17 March 2020


22 Adar 5780

(For all the latest news, information and updates from Israel go to www.coronaisrael.co.il)

What most people would never do willingly in obedience to HKB"H and His Torah, the fear of a tiny microorganism has accomplished.

The beaches are closed so no public nudity.  The bars are closed so no public intoxication or the bad behavior it engenders.  No malls, movie theaters or restaurants are open so expect a marked decrease in the craving for materialism.

"Social distancing" has been mandated, meaning no hugging, kissing or handshaking.  Suddenly everyone is shomer negiah.

And with the new directives issued this afternoon in Israel, the whole country is going to be shomer Shabbat whether they like it or not.
Starting on Wednesday, public transportation will stop at 8 p.m. each evening.  The ministry said public transportation will no longer operate on weekends, stopping at 8 p.m. Thursday and beginning again Sunday morning.
This situation certainly has a silver lining.  Not only are our enemies being tied up at home with matters so serious that they have no time to contemplate our destruction, but for Israelis, many opportunities to sin have 'miraculously' been eliminated.  B"H!!

Maybe in the merit of the 'Corona' we will yet Crown Mashiach Tzidkeinu.

May HKB"H continue to guard and protect Am Yisrael and hold the Malach HaMavet at bay.


  1. Just 2 shabbosim and we'll all be free...

    1. I thought the same thing. :-)

    2. According to Messages From Heaven, after next Chanuka, i believe.

  2. Ha !!! Ha !!! - YES

  3. what if it was created by the illuminati?

    1. You have to remember that the Satan serves Hashem. He has no independent power to act.

  4. What a delightful post! Really enjoyed this; how Hashem works in mysterious ways! Moshiach has to be around the corner; everything is pointing to it. The part about Shabbat really was uplifting and, of course, the part about the beaches! Reminds me that just as H' put the mountain above the heads of the Yehudim at Har Sinai, in a way, this is so similar. Praying for full teshuvah from Bnai Yisrael, from each of us, so we can, b'ezrat H', greet Moshiach tzdkeinu very soon!

  5. Funny thing is, all the women who dye their hair are worrying about not being able to go to the hairdresser..... thinking of covering their hair....

  6. I was trying to understand why all of the government officals from every affected country are going to such extreme lengths to contain this virus when we already have so many other sicknesses out there. I believe it is the right thing to do as we are commanded to do everything we can to save even a single life, and right now there are MILLIONS of people at risk of dying from this plague. However, for the 1%ers to care if we (the peasants) die? Why would they risk destroying the economies of every nation? And then I heard a message from naftali bennet yesterday. He said that the elderly are most at risk and 1 in 5 that contract this virus could die. Just about ALL of the world leaders, high judges, ministers and the like ARE elderly.... Hashem has brought this plague in particular to affect our rediculous leaders, and they fear for their lives.
    - the original Me

  7. Because of His LOVE and PITY for His People (Nation of NUDNICKS) God is in effect holding the mountain over us at Sinai AGAIN and saying "I want you to accept of your own free will the Torah" (and if you don't I will DROP the mountain on you). HE is doing this again NOW He wants to bring the Geula TIME HAS RUN OUT Our Nation of Nudnicks - NOTHING gets through the concrete in the Jewish Israeli brain. So ... along comes a little bug (ala Titus) and ... We are FORCED of our OWN FREE WILL to observe Two Shabbats separate from each other and the goyim and ... presto, MASHIACH !!!
