07 December 2023

The Battle Is With Hamas, But the War Is With the West

24 Kislev 5784
Erev Hanukkah 

I don't like publishing so much material so fast that the readers don't have time to take it all in and think it over, but I just don't have any choice right now.  I feel an overpowering urgency to pound this message home.  We are almost out of time.


It is so open and obvious, who can still fail to see it?  From the beginning, they told us this was Israel's 9/11.  Well, 9/11 was an inside job that became the justification for wars which would establish a new world order. In 2013, on this blog, I shared critical information which I was personally privy to in 2003.  You can read the entire thing here:  US Plan for MidEast Dominance Revealed in 2003.  Here is an excerpt:

...[John Loftus] said that "good things" are going to happen for Israel in the near term and then he dropped his bombshell. Over the next two years, America is going to "take out all seven dictatorial regimes in the Middle East."  [See General Wesley Clark saying the same thing in 2007.]
The conquest was begun with Iraq and is to be followed by Iran, the groundwork for which is already being laid and which, according to Mr. Loftus, will be finished "by Spring", only to be followed in swift succession by Libya, N. Korea (which will be divied up to China), Syria and Lebanon. Since Jordan and Egypt are already on America's payroll, that only leaves Saudi Arabia which will have no other option, according to Mr. Loftus, but to fall into line. The plan is ostensibly to "liberate" all the democracy-starved hordes of the Middle-East and rebuild all the war-torn countries courtesy of the American taxpayer (to whom Israel is also beholden, reminds Mr. Loftus, lest we Jews ever forget), and create a climate in which "moderate Islam" can flourish.

Then Mr. John Loftus, carefully and meticulously documented friend of the Jews, dropped his second bombshell. You know the "Road Map?" Well, according to him, "it's just a smoke screen to prevent a third front from opening up" and getting in the way of this grandiose scheme. And what does Washington want from Israel? According to Mr. Loftus, we are expected to behave pretty much as we did in Gulf War I. They want us to "sit back and let America take out all our enemies." The word "democracy" was repeated throughout the lecture almost like a mantra; as if it were a little god that we both worshipped. I could hardly contain myself. I was about ready to erupt and as I looked around me, the Jews were politely listening, laughing here and there as he joked good-naturedly.

Did you know we Jews are "not good at PR?" That's what Mr. Loftus says with a rueful smile. He says, regrettably, that "in American eyes, Oslo was necessary" despite the tragic loss of Jewish life. Our "biggest mistake," Mr. Loftus adjures, "was in not cultivating the US for help." We did not "make our case adequately to Congress."

He emphasized that no one anywhere in the world is a match for the US war machine and that all comers are left in the dust of American military might. When he proceeded to impress upon us the importance of the largesse so unselfishly bestowed upon us yearly by the predominately Gentile US taxpayers, I lost it and as a result, was asked to leave. So, what are we to make of this strange and unexpected revelation? I'll tell you what I think and then you be the judge.

Israel has no friend and no ally save her Father in Heaven....
You see, the "extremists" - on BOTH sides - stand in the way of their plans for global domination.  While the IDF is hunting down Hamas in Gaza, other parts of the IDF are arresting and disarming "extremist settlers" in the "West Bank".  

Religion will be allowed, but one that unites instead of dividing - certainly not one which insists it is the sole representative of Truth - like real Torah Judaism.  Something more along these lines...

Decidedly Not These New Maccabees - "Unacceptable"!
(NOTE: The accusations of violence or physical attacks on Christians are outright lies.)


Again!  It is so open and obvious, who can still fail to see it!? The United States has made no secret of the fact that they are never going to "allow" us to take back Gaza or annex the West Bank.  We are not allowed to harm "innocent" Palestinians or get rid of the Palestinian Authority.  Already today, they are back to demanding yet more fuel be let inside Gaza!

They moved in and began managing this "war" from the very beginning!  (How did they know!?)  They have no intention of letting us win.  But, our IDF CAN do their dirty work of ridding the land of "extremists" who stand in the way of their vision of a world where THEY rule as a gods, r"l!

Gaza and the West Bank MUST AT ALL COSTS become "Palestine".  And why?  

Lest the messianic dreams of the Return to Zion be realized, lest the Temple Mount ever see one stone placed for a rebuilt Temple, in short, to prevent the fulfillment of God's will on earth.

The War is against the Master of the Universe and Amalek has their hand on His throne.

We are His foot soldiers and His palace guard.  We MUST understand who the enemy is and what we have to do to DEFEAT them!



  1. Just like the Greeks in the time of the Maccabees, THE US IS RULING OVER ISRAEL and this subjugation MUST END!!

  2. YES (and I was at that event with Mr. Loftus too. It was a Root and Branch Association Lecture which Mr. Loftus ASKED to give (and waived his usual speaker's fee)

    1. Yes, and I recall it was you who told me to leave.

  3. Did he say he is aJew? John Loftus is not a Jew. He himself said years ago when he wrote his book (forgot the exact title) 'The War against the Jews') that he is not a Jew! That is a given.
    Any Yehudi who doesn't yet understand, whether or not he is religious or just G-D fearing or just secular, that we have NO friends, except for Our Father in Heaven, Hashem Yisborach, do not have basic common sense or any knowledge of history.

  4. No, of course not. I believe he might have mentioned being Catholic, if I'm not mistaken. The book you are referring to is "The Secret War Against the Jews".

  5. Mighty Woman of the God Of Israel Devorah Chaya, YES. You are RIGHT !!! I was WRONG !!! This Ancient Israelite Autist begs your pardon and asks your forgiveness for that MORAL FAILURE. Two years later in 2005 our "Friend" Mr. Loftus BETRAYED US ALL when he supported the Gush Katif Expulsion of 10,000 Jewish Men, Women and Children from Our Israelite Pioneering Communities. May we live to see The Children of Israel return to Gush Katif and ALL Israelite pioneering communities established after the Six Day War in Sinai and everywhere else that have since been destroyed by Our Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) Sabbatean Frankist Chaim Rumkowsky Ghetto Judenrat Kapo-ocracy Polizei N.W.O., C.F.R., W.E.F. Occupation Government. Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach, Aryeh Yosef Ben Meir. P.S. Mr. Loftus is NOT Jewish. He is Irish-American Catholic.

    1. AMEN! Nothing to forgive, Aryeh Yosef, what I said was right but I reacted too emotionally. I wasn't going to sit around and listen to anymore of it anyway. ;-)
