29 May 2024


21 Iyyar 5784
Day 36 of the Omer

"A Powerful Argument in Defense of Ultra-Orthodox Jews"


  1. Excellent video! The typical secular Jew is brainwashed with the radical views of the erev rav who are in control and that's the only thing the typical Jew hears and because they know nothing else of Yiddishkeit, they believe the slander. This video clarifies so much for them and should have been made years ago.
    They find it hard to understand that because of the mitzvot and Torah learning of the Orthodox & chareidi communities is what is keeping the soldiers safe. Our history shows us that when our kings and their soldiers went to war, the king carried the Torah and his weapon.
    Torah is our source of life & G-D's Commandments. Also, today there
    are chareidi soldiers in the field and are said to be the best of the best
    fighters. It cannot be a one-way street and the radicals need to learn
    that; for the Jewish nation in our Jewish E.Y., we need both the Torah
    and military.
    What we definitely do not need are 'women' in the army. They can
    be office workers or other community service volunteers, but NOT soldiers!
    These above reasons are simple common sense.

  2. We need a better name for "ultra-Orthodox Jews" in addition to the great and powerful conversation depicted here. It sounds like name-calling to my ears. I don't have any suggestions, but I'll think about it. No one has to wait for me, but I think we should "brand" ourselves better, more positively. Describing ourselves more positively, rather than taking the name-calling; or even, starting to answer with a rejoinder like, "I suppose you wouldn't want Hatzalah or MDA to be around to drive an ambulance to where you are when you need to be in a hospital?" for starters.

  3. Perfect!!! Please share your voice everywhere possible!!!!!!! Please continue to educate!!!

  4. Wow I wish I had his calm
    Amazing video lots of wisdom

  5. I agree, I also am not happy with this term "ultra-orthodox." What does it even mean? I also don't like to use the term "haredi" because, again what does it mean? The shoresh is yirah, meaning that a person has yirat shamayim and therefore would never sin! The same for chiloni, the shoresh being empty. They're not empty, they just reject. I prefer "shomer mitzvot" and "not yet shomer mitzvot." I identify as a shomer mitzvot Jew, or at least trying to be one. I also sometimes use the label frum, but not many of my fellow Israelis have any idea what I'm talking about. I also agree that women should not be combat roles, but there are many other roles within the IDF that are perfect for women, especially those that require keen observation, quick thinking and the ability to organize under pressure.

    1. In your view, would it be prudent to at least allow women who were soldiers to also teach civilian women how to shoot and defend themselves for local towns and communities assuming that it is not already the case?

    2. Jesterhead - that is a very good idea. Now that life has become so much more dangerous, those women who served and feel that they can be good teachers of how to use a weapon against the enemy, if, c'v, need be. That would be great and these teachers would be getting a big mitzvah. They can really save lives! Trouble is when the Erev Rav are still ruling, they will try
      to hamper anything that might be beneficial for the righteous Jewish civilian.

  6. For many years the term “Shomer Shabbos Jew” has been used. It’s only in our modern years that they want to stigmatize us with the “ultra” nonsense! Neshama
