26 May 2024

"Liquidate the Exile Before It Liquidates You!!"

18 Iyyar 5784
Day 33 of the Omer
Shavua Tov!


  1. Here is a first-hand report from a son who spent a year in America and returned recently B"H. Not in a Jewish area either. The nearest Chabad is 30 minutes away. Semi-rural Ventura County.

    He worked in security here before going there. He considered finding work there as a security guard (readily available to a Jew with his background) somewhere but said he was scared of Americans (for some definition of American; there are many immigrants and ethnicities) and how unpredictable and angry they are, and that he could be killed at any moment for the most trivial of reasons.

    Ventura County! Still bucolic today, and formerly idyllic, and for decades a popular destination for those escaping urban ills. There are certainly decent people there, but it sounds like a tinderbox. I doubt this mood is limited to the area he was in. It is probably representative of much of America.

  2. Amen Amen Amen


  3. After the Pittsburg massacre, nearly six years ago, I wrote on a geula blog that Jews in the US should start preparing, sell their homes, live in rentals, move their money to Israel, set up online parnasa to help with the transition etc. It is much easier to make aliya if you can do it in an organised fashion. Also, that there needs to be a coordinated effort to help Jews in vulnerable situations - nojewleftbehind. I was villified for my efforts. Just recently Rav Nachman Kahana wrote about this. He also writes about the very strong liklihood of a national draft in the US. European countries are re-introducing the draft. And it's not just for the young, it will also be for older people to work in munitions factories.

    What's the point of learning history, if you don't learn from history?

    מה הזוהר הקדוש אומר שיקרה באירופה ולמה זה בדיוק ההפך ממה שכולם חושבים? - הרב גיא אלאלוף
    Fascinating shiur. The Jews in Europe should not be relieved though. As Rav Nachman Kahana says, it's no place for Jews when the goyim are fighting each other.
