21 May 2024

The Second Chance

14 Iyyar 5784
Pesach Sheini
Day 29 of the Omer

All we are waiting on now is the downfall of wicked Rome at the hands of Persia which will thwart the evil plan hatched with Arabia.  WW3 follows quickly and then Mashiach will be revealed.  Whoever he may be, he is already here and poised to act.  It can happen at any moment!!

Quoting from the book Sefiros by Rabbi Yaacov Haber:
Chesed She-be-Hod
Kindness within Beauty

"Today is Pesach Sheini, the time when those people who were impure or on a distant journey were given a second chance to bring the Pesach sacrifice. Those who were outside the camp and unable to join with the rest of the Jewish people were now brought in.

...It is written in the Zohar: The Jewish people receive illumination from above on the first night of Pesach. This illumination lasts for thirty days. After the thirty days there is an announcement in Heaven. "Whoever has not received the illumination of Pesach can do so now, on the fourteenth of Iyar, for seven days and the Heavens will open up for you. After that they will close again...." 

Have a happy Pesach Sheini and don't forget to eat a piece of matzah!! 


  1. This is all just a negative prediction (which don’t have to be fulfilled, just like the negative predictions of 2/3rds of the world not surviving). Moshiach can come today and nothing will stop me from keeping the mitzvah of Achake Lo B’Chol
    Yom Sheyavo.


    1. You're right. Anticipating the geula, hastens the geula, regardless of the stage, and vice versa.

    2. She doesn't say anything new, why to be bothered. The sages saying that the geula will come with hardships, but the most important that it comes...

    3. Not sure where you have been the last 80 years, especially this current year… I think we’ve had enough hardships for the Geulah.


    4. you can try to say it Hashem: We've had enough, bring the geula...
