17 May 2024

"Non-Negotiable Boundaries"

9 Iyyar 5784
Day 24 of the Omer
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Emor 

There are three basic arenas of life - Olam - Shana - Nefesh; that is literally world (place), time, and person! The permissibility or the forbidden-ness of an act depends upon the coordination of these three factors; where, when, and who! Plug in the deed and the variables. Eating one hour before Yom Kippur begins may actually be a noble thing. An hour later it is despicable! Why? The Torah designated this time for this set of behaviors and inappropriate for others. That’s the reality of these boundaries like any others boundaries. That’s what holiness means. It’s the art and science of living respectfully within the G-d given boundaries of life.

Think about it! When people employ all their intelligence only to blur the lines of distinctions rather than to clarify them they are working against the Kodesh - the Holy - and they are trying to make everything Chol - secular. Chol literally means sand! Sand is an undefined conglomerate of particles. It has no particular shape or direction. Kodesh, on the other hand, thrives on the drawing of and the obedience to clearly defined boundaries. {Copyright © 2007 by Rabbi Label Lam and Torah.org)



  1. They refuse all boundaries but their own...

    (TOI) This year’s Jerusalem’s Pride and Tolerance March will gather under the slogan “Born to be Free,” combining a call for the release of 132 hostages held by Hamas and other terror groups in the Gaza Strip to its customary rally in support of LGBTQ rights.

    Unlike Tel Aviv, which canceled its flagship pride parade in the shadow of the war, the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance has announced it will still hold its traditional march on May 30.

    The event is being organized in cooperation with the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, the main organization representing families of captives.

    “The shared slogan symbolizes the fundamental values of both the struggle for the hostages’ return and the Pride and Tolerance March — the demand for freedom and a safe life for everyone,” organizers said in a statement on Thursday.

    The march will follow its usual route from Liberty Bell Park to Independence Park in the capital though participants will be asked to not play music. Yellow flags, a symbol of support for the hostages will be added to the customary pride flags.

    “The Jerusalem Open House has put the victims of October 7 at the forefront of its protest this year, and I am touched by their support for our struggle,” said Tom Barkai, head of the Jerusalem Branch of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum in the statement.

    A concluding rally in the park will host families and relatives of the hostages, representatives of bereaved families, and communities displaced from their homes by the war.

    There will be some performing artists at the event “to help bring hope and comfort even in these dark days.”

    1. It's worth pointing out that there are two annual parades in the Holy City of Jerusalem - one promoting homosexuality and the other promoting idolatry. Practitioners of both are liable for the death penalty.

  2. Bonfires are not my thing, but if anarchists can light fires on major highways every single week, the chareidim can certainly do it in the vicinity of their own homes once a year!!!

    (From Israel Realtime Updates): ▪LAG B’OMER PLANS.. the charedi public has, for the most part, accepted that Meron will be closed due other the war for Lag b’Omer. Instead the charedi public is creating alternative celebration sites around the country, one site being Beit Shemesh, in coordination with police and local officials.

    However, reports are the police are now requesting these events NOT be permitted, and the Min. Of Transport is also refusing to re-allocate event bussing to Meron to such safe event locations instead. A senior city politician said, “Maybe they will announce a mass arson on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, where it is possible to light bonfires without restrictions, without heavy bureaucracy and without (excessive) safety rules?!

  3. My Hometown: Killer Storms
    51,000 Jews live in Houston.

  4. May H' have Rachamim on every Yehudi everywhere in the world.
    It is so clear that the times are so dangerous now in all respects, so you would think people make a chesbon and, at least, try to rectify their mistakes. As long as these fools see things upside down and call good evil and 'pure evil' good is hard to fathom and because of their
    foolishness (trying to be kind), we see H's punishments being meted out everywhere. The weather is getting crazier by the day. May all the
    righteous be protected from H's Wrath.
    May hail stones fall on these fools just on the days they want to celebrate evil and call it good, & maybe there will be at least some who will understand why their 'light' is really darkness. It is because of the evil in today's societies that the world is suffering.
