"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

08 July 2015

Are Some Places Safer Than Others?

21 Tamuz 5775

If you can't make it to the 'Ark' before it's too late, perhaps you can at least get to 'higher ground'. Do such places exist in the US and if so, where?

In an unconfirmed report translated by Yeranen Yaakov, the Riminover Rebbe seems to indicate taht the answer is "yes"...

A Jew had yehidut with the Rimnover Rebbe Shlit"a and asked the rebbe since he has to decide about a real estate deal in New Jersey and also about a real estate deal in New York and specified the deals, and he wants to know his holy opinion about it. The rebbe stopped him and said: "I don't want to scare Jews. They are now very stressed and what purpose would there be in doing so. However, you should know that this week, the To'eiva Law was accepted in the entire United States, and there is a great Kitrug in Shamayim. You should invest only in states that will pass laws against To'eiva. The other states will be destroyed! Every state in the U.S. is able to legislate laws as it wishes - it is upon you to clarify what the standing is of the state that you wish to invest in regarding To'eiva laws. Because only there will be a refuge and everyone will run to there, and the real estate will strengthen for them very much! All the rest will get blows and be destroyed.

For your convenience, I looked up which states these might be and found the following...

This table shows only states that licensed and recognized same-sex marriages or had legalized them, before Obergefell v. Hodges. It does not include states that recognized same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions but did not license them.

So the worst places to be are: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Who does that leave? Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas

(State by state breakdown.)

Keep in mind that "safe" is a relative word and ultimately, real safety is only found under the wings of the Shekhinah.


  1. In other words, Dixie is safer plus a few northern states. And it's interesting because they want to ban the Confederate Flag (which doesn't stand for racism, mind you) at the same time as all this gay marriage crap.

  2. Just how long does anyone think those few states that are holding out will last? There is no stopping that evil, especially when many will now "come out of the closet" thinking it is safe now (that was said by Dovid Zweibel of the Agudah even about his own community). BTW, after the word Shekhinah, I would have added "of course, one can always move to Eretz Israel and be under the watchful eye of Hashem from the beginning of the year to the end. :-)

    1. The idea is that it is being forced upon these states.When they had a choice, they rejected it. That means they have a majority of righteous people living there since the only reason to reject it is its opposition to Divine Law.

  3. BS"D

    May Hashem protect the righteous non-Jews among the nations that have a good heart and are yirei Hashem in the best way they know how to be!

    Breaking news NYSE, WSJ SHUTDOWN today attm all United Airlines flights across the entire US were grounded!

    Hashem keeps sending wake-up calls to get people's attention folks!

    Ha Rav Shalom Arush Shlit"a said that "the only people that will remain safe in the US are the ones spreading Emuna!" This Rabbi Brody Shlit"a told me directly recently regarding current matzav that this blog has been great at alerting everyone to.

    A Jew is not on vacation outside of Israel, he is on a Divine mission to wake up his brethren and the nations of the world to the truth of Hashem G-d of Israel.

    - a Yid

  4. Anonymous said...

    A thought came to mind ... it's quite challenging to wrap our minds around the possibility of "false-flags" and inside jobs where we have been used to thinking about external enemies and conflicts between readily defined enemies (I.e. nations).. perhaps this is also why many people dismiss conspiracy theories due to them seriously shaking one's comfort-zone of compartmentalized thought processes. It's very difficult to realize and admit a person's been deceived wholesale (if these are really true).

    What if this whole "false flag" and inside job idea (that certain alternative media picks up on/advocates) is really a spiritual message to us - namely: the whole world is a false flag and everything is really an inside job rigged and guided and controlled by One Architect - Hashem??!!

    Case in point yesterdays NYSE etc glitch (temporary takedown of US)..cyber attack by China? Inside job by Obama-US amalek? Combo of both?

    We need to scratch the surface and see what is the message in all events we are made aware of.

    I really like to read/learn prophecies such as Paras vs Romi, Yishmael vs Edom etc. from Tanakh, Talmud, Zohar and am also bothered when I can't identify who the clear cut players are. It's as if I feel confident when they are identifiable as this one is this guy, that one is that and here's what's going to happen..especially when trying to influence others to recognize the truth of Torah and nevuah.

    Perhaps that is the message we should get from all this? Bring it all back to One despite the seeming disparities? Appreciate your thoughts!

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  5. BS"D

    For example:

    Zohar Va'era

    In the future the children of Yishmael will stir great wars in the world. And the children of Edom [the West] will gather against them, and make war with them, one on the sea, and one on the land, and one near Jerusalem; and each one will prevail over the other but the Holy Land will not fall to the hands of the Christian nations.

    During that period of time, a nation from the "edge" of the world will be awakened against wicked Romi. And it will make war against her for three months, and many nations will gather there, and they will fall by her hand, until all the children of Edom will gather against her from all corners of the earth. And after, G-d will awaken Himself against them, as it says, a "a sacrificial slaughter for the Lord in Batzra", and it says, "to shake the corners of the Land."

    Zohar HaKadosh:

    A nation will arise from one end of the world against the wicked Rome and will war against them for 3 months. Other nations will join in this war and will fall into the hands (of the nation from edge of the world), till all Edom will unite against this nation. Aterwards, Hashem will 'arise' against them, as it says, A gigantic massacre in the land of Edom.


    Does it ultimately matter whether such an event will be a "real" conflict between 2 competing nations or a "rigged" false flag/ inside job if the result will be the same?..from a spiritual perspective? Does the false flag premise compromise trying to help convince of the validity of these nevuot or does not interfere?

    Once again like to clearly identify nevuot with current events.

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