01 May 2024

What If Mashiach Came and We Missed It?

24 Nissan 5784
Day 9 of the Omer

It was 1999 the first time I ever heard the name Jonathan Pollard.  I was a new convert to Judaism, living in Jerusalem and learning Rabbi Kahane's writings with a phenomenal teacher, who also happened to be a neighbor in Kiryat Moshe.  He brought a guest to our class who spoke about Jonathan Pollard and encouraged us to get involved in some way to help bring him home to Eretz Yisrael.  That was my introduction.  At one point I heard Esther Pollard speak at Rabbi Wein's shul in Rechavia and received one of her prayer cards which I used faithfully day in and day out, over the years, until they arrived home to Eretz Yisrael.

From the moment I read, around 2003, that Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, ztz"l identified Jonathan Pollard as the "Yosef Hatzaddik of our generation" and that his personal redemption from prison would be the redemption of all Israel, I believed it wholeheartedly.  Just the fact that Jonathan remained sane and eventually arrived to Eretz Yisrael in 2020 was a huge miracle.  He could have come home any day that the people rose up with a powerful enough cry and with sufficient mesirut nefesh to force the government to act on his behalf, but we never did.  So, HKB"H preserved him and brought him home at the appointed time.  

I tried to keep faith with my original impulse to believe Rabbi Eliyahu's precious words, but I have to admit that I was on and off quite a few times over the last few years because things weren't going the way I expected.  The videos made available by Machon Shilo and Rabbi Bar-Hayim's endorsement helped clarify some questions I still had, but still I found fault with some things I saw as inconsistencies.

Interestingly, just this morning I found myself thinking about the brachah Jonathan Pollard gave the listeners to the Machon Shilo podcasts.  If you read the comments on this blog, you probably saw it, too.  I found myself thinking how far he has come from being released on parole in 2015, to making aliyah in 2020, to doing the actual job of "the Yosef of our generation."

As of today, any lingering doubts I may still have harbored have now been blown away.  As far as I am concerned the following speech made by Jonathan Pollard at the Aliyah Conference in Jerusalem today is a revelation for whomever has eyes to see it.  He is doing the job, and he is the only one courageous enough, and astute enough, to speak the hard truths.

Take my words to heart or not.  As far as I am concerned, MBY has "arrived."

Jonathan Pollard at the Aliyah Conference - 1 May 2024
(1:51:38 - 2:10:09, approx. 20 mins)

Very Important:  Please re-read this post from 2019...

Mashiach Before the Election (Part 1)
Mashiach Before the Election (Part 2)
(sources describing MBY's mission)


  1. Replies
    1. Daniel: "How long will it be until the secret end?"

      Answer: "...for time, times and a half and when they have ended shattering the strength of the holy people..."

      This is the time beyond the "time, times and a half" - where we are right now.

      "A Time, Times and a Half"

  2. I just read your post but have not seen the video yet; but I must
    agree with you. After watching his videos with the Rabbi, I can see
    how you feel this way; he is extremely knowledgable & intelligent and
    has gone through so much in his life together with his fear & love of
    Hashem, that your analysis definitely makes the most sense. HALEVAI! Amen!

    1. It's more than that. Please review the sources from the two posts I linked to at the end and you will see.

  3. But MBY is supposed to fight wars for us, No? I think it's a possibility that he will be MBY but I don't think the process has reached the necessary milestones yet to actually declare him MBY, just yet.

    1. Before a war can be fought, it must be strategized in order to ensure success. Pollard is the only one (at this point) who is prepared to go the distance and let nothing stand in his way - the only one with 100% faith in HKB"H to fulfill the Torah commands. It is precisely his history which has brought him to this point. The right "concept" is in place. Even Pollard expresses to Rav Bar-Hayim that he doesn't see how it will be possible. But, that's what we probably thought while standing by the Red Sea. We have to trust that HKBH has His own plan for accomplishing the impossible.

  4. Pollard is a fearless, God fearing warrior!!!

  5. Gavriela Dvorah, that was one of my initial thoughts, too - the lack of Hebrew seemed amiss. However, did not Moshe Rabbeinu also say to HKB"H that he could not speak well enough to lead the nation. And what was the reply?

    Keep in mind, that like Yosef, Pollard can speak "Egyptian" and his brother "Aharon" can speak on his behalf. Yehudit said Ben Yosef would have "helpers". Ben Yosef confronts Eisav and he is expert in the language of Eisav, not just the words but their subtle meanings, too. Remember that Ben Yosef does not rule the nation, that will be Ben David's job. Ben Yosef fights the wars and helps the exiles (most of whom speak English) get home.

    We should beware of placing our own restrictions on who or what HKB"H can use to accomplish His goals. Our history proves that He purposely chooses the least likely, most overlooked (David Hamelech for example? the Jewish people for example?) by the masses of people in order to magnify His own name.

    The fact is the job is being set out appropriately and as predicted. It remains to be seen whether it will be carried out. That's what we should be watching for. But, with the evidence at hand, it would be self-defeating to rule it out prematurely.

    There is real hope here for anyone who needs a boost in his faith. A very positive sign. We have to be prepared to accept that Mashiach is after all a human being.

  6. Book mouse2/5/24 3:18 PM

    What is the saying? Those who say don't know....those who know don't say.
    Rabbi Tovia Singer mentioned that Oct 7th was a MBY moment...
    I think of Rabbi Meir Kahane, I think of Rabbi Shlomo Carlbach. I think of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. There was a scene in LoTR movie describing the Prince Dwarve He stood alone against Azog the defiler, holding nothing but an oaken branch and Azog learned that day (got his arm cut off) that the branch of Durin (Thorin) would not be so easily broken. Now replace Azog with US Pres. and Thorin with Moshiah ben Yosef. Lol Really take care :-)

  7. Wow, so I'm not the only one who thinks that!
