heck up with that nonsense. I am not scoffing at the Torah. I'm scoffing at fools. Maybe that's my yetzer tov at work. Anybody can toss around the yh charge. Maybe you should stop listening to yours.

  7. Yisrael K - I feel you... we live in such an upside down world these days that sometimes a "crazy theory" may actually make sense than what is being fed as the truth. We know world leaders are lying to us, and can assume that much if not most of what the media tells us is lies. However how can we trust different conspiracy theories at the end of the day either? Maybe they are right, or at least have an element of truth, but at the end of the day how can we know for sure?

    B'kitzur if you feel the need to escape the madness into your own little world, I found the best escape is into learning as much more Torah as you can. Chotem Elokim Emet - despite everything else in the world that's not a given, we know for sure that the Torah is absolute truth so the more we connect to it the more we connect to the truth. Also Rebbe Nachman (don't worry he himself wrote this not somebody else :p) recommends specifically learning halacha to help clarify the confusion in your mind.

    1. Agreed. Halacha study helps if it's done rationally.

  8. Gamzu le tova. Please all of you. All commes from Hashem. The good things and the bad things. The only thing you have to do is again and again..

    Nerya Duval, sorry my dear friend that I closed my fb.
    Thank you for Neshama.
    Shana tova.

  9. I LOVE READING THIS BLOG, but please can you filter out all the negative comments.

    Kind regards

    1. I will take that suggestion under serious consideration. Thanks for commenting.

    2. What do you mean by negative, disagree with the party line? You don't want to see differences of opinion? That's the new Judaism, one big happy mood. To me that is negative.

    3. I think he is referring to comments which offer nothing constructive and only serve to bring discouragement to whoever reads it. There's more than one kind of lashon hara. I think I can tell the difference between that and a "difference of opinion". After all, it's my judgment call.

      I hope you will find much joy in your first Sukkot in Eretz Yisrael! :-)

  10. Why does the NWO want to publicize future plans in movies ?

    1. I doubt if anyone outside "The Elite" knows the real answer to that, but my guess would be that they see themselves as gentlemen, albeit, super-human gentlemen or even demi-gods, whose intelligence far exceeds the average humans. Maybe they have some internal code of ethics which requires them to give the public a fair warning before they launch their attacks, figuring that if any of them are smart enough to figure it out, they deserve to save themselves and survive. However, they don't really expect the public to be able to figure it out or even to be aware that such a possibility exists. And certainly before the sharing of information on the internet that was very true. What do you think? Your guess is as good as mine.

    2. So - these *Elite* are the reptilians, yes?

    3. Oh dear - now what if the Redeemer is also part of the *film* industry and they will use holographics beamed into the sky so that people will believe it is the Moshiach? The can do anything now with lasers.

    4. so, what is project Blue Beam you ask? it's basically a holographic program put together by the *elite* with NASA/Vatican/UN et al to project an illusion so that people will believe that Moshiach has come

      (got this off a random site but the information is all over the web about this and it's been ongoing now for years - guess they might be waiting for the blood moon of Sukkot to do their deed)

      by David Openheimer

      recovered through WayBackMachine Website

      What is the Blue Beam Project?

      It involves two things. A technologically simulated "second coming" and the reemergence of new "MONTAUK" type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a "rapture" type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never land.

      Ironically, portions of the holographic projections have the potential for changing the planet into oneness with God. Unfortunately, this operates on the premise that Man shall somehow become God in human form and control other Men and dictate all actions and thoughts.

      The calculated resistance to the new religion, the New World Order and the new "Messiah" will entail human loss on a massive scale in the ensuing "holy wars". The "BLUE BEAM PROJECT" will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old; as major an event as that which took place 2000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a holographic projection screen for space-based laser-generating satellites (star wars). These projectors will project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet, in every language by region.

      It deals with the religious aspect of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

      The "system" has already been tested. Holographic projections of the "CHRIST IMAGE" have already been seen in some remote desert areas. These have only been reported in tabloid papers, so they are instantly rendered moot. They can also project images of alien craft, aliens, monsters, angels - you name it. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show-and-tell.

      Holography is based on very nearly identical signals combining to produce and image, or hologram, with depth perception. This is equally applicable to acoustic (ELF, VLF, LF) waves as it is to optical phenomena.

      Specifically, the "show" will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the planet, each receiving different images according to the predominating regional religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.

      The various images of Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into ONE after "correct explanation" of the mysteries, prophecies and revelations are disclosed.

      This "ONE GOD" will in fact function as the "Anti-Christ", who will "explain" that the various scriptures "have been misunderstood"- that the religious of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation - that the religions of the world must be abolished to make way for the GOLDEN AGE (NEW AGE) of the One World Religion, representing the One God they see before them.

      Naturally, this superbly staged, full-scale production will result in social and religious disorder on a massive scale. Wonder what the television transmitters of religious networks will be doing on that day ?

      But before all this, they have to go through four different steps in order to get to Project Blue Beam.

  11. Very cool the way he put the pieces together. Sure, why not? Makes about as much sense as anything else we've been hearing.

  12. Noise Blockers, what you're omitting, is that hidden miracles can cancel out all the holograms, and only the perpetrators would realize that miracles stopped them in their tracks. I once read online that computer programs malfunctioned ONLY in the presence of a particular programmer. I also read in the book The Field, that a specific homeopathic remedy ONLY malfunctioned in the presence of a particular female biologist. So NEVER think that high tech isn't fallible. Electronics and software malfunction all the time, and not only due to bad programming, but also due to wave interference and of course viruses. So what's the big deal for G-d to execute wave interference and viruses?


  13. The same appearance of the characters in both films is uncanny.

    Is Zemekus a hero for revealing this to us? How did he get it by the illuminati censors?

    Is this just Illuminati "magic," in which things must be revealed to us, before they can do them?

    1. He's got to be one of them, although not top tier.

  14. Lisa, It's part of the Illuminati "magic." They have to tell us what they're going to do to us first, before they do it.

  15. btw, the lightning struck the clock tower at 10:04PM. 10/04 (october 4) this year is Hoshanna Rabba.

  16. IMDB.com says that the release date for the movie The Walk is Oct. 9.

  17. P.S. Noise Blockers yessiree. Now I forgot to add regarding the comment(s) about Moshiach coming: Tonite, the first night of Succot, is the last of the "blood moons" and it's been publicized all over the place re: Yoel perek gimmel as follows: "the sun will become darkened and the moon turn to blood, "lifnei boh yom Hashem Hagadol V'hanorah"

