20 September 2015

A Hidden Message in Parshat Vayeilech

7 Tishrei 5776

As shared on Mashiach Ben David's facebook page:

Dear Jews, In the parshah of the week that now passed, it is revealed explicitly that in the future to occur on the Sukkot holiday...

"At the end of seven years, at an appointed time, in the Festival of Succoth, [after] the shmittah year,...."




  1. Isn't the pic of Mosiach ben David on his FB one of the pics that xtians use for Yashka? thinking this is so

    1. Ok, the mystery has been solved. The Yeshu picture is not part of the linked facebook page, (which in any case was never intended for people to visit, but to give proper attribution to the source of the blogged information). That Yeshu picture appears in a list generated on the page by facebook listing other people named "mashiach ben david".

  2. I'm wondering why the source of Rav Chaim's 3 messages, on "SOD1820", pulled it from their blog site, could you investigate.

    Kol Tuv!

    Gemar Chasimah Tova!

    1. The internet gremlins must be at work tonight. I just checked and it's still there.

  3. Aside from complaints didn't anyone else find this as exciting as I did? I thought this was pretty cool!

    1. I don't really pay attention to codes and such, but yes, I agree, this was PRETTY COOL.

    2. Thanks, Shimshon! :-) G'mar Chatimah tovah!

  4. I would have a better feeling about this message if the words following ki sa'asu weren't "es ha'rah."

  5. I hear you, Phil.

    But we must remember that people are going to be either all righteous or all wicked. We understand this today as being the result of our choices in our choice-oriented world. The message is cool because in the midst of a world where the evil side believes that choice is god, the real G-d will send Mashiach. Right in the middle of it!

    May it be as Devash has said. We'd better be ready.

  6. Praying that H' will build a world of chesed b rachamim. The bad needn't be but the good must be. H' will save every Jewish neshamah. We have reached a point in time where most Jews everywhere have very little understanding of what a Jew is supposed to be, so his/her teshuvah will be tested by what side of the fence they will choose. If they will stand on the side of the G-Dless and the side of our enemies, they will be lost with the rest of the wicked. Each of the real Jews, I believe, at this time, will do teshuvah according to what he knows and understands. H' loves us and His Wrath will be upon the wicked and the wicked nations. Believe also that meteorites/asteroids will fall from the Heavens as rains of fire on where HE wants them to go. Earthquakes will undo the places where those with wicked intentions will have their nuclear arsenal undone, so no damaging air will penetrate anywhere in the Land of Israel. Let us pray that H' will bless and protect every real Yehudi and righteous of the world everywhere. We all need to daven hard this Yom Kippur and may it be the most joyous Chag Simchateinu this Sukkot l'chol Bnei Yisrael! nili
