24 May 2024

How Could She Know?

16 Iyyar 5784
Day 31 of the Omer
Erev Shabbat Kodesh 
Parashat Behar  
 * The United States will be severely struck because of their pride. ...* The severe strikes on the U.S. will come thru wars and even more, thru powerful weather disasters. ...* Jews of the United States will be forced to flee like fugitives, because those who survived the weather disasters will not be able to survive the tremendous waves of hatred against them.  (Yehudit's Prophecy)



* The United States will be severely struck because of their pride. ...*
The federal government first recognized [Pride] month in 1999 when President Bill Clinton declared June “Gay & Lesbian Pride Month.”  In 2009, President Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month.  On 1 June 2021, President Joe Biden declared June LGBTQ Pride Month.

And then they exported it out to the whole world, especially Israel!! 


  1. If Moshiach isn’t revealed before November 6 (G-d forbid), do you think Trump will win the presidential election?


    1. If Trump won in 2020 and the election was stolen (as he claims, and did nothing about), and he wins again in 2024 (this time without theft), the logical conclusion would be that elections are staged, not stolen.

    2. You'd better hope he doesn't!!

    3. And I hope he does because I have hakarat hatov to him

    4. Why do u say that ? Is biden better? Malky

    5. Sari, where is your hakarat hatov to HaKadosh Baruch Hu for the Land He prepared and gave to you? Trump did absolutely nothing for the Jews. Whatever he pretended to do, he did for political gain. If, God forbid, he gets back in office, the Christian nationalists will be the ones to benefit. The best good Americans can hope for is that he be prevented from running and replaced by a better candidate. I see no good options at all to Biden.

    6. Of course I have hakarat hatov to Hashem--why do you think I made aliyah? But I will not by cynical and I prefer to look at things in a positive way. It's not true that Trump did nothing. And I would rather look at his actions in an altruistic way.

  2. Replies
    1. Edom making yet another attempt to gain control in the region.

    2. I've just been reminded that June was established as "Pride Month" at the highest level of the US government...

      The federal government first recognized the month in 1999 when President Bill Clinton declared June “Gay & Lesbian Pride Month.” In 2009, President Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month. On 1 June 2021, President Joe Biden declared June LGBTQ Pride Month.

  3. Book Mouse24/5/24 1:58 PM

    Yes, but why there? Why not Ireland, Norway and Spain? Or why not in Washington DC? Why not Belgium?

    1. Sorry, I don't understand what you are referring to. Could you please be more specific? Thx.

    2. Ireland, Norway and Spanish are irrelevant no one truly cares what they think. They are paper tiger, zero to no impact on the world stage. But the USA is the evil empire that is wickedly undermining Israel's attempt to defend itself, they are our real enemy. They are the new Rome and this empire must collapse completely, as did its predecessor, for Geulah to come to fruition (Egypt was also the world power of its time and Hashem destroyed it too, during our first redemption).

  4. Soon supervolcano in Italy will destroy all Italy and endanger all Europe



  5. Soon supervolcano in Italy will destroy all Italy and endanger all Europe



  6. You left out the worst of the prohibitions that were given hechsherim; that is the marriages between man/man, etc in Artzot Habrit. Since then, all this has become even more promoted and has, r'l, gone full blown chilul H' with their parades, etc. in our holy EY. What other nations do is their business as we cannot do anything about it, but being so blatantly strong and in your face in our EY Hakedosha is beyond the pale.
    There is reason to have hakorat hatov for the U.S. and compared to
    the evils of Europe, there is no comparison. Since the nwo has taken over practically everywhere, artzot habrit has descended to a new low, as has, r'l, the matzav in EY. We need Moshiach now; otherwise, it's
    too hard to even imagine.

  7. Sorry for being unclear, in the vid lots of tornados and volcanos everywhere and I was wondering why catastrophes are not happening in Ireland, Spain and Norway. I guess they have muslim problems and that's enough of a problem.
