I firmly believe, based on the many signs, that there is a very real possibility for Mashiach by Pesach. And, in fact, I expect him before the election. In fact, I believe this election is key to his arrival. I'd like to say more, but we have to be careful not to do or say anything that would provide the Sitra Achra with ammunition to sabotage it.
Why say anything then, you may wonder. Because the push this year is so strong, we have to know, now more than ever, how important our prayers and teshuvah are to its success. With this in mind, I would like to begin preparing for this momentous event by dedicating coming blog posts to the subject of the "Inaugural Messiah" - Mashiach ben Yosef. (All quotes are taken from chapters 30 and 31 of Rabbi Meir Kahane's Or HaRa'ayon.)
The aim of this series of blog posts is to help focus us on "recognizing Yosef," but without mentioning any specific names. Our prayers should be directed on behalf of Yosef and our teshuvah should be for any part we have played in the betrayal of Yosef.Mashiach ben Yosef is alluded to by our sages, and although they concealed more than they revealed, they still gave us their tradition that before Mashiach ben David's arrival, Mashiach ben Yosef will fight G-d's wars in the age of redemption. He will improve Israel's physical welfare by fighting the wars against the nations, and Mashiach ben David will complete their spiritual redemption.
We may conclude that the Atchalta DeGeula, the stage before the conclusion of redemption when all surviving nations accept Heaven's yoke, is the period of Mashiach ben Yosef. ...the Gra, almost without equal since the Temple's destruction, calls Mashiach ben Yosef the "Mashicha De'Atchalta," the "Inaugural Messiah." It would already be fitting at this point to present a brief quotation from the work establishing basic principles regarding Mashiach ben Yosef (Kol HaTor 1:2):According to our master, the Gra, everything involved in the ingathering, building of Jerusalem and expansion of settlement in Eretz Yisrael for the return of the Divine Presence, all the elementary activities [building and planting], and all the finest details, are included in the mission of the Mashiach De'Atchalta, the first Messiah, Mashiach ben Yosef, the miraculous power assisting every non-miraculous act performed as catalyst below. For Mashiach ben Yosef is from earth and Mashiach ben David is from Heaven...."Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him" (Gen 42:8) This is one of Joseph's attributes. Not just in his generation, but in every generation, Mashiach ben Yosef recognizes his brothers and they do not recognize him. It is an act of Satan which conceals Mashiach ben Yosef's attributes, such that the Jews unfortunately do not recognize his footsteps, and in fact scoff at them... If not for this, our troubles would already be over. If Israel "recognized Joseph," Mashiach ben Yosef's footsteps comprising the ingathering of the exiles, etc., we would already be redeemed.
My hope is that the sources will speak to you and declare "Ani Yosef" and with the ultimate "recognition" will come the breakthrough we have all been waiting for. It could be in a matter of a few weeks!! Please Hashem!!
Amen to this post! May every word you wrote here materialize and by Pesach, may our Redemption be a reality! H' is listening to our prayers and pleas! This year, b'ezxrat H', b'Yerushalayim Habneuya!
Od Yosef Chai...