26 June 2024

"Former Friend" Ben Gvir

20 Sivan 5784 

As I've said before, Ben Gvir seems to me to be all talk.  I'm not aware of anything that has changed in any significant way under his leadership.

from Itmar Ben Gvir over Torture of Amiram Ben Uliel

Like I've said before, our Yehonatan is on a steep learning curve, but he's getting caught up.  B"H!!

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Back on June 9, 2024 (3 Sivan) I wrote a blog post entitled "Merry Xmas, Bibi!"  Some of of my comments there were really worthy of their own blog post and today I got the perfect opportunity to do just that.  This ties in to the Machon Shilo video above...

Before anyone responds to my remark that the entire government is Erev Rav with a shout-out to Ben Gvir, you need to give that a lot more thought. For example, consider the following:
Aryeh Eldad, a secular hard-liner, and Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, an Orthodox Jew and former Kach activist, decided to form the new faction Otzma LeYisrael in October 2012. Eldad was chosen to lead the party's list, followed by Ben-Ari and Baruch Marzel.
…On 20 February 2019, Otzma Yehudit [name changed] and The Jewish Home reached a deal that would give Otzma Yehudit the 5th and 8th seats in a technical bloc. On 21 February 2019, the party announced that their candidates for the list would be Michael Ben-Ari and Itamar Ben-Gvir. On 17 March 2019, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari was banned from running for the Knesset ahead of the April 2019 Israeli legislative election. On 25 August 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that Otzma Yehudit candidates Baruch Marzel and Ben-Zion Gopstein were banned from running in the September 2019 elections. (Source: Wikipedia)
Leaving the party in Ben Gvir’s hands. So, why was Dr. Michael Ben Ari banned?
The Israeli Supreme Court issued a ruling against Otzma Yehudit Sunday evening, barring one of its candidates, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, from running for the 21st Knesset. 
In so doing, the court overturned a decision earlier this month by the Central Elections Committee to permit Ben-Ari to participate in next month’s election.

The court also ruled Sunday to overturn the Central Elections Committee’s decision to bar the radical anti-Zionist Arab parties Balad and the United Arab List from running for the Knesset. The two parties, which are running on a joint ticket, had been barred by the committee for their support for terrorism and opposition to Israel as a Jewish state.

A former Knesset Member who served in the National Union party from 2009 to 2013, Ben-Ari was a student of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, who founded the Kach party and served as the party’s sole Knesset Member, from 1984 to 1988.

While previous candidates have been barred from running for the Knesset – including Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was banned in 1988 – this marks the first time in the history of Israel that the court has banned a candidate over the objections of the Central Elections Committee.The petition to bar Ben-Ari had been submitted by Meretz chief MK Tamar Zandberg, Labor MK Stav Shaffir, and representatives of the Reform Movement. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, Otzma Yehudit’s second candidate for the Knesset, was also included in the petition, but will be permitted to run.
Strange. And why were Marzel and Gopshtein banned?
The Supreme Court on Sunday banned a pair of senior members of the extreme-right Otzma Yehudit party from running in Israel’s elections in September. 
The nine-member panel of justices voted unanimously in favor of disqualifying Benzi Gopstein, while a single justice voted against doing the same for Baruch Marzel. At the same time, the court dismissed separate petitions calling for the banning of party chairman Itamar Ben Gvir….
Not once, but twice!! The party was taken from those who founded it and presented to Ben Gvir. 
The courts must really like Itamar Ben Gvir. (See The 'spy' who sued me.)

Why is this "Kahanist" different from all other Kahanists???

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...Dr. Ben Ari, Baruch Marzel and Bentzy Gopshtein are the real deal, no questions!! And that is precisely why they were eliminated (politically) and precisely why that makes Ben Gvir suspicious.

...who is the literally universal face of the dreaded "extremist right wing" that Netanyahu is scripted to be trying to constantly moderate? The whole world knows it by name - Ben Gvir. He's a constant reminder of what awaits those terrified of Torah-led rulers, even though he has publicly "distanced himself" from Rabbi Kahane.
(TOI - 2022) Ben Gvir, of the Religious Zionism-Otzma Yehudit alliance, said that although he admired Kahane, he would not advance legislation to expel all Arabs from Israel and the West Bank or to create a regime of ethnic segregation — as Kahane advocated.

For this, he was roundly booed by the audience.

“It is no secret that today I am not Rabbi Kahane and I do not support the deportation of all Arabs, and I will not enact laws for separate beaches,” he said to loud jeers.

...Despite distancing himself from Kahane’s most overtly racist and discriminatory views, Ben Gvir, who is expected to be a key figure in Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s incoming government, extolled Kahane’s virtues and praised him for many of his activities.

...[Baruch] Marzel told The Times of Israel he did not vote for Otzma Yehudit in the recent election since Ben Gvir has said he does not follow Kahane’s path, and said he intends to establish a new far-right party to contest future elections.

So, now he has lost another big supporter.  How much longer until his jig is finally up? 


  1. I believe the name to daven for is Amiram ben Nurit. Please correct me if this is wrong.

  2. Barry Chamish Z"L HY"D wrote at length about BG.

  3. I always thought Ben-Gvir was a fraud from the beginning.

  4. Anon @ 1:32 pm - you beat me to it. I wanted to say that if anyone remembers Barry Chamish, z'l, would remember how he disliked BenGvir very much calling him a shabak agent. Whatever truths there are,, the world will now experience many truths (of nations and leaders, etc.) being exposed.

    1. May Hashem avenge Barry's death. First and foremost. He wrote the books, he spoke the truth and he was marginalized, mocked and the rest we all know. Everyone is URGED to look up his work, a lot of it is free, online and if you can find his books, grab them. He was very well-connected in those circles and uncovered the secrets nobody else would touch for fear of reprisal.

    2. Amen, Anon @11:49. I heard his presentation on Who Killed Yitschak Rabin in person at Yeshivat Or Hara'ayon. I only have a couple of his books, but they continue to be a revelation even today. Peace be upon him.

  5. I heard that Amiram has been relocated to an even more severe facility, where he has no out-of-cell time and cannot learn with anyone. This report also said that he attempted suicide.
