28 July 2015

The Strange, The Apocalyptic and The Just Plain Scary

12 Menachem Av 5775

How to watch tomorrow's meteor shower created by a bizarre comet that's unlike anything else in our solar system

Apocalyptic scenes in Moscow as thunderstorm unleashes freak lightning on city

Now Is The Time – Fear Rises As Financial Markets All Over The Planet Start To Crash

Kerry Warns: Jews Will Be Blamed If Congress Sinks Iran Deal

1 comment:

  1. "Extreme fear is back in the stock market, according to CNNMoney's Fear & Greed Index. Just how bad is it? The index has a 100 point scale -- with 0 indicating nightmare level fear and 100 signaling "buy everything in sight" greed. On Monday, the Fear & Greed Index fell to 7."

    "What's especially alarming is that the index was reading 36 only a week ago. Investors were somewhat on edge last Monday, but certainly not like they are now.
    The U.S. stock market is in the midst of its worst losing streak since January. Monday is the fifth straight day of losses."

    "The bleeding has been steady with the Dow shedding about 100 points each day. That adds up, and the Dow is now down over 2% for the year, ...."

    And China is down again today. http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/27/investing/stocks-markets-fear-and-greed-index/index.html

    - a voice in the wilderness
