21 December 2023


9 Tevet 5784 

ISRAEL REALTIME - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"


Alert for northern Israel near-Lebanon towns, gates and roads closed. Several rounds of rockets from Lebanon overnight, heavier attacks expected. IDF attacked heavily overnight and continues this morning with airstrikes and artillery, including ranger farther into Lebanon that previously.

Hostage negotiations seem to be at a standstill, with Hamas or Islamic Jihad demanding a comprehensive end-of-war agreement where everything returns to how it was, instead of a ceasefire.

Yemen’s Houthis are mass recruiting an Israeli invasion force… with no way to get to Israel. But those zealots tend to try to do whatever they claim, regardless of consequences. Could they load up hijacked container ships with fighters and head towards Israel? Related, a weapons warehouse exploded in Yemen, and U.S. jets are doing Yemen reconnaissance from the U.S. aircraft carrier. And more shipping companies abandon Red Sea / Suez Canal routes, increasing shipping costs to/from Europe.

In Israel internal issues, the IDF put forth a plan to bribe near-Gaza residents back to their homes, while the local governments adamantly refuse until the war is won and the towns are safe from Gaza massacre or rockets. In the meantime over 130,000 people are evacuated to hotels around Israel, and besides personal and family impact have job impact, school, mortgage payments on homes they can’t live in, etc.

Heavy fighting continues in Gaza as the IDF pushes further into every neighborhood — which unfortunately is required as every clinic, every school, every mosque, etc. is a weapons warehouse, tunnel junction, and/or rocket launching facility.

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