06 December 2023

You Are Not Going to Want to Hear This

23 Kislev 5784

Rabbi Meir Kahane, ztz"l, Hy"d:  "...Say the bitter truth, even though they won't like you.  They won't like you, they'll attack you, but tell the Jews the truth if you love them.  If you love Jews, tell them the things which will make them angry, but which can save their lives."    

Antisemitism is a natural state of being for the nations.  It's not that it suddenly pops up.  No!  It remains dormant at the will of HKB"H until it is needed as a tool to drive us out of an exile which has become too comfortable and complacent, when we have become most vulnerable to the scourge of assimilation.

When we settle in and begin to imagine (with pride) "this is my country, my president, my culture,"  HKB"H knows it's time to release the bar holding back the real antisemitic character of the nations.  He let's us see what was always there, just beneath the surface.  And for this reason, it's not something you can fight.  You can't educate people out of it and you can't reason people out of it.  You certainly can't shame people out of it and what we are seeing and hearing and experiencing GLOBALLY right now, should convince you of these facts.

The Prophet Yechezkel, chapter 20...

33 As I live, says the Lord God, surely with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with poured out fury, will I reign over you.

34 And I shall take you out of the peoples, and I shall gather you from the lands in which you were scattered, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with poured out fury.

35 And I shall bring you to the wilderness of the peoples, and I shall contend with you there face to face.

36 As I contended with your forefathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I contend with you, says the Lord God.

37 And I shall cause you to pass under the rod, and I shall bring you into the transmission of the covenant.

38 And I shall separate from you those who rebel and those who transgress against Me; from the land of their sojournings I shall take them, but to the land of Israel they shall not come, and you will know that I am the Lord.
The first redemption is a pattern for the final redemption.  Just as there were four-fifths of Bnei Yisrael who did not want to leave Egypt, there are those today who are like them - who are attached to western culture and 'values', which are antithetical to Torah and consequently, to the rule of Mashiach as well.

Just as no Jew was left behind in Egypt, no Jew will be left in the West, as this is the source of their power to harm the Jews in Eretz Yisrael.  If they are 100% attached to HKB"H and His desire for them to be in Eretz Yisrael (meaning they remain in exile against their own will), rescue will come, but you must be ready for it.  If you hesitate, if your heart and mind are not 100% with HKB"H, you will be lost.  Those who remain in exile from their own free will have rejected HKB"H and He will reject them in turn.  No one is implying a loss of their olam haba, if they have earned it, but they will miss out on Days of Mashiach.

Our Mashiach is destined to be the AntiMashiach to both the Christians and the Muslims, but when the nations line up to kill Mashiach ben Yosef, there will, without a doubt, be Jews at the front of the line, Jews who identify more with the Western ethos than they do with Torah Law, with more love for and unity with the nations than with their fellow Jews - especially those they deem to be "extremists" and "terrorists" simply because they insist that only the Torah is true and everything else is a lie.

Hanukkah is the celebration of Jewish "extremism" and Jewish "terrorism" in the interest of Jewish life and Torah in the Land of Israel.  

Although we are currently (hopefully, assuredly) at the end of Galut Romi (the fourth exile associated with Rome), this final exile has within it aspects of all previous exiles as well.
[The Maharal of Prague in The Mitzvah Candle on Daniel's description of Nebuchadnetzar's dream]  ...We thus find that Daniel saw the first three empires in one night, while he saw the fourth empire on a subsequent night....  Why?  ...Rabbi Yohanan says, Because it was equivalent to all the others combined.  ...the fourth empire was a universal synthesis, alone equivalent to the others...a combination of the three distinct qualities characterizing the first three empires.... 
So, in keeping with the aspect of the Greeks, The Hellenists (the mityavanim) are among us today, still ruling over us.  Today, they call it Judeo-Christianity.  Note well that this word makes the "Judeo" part simply an adjective describing another form of Christianity.  In no way is it anything Jewish.  The same goes for "Judeo-Christian values."  This is the religion of the modern Hellenists who loved everything about Greek culture which today has been reincarnated in Western culture.  Democracy (a Greek word describing a Greek form of government) is god in the West.  Listen to one of our leading Mityavanim, Matan Kahana, hold forth at last week's Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in the Knesset!!

I must digress here a moment.  Remember this blog post from 5 November 2023:  Tzeva Adom!...  These Agents of Eisav, Hellenists all are still crying over their failure to convince the entire nation to join in prayer with Christians before God Almighty, r"lBaruch Hashem it did not come off, but they haven't yet given up.

(FYI: Rosenberg's mother is not Jewish.*)

PM Binyamin Netanyahu in response to Missionary Mike Evans' question about the "safety" of Evangelical Christians in light of recent vocal Jewish opposition to proselytizing:
"...I can assure you it is safe,” he said. “Those who’ve been to Israel know that when they come here, they’re really embraced. I mean, you will find that there is a very small minority who doesn’t share that view. We take very strong action against them because you are the greatest friends that the Jewish State has. I will never forget this and the vast majority of Israelis strongly agree with me, so please come to be safe. You’ll be welcome.”

Evans asked what the Christian community in the US could do at this time for Israel.

“Right now, the most important thing that you can do is to educate your younger generation, to infuse them with your faith, with your knowledge, with your heritage, with our common heritage, to tell them how important it is for history, for humanity, and for our Judeo Christian tradition. ...”
There needs to be regime change in Israel.  There HAS to be regime change in Israel!  Is Mashiach already here, prepared to do the job, if only we will keep faith with HKB"H and heed his anointed leader's words?

* [Joel C. Rosenberg] has stated that his father is of Jewish descent and his mother was born into a Methodist family of English descent.  His parents were agnostic and became born-again Christians when he was a child in 1973.  At the age of 17, he became a born-again Christian and now identifies as a Jewish believer in Jesus.  (Source)


  1. You can't make this crazy stuff up! Byron Stinson appointed himself to find the red heifer and restore sacrificial service at the site of the Beit Hamikdash. (And yes, of course, he has a few "rabbis" on board who regularly visit and speak at this church.) This is how his website begins...

    Byron Stinson and his wife Tammy are Judeo-Christian believers in the God of Abraham and His Messiah from the line of David. Byron works as an International fundraiser and advisor for Boneh Israel. Boneh means to build up or restore Israel.'"

  2. What chutzpah that this Joel Rosenberg calls himself 'Jewish', He's a goi gamur if his mother is not Jewish. By referring to himself as Jewish, he feels it's easier to convince vulnerable Jews to convert, chas v'chalilah. Also, whatever this guy Stinson is ( a born notzri or born 'yehudi'), he is surely not a descendant of the Davidic dynasty. The sheker is so prevalent today, it's almost impossible to find any sort of truth, r'l.

  3. Please also see Rabbi Kahane's Address on the Sheva Mitzvot B'nai Noah to the Vendyl Jones conference in the summer of 1990, just a few tragic months before his murder (triangulated killing by our Mossad, the CIA and an Arab Wahhabi hitman): "Rabbi Meir Kahane 1990 Speech to the Bnei Noach" https://youtu.be/7CiZtwg-S04

  4. בס"ד
    "There needs to be regime change in Israel. There HAS to be regime change in Israel! Is Mashiach already here, prepared to do the job, if only we will keep faith with HKB"H and heed his anointed leader's words?""

    אמן, כן יהי רצון, אמן.
    B'ezrat haShem there "will" be regime change whether we keep faith or not. There is a moed, an appointed time that will come whether we are ready, or not, whether we do teshuva, or not, the geula will come with mercy or with great suffering, depending on the emuna of Am Yisrael. May we merit the merciful geulah.

