21 December 2023


10 Tevet 5784 

Against the backdrop of the war against Hamas, residents of Bat Hefer in the Hefar Valley claim that they hear digging beneath their homes alongside explosion sounds coming to them from the Tulkarm area. Gadi Ohayon, a resident of Bat Hefer, spoke on Thursday with Ben Caspit and Yinon Magal on their show on 103FM and expressed his opinion on the ongoing situation.

"The situation is really not good," Ohayon stated. "We live in a constant state of insecurity, the settlement is targeted with direct and indirect fire almost every day. We can show you pictures of shells from our yards."

"Let's say that one day we receive reports of three to four incidents, then one quiet day, and then another two days with incidents. We hear shootings; we find shells in our yards, in inner houses, not those adjacent to the fence," he continued.

"At night, we wake up from explosions, the enemy really enjoys annoying us during hours when we're all turning right and left in bed, and we feel very helpless," Ohayon continued. "We feel that any response on our part to these activities that our enemies are trying to carry out against us is treated on a point-by-point basis. We need to understand that what they did on October 7 is a model for what they plan to do." [Read on...]


The details of the overall situation in Judea & Samaria – Israel's current "third front" – ostensibly appear to be rather mundane and routine. Another late-night arrest, another targeting operation, more shooting attacks on the roads, but only after you put all the small pieces of this large puzzle together do you get to see the terrible danger, the initial signs of which are just now coming to light.

This is not "merely" a case of more mass demonstrations in support of the October 7 massacre on the outskirts of Ramallah, Nablus, or Tulkarm. This is not "merely" another case of declarations praising the October 7 massacre in the Gaza belt communities, made by senior Fatah officials, and let's not forget that this is a movement headed by Mahmoud Abbas the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA), and an attempt to stir up feelings towards a potentially similar horrendous act of violence against the Jewish settlements in Judea & Samaria or in those communities along its borders.
What is currently evolving before our very eyes should be a clear signal to all and sundry that the "Oslo approach"' of perpetuating the PA, which both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the defense establishment still adhere to, is on the verge of collapsing. The scenario of the PASF (Palestinian Authority Security Forces) "turning their guns" and aiming them at the IDF forces, and/or the settlements in Judea & Samaria and those that border the Green Line, is rapidly developing into actuality. The warning signs are too numerous for us to ignore. [Read on.]


  1. Yisroel Killian22/12/23 4:17 AM


  2. I don't know how the govt works but can't the PM and the higher ups literally fire all the heads of the army and get real leaders in their place.
    This is a matter of life & death, r'l. The evil oslo accords must cease;
    it is a clear & present danger. We must all cry out to Hashem for nissim,
