20 May 2024


12 Iyyar 5784
Day 27 of the Omer 

"Forty days more and Nineveh shall be overturned."

Forty days of grace were extended to the United States (Edom) in order to repent the evil of usurping HKB"H's role in deciding the fate of nations - particularly Israel's!  And when that period of grace expired yesterday, this is what they did...

The US/Saudi/Erev Rav triumvirate is, no doubt in my mind, responsible.  Iran's Supreme Leader is 85 years old and not in good health.  Raisi was being groomed as his replacement and was considered every bit as "hard-line" as the current one.   The US favorite, son of the former Shah of Iran, recently put his home up for sale.  He has also been often in the news of late...

The Islamic State now has on its hands a fight for its life.  Either they will succeed, or they will take the entire world down trying.  

The "bomb" that will overturn "Nineveh" has now been armed.  Can you hear it ticking???


  1. This sounds like a bunch of hype


  2. One of the victims was Malik Rakhmati, Governor of East Azerbaijan. Israel is quite buddy-buddy with Azerbaijan and a major arms supplier. I would not be surprised if they had a role.

  3. Zelensky's official, legal term of office ends today. As of midnight he will be considered an illegitimate leader by Russia. They recently mentioned putting a "wanted" status on him, which has a legal meaning, and might make an effort to enforce it, starting tomorrow.

  4. All of your predictions haven’t come true. Give up these fake article and give up your blog. You’re giving people false hope.

    1. Whether or not her predictions come to pass, we have seen:

      1. A recent hit on the Slovakian Prime Minister (who is out of action and might yet succumb to his wounds), who was on the record to use his veto ability as a member of consensus organization Nato to put a stop to their involvement in Ukraine (which they also consider existential).

      2. A likely hit on the president of Iran.

      Now on deck is Zelensky's illegitimacy and Russia's hints at taking him down.

      The entire world is a tinderbox on the verge of explosion and you mock and black-pill.

      It will come to pass that we will all realize that there is no one to rely upon except Our Father in Heaven.

    2. To be fair, you must back up your claim by giving a specific "prediction" and citing its source with proof it was false. To my knowledge, the only two "predictions" I made which did not come to pass were actually shares from other Jewish sources, i.e. like the one that says, "In Nissan you were redeemed and in Nissan you will be redeemed." Those are not my words, but I shared them as an expression of possibility.

      I make no claim to special knowledge. Any "prediction" I make should be understood to be based on analysis of events together with reliable sources. I put "predictions" in quotes because I try hard NOT to predict anything since without prophecy it is impossible to know anything with such certainty. I point out where possibility exists and while it doesn't work for you, the constant recognition of possibility is what keeps me going and perhaps it does others as well. To my knowledge I've never said thus and so will absolutely happen in such and such a way at this specific time. If you think you can prove otherwise, bevakasha!

    3. https://shiratdevorah.blogspot.com/2024/05/believe-it-or-not.html

  5. No tears are being shed for this guy. Good Riddance. If the Islamic Regime should fall and The Shah's son were to return to Iran, people should not get the idea that he would be a friend to the Jews. As a matter of fact his father was not a Jew lover at all and was very suspicious of the Jewish community of Iran prior to being overthrown.

  6. It appears that there is another angle to this. I was wondering why the Drudge Report seemed to be downplaying Raisi's death in favor of this giant red headline...


    Listen to this brand new video (4 hrs old at this writing) which it links to and you should be able to guess how it all connects.

    This is the END GAME!!!

    1. No. It’s hype. You’ve been hyping us for months and months and months and we’re still deep in golus with no end in sight.


    2. US and Saudi Arabia on brink of landmark security agreement, report says

      CBS News reports significant progress during meeting between National Security Advisor Sullivan and Saudi crown prince on potential deal that would strengthen US-Saudi ties and pave way Israel normalization, contingent on pathway to Palestinian state

  7. Iran & Moshiach ben Yosef


  8. As if it's up to them......

  9. We're entirely on our own. No army, no government. It's entirely over. The only that's left - is us and God.

  10. Where will we go? Do you have a cave to run to?

    *Again the word of the LORD came to me, asking, “What do you see?” “I see a boiling pot,” I replied, “and it is tilting toward us from the north.” Then the LORD said to me, “Disaster from the north will be poured out on all who live in the land. For I am about to summon all the clans and kingdoms of the north,” declares the LORD. “Their kings will come and set up their thrones at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem. They will attack all her surrounding walls and all the other cities of Judah.…*
    Yirmiyahu 13-15

    1. Go, My people, come into your chambers and close your door about you; hide for but a moment, until the wrath passes. (Yeshayahu 26.20)

  11. I understand and feel everyone's pain and despair and every now and again that similar hopeless tries to wash over me. You have to fight it because it is the final nisayon. The biggest amalek we need to fight is the lack of emunah and bitachon in Hashem. When we get angry at others it illustrates our own flaws. You aren't upset with Devorah, you have an issue with your own emunah and you need to fight it just like I do. Even if she was completely wrong about everything ( which isn't true), she is doing exactly what she is supposed to do....and that is hope and desperately want moshiach everyday and encourage others to do the same. We manifest things in this world with our thoughts and words....ask yourself what you are doing to bring moshiach closer instead of falling into despair.

    1. who said its the final nisayon?

    2. Anon., I've heard this many times. As it was in Egypt...

  12. Devorah, I have been reading your blog for at least 14 years and I really appreciate you. Thank you for being optimistic about Moshiach’s coming soon. Your posts encourage me and remind me to await Moshiach each day. Baruch Hashem! And may you be blessed.

    1. You are so kind! Thank you for the chizuk!! I need it, too.

  13. Book Mouse21/5/24 9:10 AM

    All I know is, say shema morning and night and feed the cat before one eats oneself. "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night". ;-)
