25 June 2024

Dangerous Waters, Beware Rip Currents

19 Sivan 5784 

Part 1: Introduction

Aside from the ongoing violent weather, floods and fires, and collapsing infrastructure in the United States, deadly shark attacks and drownings due to dangerous rip currents are at the top of last night's newscast.  Hence the title of today's blog post.  However, in our case, we're talking about the dangerous ideas being spread and, God forbid, taking root here in the final hours of the Satan's life, as he goes all out to lure the sheep astray.

In response to Rabbi Mendel Kessin's most recent recorded shiur, some people questioned some of his assertions about Christianity.  During the give and take in comments on the internet, a new element was introduced - a recommendation to see an interview on the subject between an unknown young woman and the rabbi, with link provided.  I did not see it.  But, I did see a follow-up video to it which has stunned me.

I will be taking down my video with
R' Mendel Kessin. Here is why.

I know more about the subject of Christianity than any rabbi who has never been a part of it, no matter his level of Torah learning.  I was immersed in it for the first 40 years of my life.  And now I have been a kosher Jew for 30 years.  You don't get out of the biggest cult in the world without developing an innate sense of what's true and what's a perversion of truth. Not an outright lie mind you. That's too easy. It works much better with the subtlety of twisting the truth just a bit with the added benefit of easier deniability if questioned.

Before I go further and let you in on our investigation into who this woman is and speculate on her agenda (because there most definitely is one), I want to lay out three very important ideas to keep in mind throughout:
  1. The rule has been that no one under forty years old should learn kabbalah because it was thought that by that time, a Torah-educated man would have a firm enough foundation in all other areas of the Torah not to be misled by the language of kabbalah into heresy, which is otherwise a real possibility. A true understanding of kabbalah will never contradict even at the peshat level. All levels of Torah knowledge (PRDS) will align at all times.

  2. Any reference to "Rabbinical Judaism" as an anomaly not to be trusted as the truth is a clear indicator of anti-Torah rhetoric which is intent on the abandonment of "religion" in favor of a "higher level" relationship to God through "spirituality."

  3. The notion that the world has changed and that davka NOW is the time for every person to learn kabbalah (even Gentiles!!) regardless of age, experience, or level of Torah learning is laying the pathway to the Western (Christian)-led plan for a new world religion which finds commonality (and value) among all the world's religions and brings them all (including Judaism) into submission under the one umbrella of "spirituality."
Part 2:  Who Is GilaJ?

Her two-month-old Youtube channel is called "Gila J. ZOHAR IS THE HOLY GRAIL." (Caps hers.)  That's clue number one.  The site provides links to her book, her telegram channel, and her linktree (whatever that is!).  

Maybe you've heard of her before, but it looks to me like someone who has come from nowhere to suddenly have this online presence; who scored a personal interview with one of the most sought-after rabbis in the Anglo-Jewish world, which is now stirring major controversy, bringing a lot of exposure to her message, which she admits she is prepared to spread far and wide.  Must hear...

From Fear to Love: My Journey With Kabbalah
 and Understanding the True Torah

Gila "J" is Gila Jedwab, "Orthodox Jew" married to "Josh" and mother of four, a dentist in Cedarhurst, NJ (or Long Island, depending on the source).

The banner on her "X" profile where she labels herself "a patriot"...

She is also a "Trumper" and QAnon believer.  In 2020, she was one of the "coordinators" of a Trump rally in Woodmere, NY.  (More in that vein here.)  This is only of interest if you understand Trump's real mission in the world and where TPTB look to recruit influencers for their hidden agenda.

Here is an interesting find...

It looks like Gila J heeded the call...

Trump's Greatest Comeback..
Or is it?  Gila Jed


It is a well-worn tactic of the Satan to try and lead the leaders of the generation astray as they bring all their followers along with them.  At the very least, an honest assessment here justifies a call to Rabbi Kessin to be clearer with his words as this example shows where his remarks, if not his intentions, are taking his followers.  Perhaps it is an indication that these ideas are better shared in a closed environment; however, for some reason there is clearly an expressed desire instead to drastically expand.  


It's a purely nonsensical concept that anyone can ever know "the truth" about Yeshu.  The only historical records extant about him are from a heavily biased source (the Council of Nicaea) which compiled them 300 years after his alleged ministry.  The New Testament that they created then, and which all Christendom still recognizes today, makes the following idolatrous claim (the "He/Him" here is Yeshu)...

In other words...

Christianity is not monotheism.
Neither is it shituf
It is outright idolatry!
And forbidden to ALL!!

Part 3:  Be Aware

We have traveled so very far from the millennia of Jewish tradition (based on halachah) of no conversations, no debates, no relationships with Christians, no teaching about Christianity to Jews and certainly no praise of Christians or admissions of worth or value to it!!

For the public's further edification, I would point you to this resource...

And now, I'll just leave you with these reminders...

"It's halachah, Eisav hates Ya'aqov."
Rabbi Feinstein wrote...we have to realize that hatred of the Jews by all nations is actually great, even in the nations that behave well [toward Jews]. I have already explained concerning Rashi’s language in his Torah commentary… on the word וישקהו: Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai says: “It is a well-known halakha that Esau hates Jacob.”

And why is the word halakha relevant here? It is because just as halakha never changes, so also Esau’s hatred of Jacob never changes. Even in those [nations] that behave well [toward Jews], their hatred [of Jews] is actually strong.

Rav Moshe Feinstein is not the only modern Jewish writer to see “Esau Hates Jacob” as expressing the inherent antisemitism of gentiles. In an article for Mishpacha magazine, R. Emanuel Feldman wrote:
Two thousand years ago, our Sages declared prophetically: “Halachah hi: Eisav sonei es Yaakov,” it is a universal law: Esau hates Jacob. This is one halachah that Esau maintains religiously.

 Hashem hates Eisav.

Was not Esau a brother to Jacob? says the Lord. And I loved Jacob. And I hated Esau, and I made his mountains desolate and his heritage into [a habitat for] the jackals of the desert. Should Edom say, "We were poor, but we will return and build the ruins"? So said the Lord of Hosts: They shall build, but I will demolish; and they shall be called the border of wickedness and the people whom the Lord has damned forever. And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, "The Lord is great beyond the border of Israel." (Malachi 1:1-5)
Eisav/Edom is an eternal enemy.
And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken. (Ovadia 1:18)

Even the strongest swimmer can be carried away by treacherous waters.


  1. Thank you thank you thank you

  2. I saw the original before she deleted it.

    I was very shocked that R. Kessin acceded to be interviewed by her. What could accomplish? He even stated at one point, after he repeatedly expressed obstinacy regarding her agenda, that he was warned about her, or something to that effect. Despite vociferously denying being a "Christian missionary or Jew for Jesus" her agenda to whitewash Jesus could not be more in your face.

    As far the woman, she has crazy eyes (this should be clear on seeing her face). Knowing nothing about her, I assume her spinster, childless, cat-owning status. She has way too much time on her hands to be married with a family.

    1. If any public figure knows they are very much judged by the people they associate with, how much more so should a rav be aware of the implications, and in public.

      Not that antisemites need any help with ammunition, but why create more for them, and for no gain. In the comments under the YT video, you can see the Jew-hatred being stirred up. xns love nothing more that perceiving themselves as victims, and if it's at the hand of Jews so much the better.

    2. It seems to me Rabbi Kessin source for the statements he has made and the reaction is from piety and a greater expansive thinkers be careful not to speak lashon hara or consider GilaJ after conversion she is Jewish https://youtu.be/VW5IBf1--js

  3. Having read further down your post, I was wrong about her spinsterhood. Still, she has crazy eyes.

  4. Regarding the linked page about pronouncing the names of idols, it is flat out wrong on substituting "Yoshke" for Jesus. Yoshke is literally German for Jesus (they spell it Joschka, but it is pronounced Yoshke). It is not insulting, derogatory, or diminutive in any way. You might as well say Hay-zus, which is the Spanish pronunciation for Jesus. It's no different. Either use a Talmudic term (oso ish or yeshu) or just use the word Jesus, so we all know what the subject is.

    Also, I see from my earlier comment I was sloppy in my typing, but hopefully the meaning is clear.

    1. Thank you for setting us straight on that. I was unaware. Didn't notice any typos but then my eyes are crossed from six hours of typing and staring at this screen.

  5. I don't think she is new to you tube. I remember her from a while ago. She may have deleted an old channel and started a new one. It could be that R' Kessin may have been duped into doing an interview with her. But as you mentioned Hashem hates Eisav, it is a shame so many Jews forget that.

  6. Personally, I do not understand when Rav Kessin speaks about the good in Esav, Trump, etc, etc. Does he bring sources? I don't remember hearing any, nor have I ever heard any other rav speak like this. Please someone correct me if otherwise.

    Nor do I understand why any frum Jew feels the need to speak about their 'gd on a stick'. It's completely irrelevant to yahadut. We're not even allowed to say his name, as a navi sheker, and he is boiling in tso'ah in gehinnom.

    I once came across Jedwab very briefly, online, and thought something was off. Some of us have a sort of maydar, missionary raydar, and I include in that all forms of weirdness and missionary enabling. Generally, I can spot these types from a mile off. I can't claim to know what their motivation is, but just know that any Jew, with even a smidgin of knowledge in Yahadut can self style as some sort of authority for the goyim, and gain likes and the money will not be long in coming. I have noticed in general, and in this case too, (see the comments under the YT video) that these Jews present themselves as the 'good, enlightened Jew, brave, pioneering etc', with the obvious implication that the rest of us are the opposite, bad, closed, stubborn etc. It is always tinged with antisemitism.

    Not that antisemites need any help, but why stir it up for no reason.

  7. Jesterhead25/6/24 8:41 PM

    I also cannot understand why there is this overemphasis on the good of Esav, US political pantomime (ultimately inconsequential), etc and the expectation things will somehow be different this time in the US then it was historically in Europe and much of the Yishmaelite dominated world.

    Then there is the idea held by some that because of G-d orientated American exceptionalism and viewing itself as an almost chosen nation with inspiration from ancient Israel, that there is somehow hidden meaning or greater destiny linking them to the lost tribes or something to that effect (essentially an American riff on British Israelism).

    It seems to amount to little more than a way to justify one staying put as opposed to taking note the soberly look at reality and its implications on the need to make Aliyah.

    1. A practical and a spiritual need. Both the Yanuka and Rav Kook said that Jews not making aliya is holding up the geula. People don't like to hear this, but these rabbonim said it. Rav Kook, unusually for him, wrote a long letter about it. (The usual, 'but I can't...." but there are many who could, thousands already own homes here that they leave empty, and who could assist those in vulnerable situations.)

      I don't understand the Trump business nor Rav Jacobson telling Jews that their mission is to stay put and fight the darkness. Every day there is a bat kol calling out for lech lecha, but so few hear it even, and even less heed it. Unfortunately much of galut Jewry lives in an echo chamber. They for the most part don't speak Hebrew and thus can't understand Israeli rabbonim who have been begging them to make aliya. They just hear their English speaking rav who also lives in galut. The spies were of great spiritual stature. That doesn't prevent one from sinning.

    2. Jesterhead26/6/24 1:26 PM

      There are those of us who do see the writing on the wall in Galut (and have done for decades), unfortunately for whatever reason Hashem lumbered us with those who refuse to see nor see the urgency in moving, yet we are unable to either extricate ourselves and break away on our own let alone under-bus those who prevent us from making Aliyah.

      Their decision making process is reactive being based entirely on waiting for things to affect them personally in terms of physical safety and needing negative motivators (fear, force / coercion, punishment, etc) in order to be pressed into belatedly taking action.

    3. Hearing the bat kol is already a great maalah. Move forward, 'sa', with whatever small step that is in your capability, and don't stop davening every step of the way. Be'D Hashem will turn your situation around, including opening the hearts of your intransigent loved ones.

      I'll just mention that some people mistakenly believe that it is impossible for them to make aliya A dual qualified and experienced US-Israeli doctor told her American friend that her child would receive better medical treatment for his condition in Israel, and for free, and the friend simply refuses to believe her.
      Of course, everyone has their own unique circumstances, but it is also worth reviewing one's narrative. (We all have our own narrative). Unfortunately, waiting for push to come to shove is not a great game plan.

    4. What complicates things even more is the fact that a loved one that was caring for passed a few months prior to Simchat Torah Massacre around mid-Av last year and am still waiting to do the stone setting, which further complicates plans on suddenly leaving Galut even with the increased urgency.

    5. I understand the constraints. However, you should be proud of yourself that you test 'aliya positive' wherever you are.
      Regardless of the circumstances, I would still suggest to have an aliya plan, and move forward with whatever it is you can. Be'D.

  8. Great comments and am glad that all of them aren't being fooled by this woman. I think she is just a real goya and is taking advantage of Rabbi Kessin's idea of the good in Esav (being Trump). Years ago, when I started hearing the word 'spirituality' being used, especially when they were talking about the 'new age' religion (nwo), they always used that word.
    Truth, as I stated in a previous comment, there is no word 'religion' in our Torah because everything else is avodah zorah. Our Torah is the Eternal Truth given to us, Am Yisrael, by the One G-D Almighty, Ain Od Milvado, Hashem Yibarach!
    Another point is why are we even using the name of the oto haish so
    loosely and frequently. We grew up knowing we don't even mention his name. American Jewry has become so intertwined with the American way of life and viewpoints, that the uninformed and Jewishly ignorant Jews do not realize anything wrong because they are really clueless, r'l.
    I think Rabbi Kessin is just looking at all this because he wants the former president to win which is understandable if Moshiach tzdkeinu doesn't come before the new 'bechirot' in the US, the alternative is
    quite scary for the millions of Yehudim in the US and he sort of joined a political matter with deep mystical kabbalah.
    Since thus far, historically, Artzot Habrit has been basically good to our
    people, they have merit and this might have much to do with his reasoning
    But, why the Rabbi chose to even dialogue with this woman, I find strange. Any person calling him/herself a Jew and brings yeshu into the mix is already more than questionable and should not be acknowledged. Ignoring her and this whole episode would be the wisest.

    1. I am wondering if those of us who grew up with or around xns are more aware of and sensitive to their nonsense than those who grew up frum and protected.
      Whatever happens in the geula process, I truly hope and pray that Trump is never reelected. The geula is crowning Hashem as Melech. As long as Jews are putting their trust in basar ve'dam, they are far away from putting their trust in Hashem alone.
      Re the USA, the average lifespan of an empire is 250 years, tik tok. Re Rav Kessin, and missions etc, whatever arguments are made, xns have no remit to try to convert Jews, nor for their millenia of persecuting us either. So just for that alone, they have failed. America is the leader of the missionary onslaught against Jews, including at the highest levels. Mike Pompeo said on video that he used the State Department to further missionary goals. Imho, in general, no rav should be putting out a YT video with any woman.
