27 January 2021

They Will Go As Far As We Let Them

15 Shevat 5781
Rosh Hashanah l'Ilanot

We can say, "No.  No more!!"  But we'd have to say it all together and how likely is that to happen?

Get ready for "double-masking" and a third dose of vaccine!!!  And very likely an unending lockdown, unless we beg HKB"H for His boundless mercy with all our hearts!!  HE is our only way out of this!

Dr. Fauci says that wearing two masks is better than one for warding of coronavirus. “If you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” said Fauci, “And that’s the reason why you see people either double masking or doing a version of an N95.”

On Wednesday, Jan. 27, Pfizer and Moderna, the two prominent producers of covid vaccines, said they were stepping into the breach and working on providing a third dose for extra security against the swarming variants. It would be added to the regular two doses, although they appear so far to be effective.

...Israel is heading for another week of countrywide lockdown, meaning that plans to reopen pre-schools and low grades and street shops on Feb. 1 would be shelved, at enormous financial cost and human suffering. But PM Binyamin Netanyahu endorses the ministry’s demand to extend the shutdown as unavoidable. For how long? That depends on how the infection figures go, he says.


  1. Happy Tu B'Shvat = Chag HaIlanot!

    Perfect heading for your post; hoping that the public wakes up and with determination sees to unite against this evil that has now filled the earth. Whoever does not see through this now is obviously incapable of thinking straight and has a slave mentality - maybe those are the words that should be used against those who do not want to see the reality and danger they are in. That might be the wakeup call! Hashem Yerachem!

  2. For the record.

    Why should we listen to flip flop Fauci ???
    No credibility whatsoever !!!!


  3. Things are heating up and elections are near. Time to "Think out of the Box". 1) Don't pay attention to the Media. They are feed lies by the Deep State. 2)Vote for a party NOT in the Government. Namely someone who is not after the Power, Car and Perks, that have principals and have shown that they will leave the Government if their "Red Lines" have been crossed. Do you want the same old Lock Down over and over again? Take action. Or are you a Robot?

  4. It reminds me of bullies at school. First they threaten a weak child and ask from him 5 shekels or else....if he is scared and accepts and doesn't say no from the begining they will ask 10 shekels then his jacket, then everyday more and more.
    Same principle.
    Their green passport is for 6 months only....not for life or for 10 years.....it is not for nothing everything is planned.
    This is slavery, and people who fell for the 2 vaccines will realize soon there will be no end to more and more vaccines and there will never be a come back to the world before the Covid.
    We are under Pharaoh rule but much worse.

  5. you brightened my day with that beautiful tree :-)

  6. "J" - Cuz it's not just Fauci. He's just the mouthpiece of the agenda-makers.

    Why You Should Double-Mask To Prevent COVID-19 (And How To Do It)

    How long do you guess it will be before this becomes mandatory, too?

    1. Netanyahu the dictator turned Israel into Israhell. But only for people who lost the connection with Hashem. For us it is a piece of cake.


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