02 January 2021


19 Tevet 5781
Shavua Tov!

OR...  REDEFINITION OF HISTORICAL FACT.  Take your pick of title.



  1. He got it clear, but there is one thing he left out: the main problem is the nanolipid transfer system of the vaccine and it's non caculable risk and knowledge what will happen with it in the body. See this actual meta research article https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmolb.2020.587997/full
    And understand with what we are dealing here. It may change the structural level of the body, which can lead to unforeseeable destruction of the human biological system and the whole environment. They are officially warning on everything that happens now. e.g. grand scale use on a lot of people, commercial pharmaceutical implementation. They recommend to add a lot of years of research and tons of money till tjis nano stuff is well researched and can be used with a caculable risk. Even cancer was seen to spread faster when nano particles build gaps between blood vessel cells and on and on ....

  2. Thank you for this great post and excellent video by Rav Yuval Asherov, may H' bless and protect him always! Believe his mitzvah with this video, if they were giving awards for mitzvot, this would win hands down. All people must see and realize what we who have been saying the same without the knowledge of what he has exposed, understood on our own if one has just plain 'old common sense'. Where has it gone? This is something that must go viral for the world, even the most closeted person will understand. How devastating that in Israel where most of our people now live are getting this vaccine faster than others - why? because it's fit the agenda to get rid of, c'v, the Jews? This is probably the most sinister evil being perpetrated on our people since the Shoa! H' yerachem!

  3. Israelis are waiting in line to the showers of vaccines and not zyklon b this time with do it happily with pride. I am ashamed of them.

  4. Likewise, listen to this FULL EXPLANATION OVERVIEW:
    Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview Planet Lockdown

    Samson: "like sheep to the slaughter"

  5. Excellent video. Instead of calling out the Rabbis, he picked Firer to chastise, but he is speaking to everyone who influences a Jew to take that vaccine will be chv”s a partner in the possible death of a Jew.

  6. While i'm thankful to this rabbi for his hashkafa, yet i'm baffled as to why he compared covid to flu, given that flu patients (which leads to pneumonia) benefit from ingesting "thickeners", whereas covid patients seem to benefit from blood thinners?

  7. Samson, couldn't agree more! And yet another Nuremberg law, and yet another & another.
