13 May 2024

Mashiach Will Be Revealed in the North

5 Iyyar 5784
Day 20 of the Omer
Yom Hazikaron Observed

[See comments for 6 Iyyar update.]

Yehudit"North of Israel will burn up from missiles from the Iranian Hizbulla...."

The Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon on Friday launched a massive barrage of 35 rockets at Kiryat Shmona, kindling a huge fire.

Ten firefighting teams were required to quell the flames. B’Chasdei Hashem, despite the extensive damage, miraculously no one was injured in the barrage.

The IDF carried out airstrikes at the sources of fire.

Hezbollah later claimed responsibility for the attack.
Yehudit:  Moshiach ben Yosef will arrive to the North.
In the beginning, he will not know that he was chosen to be the first savior. He will operate thru his qualifications and thru his love for Am Israel that is embedded in him. He is very pious and has helpers with him. Thru his holy bravery and courage, people of the North as well as others will slowly awaken and want to attach themselves to him and join him. There will be those that will oppose him, including religious Jews that follow the Torah and its commandments.

He will rule from the Galil, his headquarters will be in Tzfat or Teveria. Some Talmidei Chachamim will begin to recognize him as the savior of Bnei Israel and will join him. Others will only join him much later.
As tensions simmer in northern Israel amidst prolonged conflict and displacement, residents are preparing for significant protests next week.

Frustrated by what they perceive as government neglect, local authorities are planning a bold move: declaring independence from Israel on Independence Day.

The decision stems from mounting dissatisfaction with the government's handling of the situation. Moshe Davidovitch, head of the Mateh Asher Regional Council and chair of the Confrontation Line Forum, expressed the collective sentiment, stating, "The soul of the public in the north has been torn apart by the lack of action." He added, "From now on, we will stop listening to the government, we will run as an independent country and act independently without a state."

The catalyst for this declaration was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's response during a recent cabinet meeting. When asked about the residents' return date, Netanyahu's dismissive remark, "What's the worst that will happen if they return a few months after September 1?" sparked outrage among locals and leaders alike.
In response, the Forum announced plans to establish the State of Galilee and sever ties with Israel. This decision was underscored by frustration over the government's failure to deliver on promises, including the allocation of funds for northern restoration.

"We won't say exactly what we'll do because we decided to create a surprise," Davidovitch said. "We don't know if we'll succeed in making this dysfunctional government wake up, but we'll certainly create a meaningful wave of impact."


  1. The Ari revealed the date of the geulah



    1. Can you translate what this video says? Or the date given from the Ari? I can’t seem to get my YouTube videos to transcribe to English so I don’t u sweat and it.

    2. the date given from the Ari?

      The 20th day of the omer, which, btw was today. The rest of the video I didn't understand


  2. Interesting. Wonder if there will even be mention of this in the *Israeli* media.

  3. Do we get to decide if we want to live in this "State of Galilee?" It's a stunt to draw attention, and force some action. But, think about it...we're going to form our own army, air force, have our own iron domes? It's crazy. We need some decisive action, but people also have to be more patient. The Muslim Brotherhood wrote a 100 year plan. They are just now starting to see the fruits of their "labor." We have to match them when it comes to patience. We have to get rid of Hamas and clean out Rafah (and possibly discover all the aid that the US has been sending to Hamas through the tunnels from Egypt). We can play tit for tat for a while longer here, I think, and then wipe out Hezbollah. Patience. I know it hurts and we, thankfully, are still here, not evacuated. But I believe we must act with chochmah and strengthen our emunah. As for Moshiach's arrival, we are told that He will first come down the mountain behind our house and into Yavne'el and then from here to Tveria. Everyday I look at that mountain, and I am waiting.

    1. Please see it for what it is... a doorway for MBY to enter.

  4. 6 Iyyar update: "Hundreds of residents of the north went to the intersections on the confrontation line on the morning of Independence Day chanting: "Don't say the day will come - bring the day" and joined the heads of the evacuated authorities in protesting the lack of a plan for the north, the lack of security, the lack of a budget and the collapse of business owners and farmers. Moshe Davidovitz, Head of the Mateh Asher Regional Council and Chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum: "7 months in which the residents of the north are displaced from their homes, and they have no idea when they will return home! They demand that the government present an action plan and explain to the residents of the north when they are returning home.' "

    1. Ben Caspit reported on it, too: "Instead of celebrating independence, this morning hundreds of residents of the north went out on the conflict line to the intersections and joined the heads of the evacuated authorities in protesting the lack of a plan for the north, the lack of security, the lack of a budget and the collapse of the business owners and farmers!

      Present and spoke: Moshe Davidovitz, Chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum, Benny Ben-Mobacher (Moveot Hermon), David Azoulai (Metula), Gabi Naaman (Shlomi), Avihai Stern (Kiryat Shmona), Giora Zaltz (Upper Galilee), Shimon Guetta (Ma'ale Yosef) and more.

      The demonstrations were held at intersections: Metula Junction 769; Kiryat Shmona, the Goma intersection; the entrances of Hermon, Tsomat Kach; Upper Galilee Amiad Mechani intersection; Ma'ale Yosef intersection Shlomi Mizrah; Shlomi - East and West Shlomi junction and below which is at the Kabri junction."
