10 December 2023

Rabbi Richter: "All Yeshivah Students to the Front Lines!" ?

27 Kislev 5784
3rd Candle of Hanukkah 


  1. A big Yasher Koach to Rabbi Richter!
    There is no question about the real reason for wanting to take away our wonderful young yeshiva boys from their study of our holy Torah. There is one main reason only and that is to get them to assimilate and be indoctrinated into the modern immoral lifestyles of today. Tzahal is now NOT a Jewish army and the Rabbi, at the end of his shiur said it all. They do not need the man power nor do they need yeshiva type young men who many don't even know what physical exercise means and not ready mentally nor physically for the army.
    Most of all, we can compare it to a citizen who got a parking ticket and is put into prison with a bunch of hard core criminals for years in the same cell. Not to compare it to a prison, c'v, but a way of saying what the outcome could be for pure innocents to be put right in the midst of non-Jews, missionaries, etc., etc. There is only one reason which they have been trying to do for years and that is to water down Torah Judaism and to assimilate our people, and this MUST NOT be allowed to happen. This is no longer a Jewish army under the leadership of WOKE higher echelons.
    The reason that our soldiers, may H' protect and bless them, are succeeding and will be victorious is because of the Torah learning of many in EY and elsewhere. The soldiers even realize that our praying, Torah learning and so many doing teshuvah has inspired them and they see miracles happening before their eyes. We need to be vigilant of the goals of the Amaleiki global agenda, being played out.
    We have an obligation to do our hishtadlut to show H' our total Emunah and Bitachon. H' is in control of everything and our tefilot, tears crying out to HIM will bring us our total victory that H' Has in store for us with the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu and the end of all evil.

    1. They have enough manpower? Perhaps if there were more soldiers. I would actually be able to see my son who is a torah observant and a G-d fearing soldier.

  2. W e do need to pray to hoshem for everything. Does it help our tefillos to pass judgement on other parts of klal yisroel? If we lump all pf klal yisroel is verses them it is very destrictive. Did moshe rabbeinu pass judgement on klal yisroel?! No he defended klal yisroel. How can we ask mercy from hoshem if we do not give any benefit of the doubt whatsoever.

  3. To Anon @ 8:01 am: No one is judging Am Yisrael here. What the Rabbi is saying and if you understand what is really going on in EY and worldwide, you will understand that the ones leading, whether the military or the high court or the leftists in government , you will realize there is an agenda which has been in the making for decades, which should really be obvious to any Jew living in EY. That agenda is a world agenda which goes against Hashem, Torah and Am Yisrael. You should praise the efforts of the righteous who want to make sure that our enemies from within and without do not succeed. Plain and clear.

  4. בס"ד
    Just to add my 2 cents worth to anon @ 7:35 PM. I agree in principal to most of the points you stated. You made a very succinct and valid statement as follows; ...'....They do not need the man power nor do they need yeshiva type young men who many don't even know what physical exercise means and not ready mentally nor physically for the army."

    Therein lies the conundrum. If the borders of Israel were to be breached by armed hordes of invaders, chas v'chalilah,, and our defenses over-run, I have to ask the question. Who will defend the yeshivas? Certainly not the yeshiva bochurim that you describe. above! Physically and mentally unfit. And you are 100% correct.

    Until Moshiach comes, every able bodied Israeli, should at least have the basic training needed to be proficient in the deployment and proficient use of firearms should the need arise. Our enemies have never spared yeshiva bochurim found cowering under under tractates of gemara.

    There is a time for everything under the sun.


  5. I appreciate the Rav's comment about how certain categories of seculars in Israel are exempt from the army. I had never heard this before, and I'm not sure that all Israelis know it. Do you know differently? Do people discuss this openly? If so, it would seem easy to rebut their verbal objection that yeshiva students don't serve. It would seem that all we have to say is, "your movie stars, your dancers, your musicians... etc., don't serve. These yeshiva students are our stars. So what's your problem?"

    All the best to you and yours.
