05 July 2015

"The United States Together with Europe - Will Disappear"

18 Tamuz 5775

[Note that this is my own translation; therefore, any errors are mine alone.]


Daniel, Yerushalayim, 13 Tamuz 5775

"The United States Together with Europe - Will Disappear"

Abba, Abba, you see how the surrounding world is really changing at lightening speed, things are changing from moment to moment so fast and so tangible and clear. What once was - we see clearly - has already disappeared and become history - and so fast - that a person doesn't have time to adjust to the new situation, because the moment he gets used to it - something else happens. And most of the time he doesn't even have time to get used to the first situation until the second situation comes. And all these changes - they're big, huge and the basis of our whole world is changing.

The world which is called "modern" - is built upon large cities, small towns and population centers without agriculture and because of the electricity and water flowing into our homes, we live an easy life relative to our fathers. Our fathers would have to take the laundry to the river and wash the laundry in the river, etc. And today we just put the laundry in a washing machine and dryer, we don't even have to hang it out on a line. [Some of us still do!] The cooking - don't need to go to the forest to cut wood for a fire and to cook - just light the gas and we cook.

This is the most spoiled generation that ever was and most of the world's population benefits this way. Now, we are facing a situation that there won't be a supermarket where we will be able to go and buy the products that we need, it could be that there won't be running water in the house, there could be an electrical disconnection which would really be a disaster for most people - and not because of a nuclear bomb or tsunami or earthquake, shelo neda, but because there won't be money, the banks will close and there won't be money to buy. It could be that we will have in the house water and food that will be able to sustain us for some time, but that's it. In addition to this, after all the food is finished, people will begin to search for food, and because we don't have agriculture or dairy farms or chicken coops, etc. in our cities, then there won't be a natural source for food, so simply all over the world, they will begin to fight with each other, they will steal whatever there is in the supermarkets and after this, they will kill just in order to eat.

And whoever planned this way of the modern world in which everything depends on electricity - it was really a plan of the Satan himself, because the person depends exclusively on the evildoers and when the criminals pull the plug from the socket then everything is finished, because after a year it's almost certain that no people will remain, there will just be a few who know how to hunt, etc. but the great majority of people will finish their life, shelo neda.

And now, this week especially - we are facing the possibility that the economic basis on which our whole world is built today - is about to completely crumble underneath our feet. There is great fear that Greece won't be able to pay her billions of debt, and when they won't be able to pay - it will hit the Deutsche Bank hardest, the bank of Berlin, Germany, and it's a huge bank, but most of the bank is not based on the money it has, that it should have, it's just numbers on a computer - and not actual money, not actual gold, nothing. Because whoever takes money or transfers it to someone else - the bank does it in the computer, it's just numbers going through, so therefore, when Greece doesn't pay the money in cash, Deutsche Bank is in trouble, and since Deutsche Bank is among the largest banks in Europe, if it doesn't receive the money it's in trouble, and the moment it's in trouble, it rolls over all the banks and eventually it will affect the whole world in the worst way.

We never thought about how it works, how the evildoers were stealing from us year after year, we were simply left with empty pockets, thinking that we had a pension - we have no pension, suddenly our pension disappeared; thinking we have savings - the savings disappeared. We have credit, it's imaginary credit, it's just "make-believe" - it remains for us "make-believe". And the whole world is based upon "make-believe". It's all "make-believe" - the movies are bringing us to a situation of "make-believe". They go, see movies, and there are, to our sorrow, among them many religious and chareidim. And we have now movies for children on vacation which are kosher lemehadin so to speak with actors with beards and peyot, etc. - and this brings us to an imaginary world. And I'm not even talking about the I-phone, etc. and there are also children who can reach their father's or their mother's phone and see things that will bring them at this tender age to an imaginary world which has no basis in the Torah even if it's something as if chareidi. When there is no holiness within the thing then it's just imaginary - and the imagination of a person without holiness - it just brings us to evil, it just brings us down to a situation, Hashem yishmor - many can't rise up and come out of it. And that's the situation of our world.

It's written in the prophets - when Mashiach will arrive, two-thirds of the world will be destroyed, one-third will be destroyed completely and nothing will be left of it, one-third will be hit hard and one-third won't be harmed.  It has to be - prepare for it. It will be!

If we live without holiness - we will be in severe trouble, we won't be able to survive - it's the last test. The moment that we turn with all our heart to HKB"H and ask Him for help, throwing away all the materialistic fantasies and arriving to the truth that ayn od milevado umitorato, there's nothing besides Him alone and His Torah, then Hashem will save us.

But, it's very difficult, because the world with all the difficulties in it - is still full of imagination. Ask a Jew in America, "Nu, what's the situation in America?" He answers, "Fine." Ask, "What's with aliyah to Israel?" He'll answer, "No, I have no money, my livelihood is here, I have a good life here." They don't understand what's happening, they don't want to understand, it's really scary how they don't see.

It's true, people feel like something's not right. In the news and in all kinds of other sources - we feel a very big change in the world, a change beyond our imagination, but we don't want to know about it. Also, the imagination belongs to the yetzer hara, this imagination is a deception to people - as if he sees only good, everything good, no problems. And it doesn't matter if there are riots all over the United States, it doesn't matter that they're bringing the Mexicans freely inside the United States and there are already millions who are sitting in all various cities full of violent people, twisted people, etc. and etc. They don't make an accounting that it's really happening, speaking about it, but not a lot.

It doesn't matter that the president of the United States appoints himself as a dictator, makes a show about some law against democracy, the Republicans and the Democrats shouted and spoke against it - and when it appeared as if it would lose the following day, they passed another law that made him a dictator, he doesn't need the Senate, he doesn't need Congress, he can do what he wants. But, they didn't comprehend it, they don't want to know, it doesn't interest them. But, inside they know, they feel that something's very changed, that the situation's hard, that there's what to fear.

A person wakes up in the morning, and he doesn't have the joy he once had. All over the world, it's like this. He has the feeling that there's going to be something very scary, but most people push aside their feelings, even when the whole world becomes a crooked world, that never was like this, and it brings great fear into the heart, because they are really twisted the people who are in control. How can it be that the Highest Court in the United States approved twisted marriage and I don't want to go into details - everyone understands. How can it be? It's a war directly against HKB"H, overturning nature, to do everything crooked, and it's not only this, but it's one of the prominent signs indicating the ruling ability of the evildoers. And this is the situation of the world today, that more and more prohibited things are becoming legal. Like Shabbatai Tzvi, may his name and memory be blotted out, who said that all the "noes" of the Torah are allowed and what's allowed is - forbidden. Thus the evildoers do, shelo neda, they're making war directly against HKB"H in their gaining control over all the world including the State of Israel. And it's all the work of the Satan himself, the snake who never left us, because we brought in part of the snake within ourselves the moment we ate from the Tree of Knowledge. We are now correcting it. And only those who really trust in HKB"H, who ask from HKB"H to save us, only those who are waiting for Mashiach - only these will survive.

If we really want to save ourselves, then it's worthwhile already now to work on it, to make a real connection with HKB"H without all the materialism, how will it not be - Hashem will bring down for us all the materialism that we've become accustomed to? We will live only on miracles like when we went out of Egypt. And only whoever asks for help, who acknowledges that HKB"H is the almighty and only Him, only he can live in the world of Mashiach.

This time has almost arrived, don't think that the big war that's about to be will be long, the first and second world wars lasted four years each, but we're already in the third world war, and until the end there's not much time, so it's worthwhile already now to begin - because at the last moment there won't be time. The United States, the greatest country - all of it is directed towards materialism, the golden calf.  The United States together with Europe - will disappear. They are the biggest, biggest evildoers, and there are others like them all over the world - and they also will disappear, and also Russia, and also China, and also other countries.

Two-thirds of the world is a lot of area, the United States in the last 150 years and especially in the last century after the second world war became the greatest in the world, she rules in every place. Soon, we will forget that she ever existed, perhaps we'll find her in some history book on a few pages where it will be mentioned that there ever was a Great United States. And in fact today, the United States as a free and democratic nation already does not exist.

She was founded on the eigel hazahav alone [on the day when the Children of Israel worshipped the eigel hazahav - 17 Tamuz!] and there can't be a continuance of her existence without kedushah, because the tumah in her is worse than what was in Mitzrayim. Europe - the same thing, Europe - they were always wicked, always fighting against HKB"H.

Just don't forget what was in the world - when we reach the moment that Hashem will destroy two-thirds from the world, at the moment that our righteous Mashiach will arrive - what already was won't be anymore. The life we once had - it will be history, and we will forget it very quickly. Everything that seems important - the money, the vacation, the car, the house, and etc., - it already won't be - we will have forgotten it completely - because we are entering into a world that is all good - because it will be a world without the yetzer hara. Just to sit and to think that each thing that the person did in life every day, each moment - was influenced by the yetzer hara, almost every moment we have a war inside between the good inclination and the evil inclination. In the world of Mashiach - there won't be an evil inclination, Hashem will slaughter him and only the good inclination will rule. It will be something else completely, the world will continue like the world we know - just without the yetzer hara. Just make an accounting what it is a world without the yetzer hara - it will be amazing. The yetzer hatov will push us day and night to do only Hashem's will and we will want it very much and we will receive much spiritual pleasure from it. Even the day to day materialistic side will get a spiritual elevation because the yetzer hatov alone will dictate everything.

I only ask, we are speaking again and again the same things because there's nothing more to say, only what? Now, it's happening. If the Greeks can't pay their debt - it will strongly bring down Western civilization another level downwards and it's already affecting the whole world. There will be more wars, more riots, there will be more murder, there will be threatening things - because all the filth, all the plans and the things that the evildoers are doing in order to fight against HKB"H are rising up and being exposed.

So, therefore, begin now - we don't want our innocent and good children to be influenced by the crooked world, we need to take our children, our women, our husbands, our grandmothers and our grandfathers and put ourselves into a closed frame in which each day we live is only in order to do the will of Hashem - and this is what will save us - and nothing else.

Success to all Am Yisrael, you should go out from the mud into the sunshine - forever.

Q. In other words, it will be a world without illness, without hospitals, health funds, without banks, income tax, mortgage, electric bills, water, telephone, property tax, etc.?

A. Yes, the world after the complete redemption will be based on this world without the yetzer hara, how it will be exactly I can't say, I just know that it's a world of truth without lie. The world of lies existing now, the height of insanity - will disappear. With what will we be left? We will be left with the faith and the trust in HKB"H, we will be left with the Holy Torah, we will be left with the korbanot and Beit HaMikdash. And each one of us can sit and imagine how a world like this will look - amazing - amazing - amazing.


  1. Amazing and perfect - Amen. May the Geulah come speedily, immediately, in a blink of an eye, b'rachamim gadol for kol Bnai Yisrael and the world will know that there is only Hashem. nili

  2. i have a question. when Jews move to Israel, what makes them choose this city or that city? is there a spiritual urging of their Neshoma to be within a certain Tribe's area?

    1. In my experience Hashem puts us where we're supposed to be by an arrangement of circumstances and usually it's not any place you probably would have chosen on your own, but once you're there, it feels like home.

  3. Amazing! Trying to get my children on board has been difficult. For one, living like a real Jew sadly even among so called "haredim" is not in style and the kids are being pulled from their home hashkafa even by their schools as well as the outside distractions. Also those of us who woke up late to reality -living the emes rather than keeping up appearances and hiding what you really do behind closed doors -sadly many people like this. My kids see my husband and I making real teshuvah but they are angry because we're becoming "doisim" and taking away their fun. I try to explain we are always supposed to be baalie teshuvah but they resent and fight us. Then I feel bad for taking it all away or being too strict. A constant fight within myself too. Lots of davening and Emuna needed.

  4. As I have learned and understood it, every true Jew (those who observe, those who didn't, mostly because of not knowing, like kidnapped children, and even those who went off the derech) all have a portion in the world to come. Preaching too harshly is not the correct way. We should give mussar with compassion and love to our fellow Jews. The galut was the greatest punishment that we received and over the millenia, we suffered greatly and H' knows that because He put us in those unbearable predicaments to teach us, so to think even for a second that H' will abandon any of His beloved children, Yisrael, is unthinkable. The real evil doers are the Erev Rav and they will be the ones to disappear, together with our outside enemies.

  5. I also have a child in the US who won't listen to reason. Brilliant, but when it comes to Mashiach it's the 3 monkeys!

  6. With all due respect it is completely untrue that the negative prophecy must come true - they do not. According to the Torah only the positive prophecies must come true. (I am not referring to the austics as prophets but rather to the negative prophecies from Nach that are sited here.) All the doomsday prophecy seems a lot like yeush. We can and should do teshuva. HaShem loves us and has NO interest in destroying us the entire point of the suffering is to wake-up and do teshuva. We can bring the geula b'rachamim. I believe in myself, I believe in klal Yisrael and I believe in HaShem. And so should you!

    1. But, Tzipi, what makes you think this is a negative prophecy? The same prophecy says that Eretz Yisrael will be the part that is not destroyed. It is the enemies of God and Israel who are going to be destroyed - the biggest reshaim. He's telling you it's going to happen because it has to happen. They have to be cleansed from the earth.

      Furthermore, if our being here altogether is about free will, why are we to believe that Hashem will at the very end suspend free will and force Jews to go where they clearly don't want to? At the same time, judgment on the nations can not be put off any longer for the sake of stubborn Jews who want the party never to end. There's no justice in that.

    2. Devash, I know you have stated here and have read other places that even Jews, despite attempting to be righteous may go down with the ship called America because we don't come to Israel. It's as if all who have made Aliyah expect it to go for everyone else the same way. Some Jews are poor and look to Hashem to make it through each month -- paycheck to paycheck. No savings account, No jewelry, no vacations, no extravagant living, no TV, no toys. Believe me, I'm not complaining but always hearing how we're living in gashmious and that's why we stay, can be upsetting. We're shomer Shabbos, study Torah, keep kosher and tsnius, watch our mouth etc,etc. To read here that we are going to be consumed by the same fire due to our lust for 'stuff'...what can I say. We aren't all financially able.


    3. Emunah, I don't say it, the prophets do. See Yechezkel, chapter 20. A flood is coming and EY is the ark. You either get on or take your chances. That's what it comes down to. It's not personal.

      Tell me, what did Nefesh b'Nefesh say when you went to open your tik? What kind of help did they offer you? How much money are you short of getting your family to Israel?

    4. I think it's pretty obvious why the destruction of 2/3s of the world would be viewed as a negative prophecy. The Geula does not have to come as a result of war and destruction. Nor should we want it to. We should daven and do everything we can to bring the Geula b'rachamim. The Arizal said in his day that more than half of klal Yisrael was erev rav. Who knows what that number is today. We have to daven that as HaShem is shaking up the world that klal Yisrael has the daas (daas is the key) to teshuva and end up on the side of kedusha and all those that are not really part of klal Yisrael get filtered out. We don't need war and destruction we need teshuva. Jews are not stubborn - they are holy and precious neshamas that are capable of turning the world around if only we believe in ourselves. It does not even have to be all of us - it can a small amount of us. But the focus shouldn't be on doomsday prophecy but on davening and doing teshuva because HaShem is on our side and wants us to succeed. The playing field is totally level - the darkness is super dark but HaShem's light is super bright like never before. HaShem is doing a tremendous chesed for us right now and making it so clear that the only real choice for a meaningful life is to choose Him. And that the rest of the world is only offering total sheker and emptiness.

    5. Tzipi, it's negative for the nations, but not for Yisrael. And they have brought it upon themselves. This situation is a result of their freewill choices which they used to spit in G-d's face and shake their fists at Him until they've left Him no other recourse.

      I don't presume to suggest to Hashem how to run His world. I ask Him to do what He thinks best and I trust Him to do that. I'm prepared to live with whatever He decides. Keep in mind, however, that our G-d is not the Xian god of love and forgiveness. He is both Just and Merciful and what the world really requires is Justice tilted toward Mercy not Mercy in place of Justice.

    6. There are many, many tzadikim who write about and speak about how much HaShem loves klal Yisrael. Love and forgiveness along with many other things are 2 important aspects of teshuva and teshuva is one of 613 mitzvos. Loving G-d is one of the 6 constant mitzvos. Why would G-d command us to love Him and not love us back? Without question yira (fear) comes first. We must fear G-d in order to move on to the higher level of loving G-d. And without question G-d is not mvater on aveiros and there is reward and punishment. But it's simply not correct from a Torah perspective to say our G-d is not a G-d of love and forgiveness - but obviously klal Yisrael's relationship to G-d is not limited to that either.

    7. I said "our G-d is not the Xian god of love and forgiveness." Can you see the difference between what I wrote and what you wrote? I never said Hashem is not a G-d of love and forgiveness, chas v'shalom! I said He is not the XIAN god who is (supposedly) all love and forgiveness with no justice. G-d's love encompasses Justice as well as Mercy. Clearly the Tanakh is full of examples of Hashem's anger and punishment, but His anger is a righteous anger and His punishment also stems from His love for us.

  7. To the commenter called Daniel, it appears to me that your questions are not seriously seeking answers, but that your aim is instead to spread kefirah and you're right, this isn't the place for it. You have a problem with the Creator, take it up with Him, not me.

  8. what felled the Greeks and the Romans is the same thing that was voted into law last week in America, immorality. it is spreading like cancer affecting every community. how will that cancer be culled from the national body without touching on the 'good' people therein? it would be like pulling needles from wool. maybe just throwing out all the wool and starting over might be the cure, as is presented above. sad but maybe necessary.

  9. Devash,
    Shalom. NBN did not davka say "don't come." What they did say (and.rabbanim and others): Your children are.too old. It's not so.much that you will not accept Israeli society is the problem, rather.it is will the Israeli society accept you." It willbe difficult for your.children..they are.too old.to move etc...
    They've seen the.risks.that.too many teens go off the derek...
    I spoke with school heads; counselors; , parents; relatives; principals NBN; you name it....
    Am I looking for the easy way out? No, of course not.
    Financially? Thousands we do not have.too move and settle. Yes, NBN helps for 6 months. Yes, I get it, I spoke with Rabbi Lazer Brody on this. He said.it's a test on emunah... very difficult- not.simple or easy...

    1. They tell you these things, because it is part of the test. Do you have the strength of commitment to see it through no matter what? Can you really trust Hashem not just with the finances but with your children's futures as well? If you can be easily discouraged from even applying based on your fears of the unknown, what's the use of sending you on to the reality? Why waste the funds?

      Tell me, do children not go off the derech in America? And what ages were they 14 years ago when 9/11 happened to warn all of the Jews everywhere that the West was done. 14 YEARS! If they have a harder time now it's because you've waited so long already.

      I was trying to ascertain whether you had actually made a plan for getting to EY or had inquired about it enough to know for a fact that you can't afford it and knew exactly how much you needed? That would show some dedication to the whole idea at least. People find a way to do what they really want to do. And when their mind is set on doing what they want to do they don't ask for advice for fear someone will talk them out of it.

      You can leave all your stuff behind and the Jewish Agency will provide your air fare and trip to an absorption center where you can live for up to a year. All you need is provided while you learn the language. Health care is free. What will be after that? No one anywhere in the world has a guarantee about tomorrow, much less six months to a year from now.

      What's important is to face the truth and be honest. Where there's the will, there's a way. But, does the will even exist? That's for you to answer to yourself and to Hashem.

      Our will must be His will -THAT'S REAL TESHUVAH. What does Hashem want from you???

  10. Funny enough, hubby just mentioned.now that perhaps he will stay in US snd send us over to start. We have a child who is older snd struggling.with shomer-another huge.reason we can't "just pick up and go."
    I.told hubby.to look into it. Etc...

    1. Leah,
      When I read about your situation, I feel a lot of sympathy.
      And being a teacher and all, I guess you already know the following Sifte Chachamim, but I'll post it anyway because your most recent post here reminded me so strongly of it: The Sifte Chachamim on Rut asks why Naomi should have been punished for leaving EY when it was her husband who decided that the parnasa situation needed to be dealt with in that way, and it answers that even if her husband felt he really needed to go to Moav for parnasa, she could have stayed behind in Eretz Yisrael while he did the parnasa in chutz l'Aretz (presumably sending her sustenance from there). I realize your situation is the opposite of hers as you're seriously considering coming to EY, rather than staying (because you're not here yet), but I still see a strong parallel. And based on this Sifte Chachamim, it is apparently still a very big maaleh if even just you live in Eretz Yisrael until your husband (and more!) can join you here, too, may it happen soon.
      I wish you and your whole family tremendous hatzlacha in this endeavor.

      P.S. If it's not too uncomfortable, you could post your name and I'm sure we'd all be happy to daven for your success.

    2. Leah, if you could please get in touch with me (tdnjslm@gmail.com), I have some important information for you.

  11. Living in America is an assault on one's Neshoma.

  12. Leah, 16 years ago they told me my children were too old and at risk. We went anyway; baruch HaShem everyone who came is doing well, and the one who stayed behind is stuck in many troubles--savta

  13. Devash, I don't know if your question was directed at me but it seemed to be so I will answer. When I applied to NbN they called me to discuss our application. When they asked about our financial means I told them the truth. We do not have a savings. They very nice young man suggested I call back when we were doing better. I know this is based on money because a couple from our community who are very well to do financially were happy to announce NbN stated they were the kind of people they were looking for. Not people who need financial help that's clear. I trust in Hashem. I make bread for the community here. I am also a caregiver for someone who is very ill. There are times when we only have $50 to our name but Hashem in His loving kindness gives us parnassah - sometimes to the penny of what we need. Kol Tuv. I am not complaining.



    1. If you accepted this answer, that was your mistake. You tell them your mind is made up and and no one can change it and you and your family are going with or without their help, but it would be advantageous to have it. You tell them that you know that you are entitled to plane fare etc and they have no right to refuse you. You refuse to take no for an answer. You keep calling them and nudging them. It's good practice for EY because this is how we live here. Americans are too nice. They wait politely in line and then get passed over. You have to speak up when it's your turn or someone else will take it. 'No' never means 'no' in EY. And an Israeli never accepts 'no' as an answer to anything they want. If they see you are serious, they will help you. Your chutzpah takes the place of money. As I keep explaining over and over again, Americans give up and go back when they can't maintain a similar lifestyle to what they left. They've proven to be a bad risk. Those who go back took money that someone else could have used. Unfortunately, they are right most of the time, but youcan prove to them that this is not you and I do beleivethat whie they can try to diuscourage people, ultimately, they cna't hold the funds back. It's your right as a Jew. This is not some charity being run by NBN. The Jewish Agency handed the tachlis over to them to run, but the government is paying the bills. Most of the people working there have never lived in your situation and they can't possibly understand that if you're already coming from nothing, you're a better risk, because your living standard will probably be better in EY.

    2. A Jew in the homeland6/7/15 10:50 PM

      Ask HaShem. You really want to come home to EY then ask HaShem for it. I made aliyah with no savings after over 2.5 years of unemployment. Despite my best effort I could not find job in the US. I decided against ALL logic that what I really wanted was to come home to EY. So I decided if I really believed in HaShem and believed He could do anything then I was going to ask to come home. I davened a lot and made it my main priority and about 6 months later I made aliyah. The best thing you can do for yourself is daven over whatever it is that need to make aliyah. HaShem has all the money and whatever else you need, plus He can do anything. I have other friends with similar stories. It is a great merit to be here and what you really need here is tefilla. I personally never found being pushy to be of any help but I have found asking to HaShem to be everything. Hatzlacha raba!

    3. Having Emuna in HaShem makes the impossible, possible..

    4. Emunah,
      You sound exactly like the kind of person I'd love to have as my next-door neighbor.
      Probably you know this already, but such a powerful concept always bears repeating: Thanking Hashem for something before it happens as if it will definitely happen is one of the most powerful ways to produce miracles.

      Also, if it helps to know, I came here with $2000 and married a guy who was poor and fatherless and who only worked between full-time learning. We now own an apartment that is exactly the right size to fit our family comfortably in exactly the neighborhood we wanted (although I admit the neighborhood we wanted was reasonable and not, say, Ramat Eshkol or Har Nof).
      Also, Hashem kept giving us bigger apartments as our family grew.
      And I can't even take credit for coming because I didn't daven before I made aliyah or think about emuna; I just came with the brainlessness of youthful idealism. Probably things would have gone even better had I done it with the kind of ruchnius you seem to have.
      May you have a lot of hatzlacha.

  14. BH

    Devash, thank you very much for your translation!!
