30 June 2024

Rabbi Hajioff on Gog uMagog

24 Sivan 5784
Shavua tov!

Excellent shiur.  Pay particular attention at 10:00 mins in ...

Will Gog and Magog Be A Nuclear War?

This could be the more special 15 minutes of your day!  Enjoy!!

The worst word you can ever say is also the best one! Never give up

1 comment:

  1. This is a war that is spiritual, psychological, metaphorical and mental. That said, it's also a war of life and death, destruction and resurrection. Whatever that entails. Thinking more along the lines of a space object hurling towards earth that will decimate the majority of the planet. On another note, the end of this *cabinet* so-called *government* is imminent with the latest output re releasing more murderers. They are severely dysfunctional and there is no hope for what is left of them.
