07 June 2024

Shades of Shavuot in the Parashah

 1 Sivan 5784
45 Days of the Omer
Rosh Chodesh - Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Bamidbar

Excerpted from the Stone Edition Chumash Commentary...

The Book of Bamidbar deals in great measure with the laws and history of the Tabernacle [Mishkan] during Israel's years in the Wilderness.  Ramban notes striking parallels between the Tabernacle, as seen through the light of these laws, and the Revelation at Sinai.  These comparisons suggest that the Tabernacle - and later the Temple and the synagogue - was to serve as a permanent substitute for the Heavenly Presence that rested upon Israel at Sinai.  By making the Tabernacle central to the nation, not only geographically but conceptually, the people would keep "Mount Sinai" among themselves always.  Just as they had surrounded the mountain, longing for closeness to God, they would encamp around the Tabernacle symbolizing that their very existence was predicated on their closeness to the Torah.

One day soon, when Mashiach ben David reigns from Yerushalayim, we will all meet together at the Beit Hamikdash Hashlishi to renew the covenant of Sinai and these are the words we will hear on that day.  From the Haftarah...

...It shall be on that day - the words of Hashem - you will call Me "my Husband," [Ishi] and you will no longer call Me, "my Master", [Ba'ali]....

I shall marry you to Me forever; I shall marry you to Me with righteousness, and with justice, and with kindness, and with mercy.  I shall marry you to Me with fidelity; and you shall know Hashem. 

Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom ~ 


  1. May it be soon. Amen....

  2. Amen! Such a beautiful & perfect post for Shabbat & our upcoming
    Shavuot Yom Tov! Thank you!

  3. Also, it is clear that Bibi was a puppet of the Eruv Rav regime when he signed a secret agreement with Pfizer to make Israel the worlds guinea pigs. Bibi has never been right wing, with him it is always the "flavor of the month". What ever suits and benefits him that is the way he goes.
