27 May 2024

Chalk Up Another Failure for the US - The Runaway Gaza Pier

20 Iyyar 5784
Day 35 of the Omer 

"$320 million Gaza pier, a floating dock built by the US Army, has now broken loose and has reportedly began sinking." (Source)
"Four U.S. Army vessels supporting the humanitarian floating pier mission in Gaza became unmoored by rough seas," military officials said. Two vessels are now anchored on a Gaza beach near the pier, U.S. Central Command said in a statement on Saturday. The other two are beached further north, on the coast of Israel near Ashkelon."  (Source)
This is the latest episode of a story that began two days ago...

An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached.

Two US Navy vessels ran aground in Ashdod this weekend while trying to retrieve a part of the JLOTS temporary pier that broke off due to the high winds and choppy waters of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Gaza. A total of four ships were damaged.

...Initially no injuries were reported, but it turns out three sailors were injured, one of them seriously. He is being treated in an Israeli hospital.

Meanwhile back home (for them), the weather just won't let up... 

Powerful storms were moving into the eastern half of the US on Monday, after killing at least 21 people, injuring hundreds, obliterating homes, and leaving a path of destruction that spread across Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas over the Memorial weekend.

As the weather system moved into Georgia, the Storm Prediction Center issued a severe thunderstorm watch for more than 7 million people in the state and South Carolina. Heavy rain is expected to drench parts of the East Coast, where damage from strong winds is also possible. Intense heat will also hit parts of the south.

All told, over 120 million are under extreme weather alerts, concentrated over the East Coast, where officials are urging people to take precautions.

Weather deaths over the weekend were reported in four states, including eight in Arkansas, seven in Texas, two in Oklahoma and two in Kentucky.

On Monday, more than 187,000 customers were without power in Kentucky, according to the tracking website poweroutage.us. Some 84,000 customers were without power in Alabama; 74,000, West Virginia; 70,000, Missouri; and 63,000, Arkansas.

The Indianapolis 500 started four hours late after a strong storm pushed into the area, forcing Indianapolis Motor Speedway officials to evacuate about 125,000 race fans. In Oklahoma, inaccessible roads and downed power lines also led officials in the town of Claremore, near Tulsa, to announce that the city was “shut down”.



  1. Hashem has an amazing sense of humor re: floating "humanitarian" pier....

  2. Tov me'od about the pier. May it be the hatchalah of its mapala.

  3. Update from Twitter (X):

    Charles Lister@Charles_Lister 41m
    NEW - the U.S. has stopped all humanitarian aid efforts using the DOD-constructed maritime pier, which is now heavily damaged & floating adrift after bad weather.

  4. I mean really. You cannot make this up. Even without the coincidental weather in the U. S., even Americans who are openly again Israel should be in an uproar at the incompetence of their government. Nothing has improved since the 2021 U. S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    Now speaking of coincidences (meaning two things occurring at the same time is all), who remembers...?

    Expulsion of Jews from Gaza Aug 15 - Sept 12, 2005
    Hurricane Katrina Aug 23 - Aug 31, 2005

    1. I remember it in detail - even to the caskets washing up out of their graves in Louisiana while the Jewish graves of Gush Katif were being emptied and moved. Midah k'neged midah.

    2. I should also add that the tornadoes are getting bigger and more deadly over time. Fatalities a week ago numbered 2 one day and 8 another day. This week, it was 23 on Monday and 22 on Tuesday. And still no let up. Last night a church burned down due to a lightning strike.

    3. I remember the Katrina event well. What I also remember after the hitnatkut (disengagement from Gush Katif) was the Pulsa Denura against Ariel Sharon and what transpired months later.

  5. Yakov is clearly up!

  6. Wasnt there a rabbi who said when war is in Crimea put on your Shabbos clothes??????

  7. And it is an accepted fact that HaGaon Rav Yitzchak the son of Rav Chaim of Volozhin zt"l was worried of war from the Russians and the son of his sister, Rebbe Yitzchak of Kovno, sent to the Saba Kaddisha of Ruzhin zt"l to ask him to act by the ties he had with the heads of Russia (the Chief Admiral in the Black Sea and two other Navy builders in the Black Sea) to listen out for the situation with the war of Russia, and the Saba Kaddisha answered him, "I agree that Russia is a bad klippah" and he added further that his elder, Rebbe Avraham HaMalach completely hated Russia and even held that the increasing might of Russia is a sigh that (the emergence of) Moshiach was getting stronger....
