18 June 2024

"Jews Have More Than One Enemy"

12 Sivan 5784

In true Amalek style, the missionaries always go for the low-hanging fruit - the poor, tired, hurt and helpless on the fringes of society.  They are coming now for the ones Yishmael did not finish off!!

Evil never takes a rest. It's time to catch up on what the Eisavian enemy has been up to lately.

A Jew (usually Anglo) always makes the connection between Christian spiritual predators and vulnerable Jews.

Remember JH-Israel? They have now expanded beyond gaining access to our next generation, grooming them to become good Judeo-Christians.

  1. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and based on the life of the patriarchs, we are updating our regional and national high school programs to include grief, loss, healing and restoration components anticipating the end of the war.

  2. In collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, we are developing a Widows & Orphans program that will help IDF families with grief and healing. This has a matching grant component and will also require hiring mental health professionals at the war’s end.

  3. Two infrastructure air raid bunkers are needed to accommodate guests at the National Leadership Center at the conclusion of the conflict.

  4. Area of Greatest Need.

Birmingham-based JH Israel is helping Israel Defense Forces (IDF) widowed spouses and orphans with a modified program meeting wartime recovery needs.

The Naomi Project is a collaboration between JH Israel and Israeli leaders supporting innovative educational initiatives. Due to the current circumstances, the multi-day program has been modified to include trauma counseling and grief components.

Organizers hope the program will help with healing and hope.

Regional and national high school programs will include grief, loss, healing and restoration components as part of the program. There will also be a new widows and orphans program to connect families with mental health professionals.

The plan is to retain employees of the National Leadership Center while it remains closed. The center is closed during wartime, but the staff is needed to help those suffering.

JH Israel also wants to install two infrastructure air raid bunkers at the National Leadership Center.

The current need to start the program is $600,000, and the Israel Ministry of Defense will provide a matching grant starting at $300,000.



  1. 29 minutes into R' Singer's video...that's how Friedman the ambassador got caught up in it. Not by "Messianic" Jews/Hebrew Xians. Correct?

    1. I have no idea of his history. Only that he's all in now.

  2. That comment about the 29 minutes into the R' Singer video is from me. Sorry about that!


  4. B"H we have many frum organizations and amutot working in the south and the north to help all the displaced people and also working with the injured and bereaved. B'ezrat HaShem, this will balance out the tumah brought in by the Christians. For our government leaders, it's a matter of money. The Christians bring money and we don't seem to have any money to help people in need. Betuach Leumi announced that they're on the verge of bankruptcy! On the other hand, there are lots of very wealthy Israelis sitting over their in the coastal enclaves who keep their money off-shore and find ways to avoid paying taxes so very little money is actually going into the national treasury. Hence, our deficits. Add to that the money still being paid to terrorists. Sadly, some of our people will fall down into the tumah, especially the families of the hostages who are so desperate for any help and any action from any source. Hashem Yerachim.

    1. If you check out your "frum organizations and amutot" you might very well find that they have "partnered" with Christian ministries by "bridging" organizations like the IFCJ, providing a conduit for infiltration. Hatzalah is a prime example: "Included among our ranks are Christians, Muslims, Druze, people who espouse no faith, male and female, anyone who wishes to help others. Do you think they dare discriminate against messianic Jewish participation? If they are even aware of it?

    2. What's wrong with "Included among our ranks are Christians, Muslims, Druze, people who espouse no faith, male and female, anyone who wishes to help others."?

      Acts of kindness are one of the 3 cornerstones that sustain the world.

      Hatzalah in particular is a truly amazing organization.

      C S

  5. C S says, "Acts of kindness are one of the 3 cornerstones that sustain the world."

    Not if they have a hidden agenda (or not-so-hidden) to harm the people and the nation they are doing good for.
