24 December 2023


12 Tevet 5784


  1. As much as that is a problem, the biggest problem now for Jews in the
    U.S, are the leftists; they are the 'democratic' states where they have almost ripped up the constitution which means everyday, there are less freedoms and that, right now, is the most important thing for all and especially for our people, 'freedom'. Those who can afford to come back home should do so.

    1. The Fascists came to power in Germany out of fear of the godless Communists. Who was the greater threat? Name me one 'freedom' Americans are lacking. And finally, answer me this... Why do you find it so difficult to comply with my request to add a name or initials to your comment?

    2. It's highly exaggerated. The Nazis came to power through various agendas and machinations, but there was no shortage of sodomites at the top rungs of power. That the people wanted the widespread perversion of Weimar to be squashed, a desire that the Nazis adopted and capitalized on, doesn't change that.

      The most serious problem for the Jews in America are "Americans" who have no history with them and no reason to harbor a cultural guilt complex for being complicit in some way with the Holocaust.

      Blacks (who have their own completely warped slave story) and post-1965 (immigration "reform") immigrants (and their children), together comprise many tens of millions of people who don't harbor a soft spot for Jews like the European-descended Christian Americans do, regardless of alarmist footage coming from their numbers.

      Mexicans in particular descend from the Mexica, who practiced human sacrifice on a scale that overwhelmed the European conquistadors. We see how violent and savage they can be today with all the reports of the grisly way their gangs and cartels deal with people that cross them in some way.

      Historical baggage Jews have with Christians changes none of this.

    3. I found this statement to be quite remarkable: ".. harbor a soft spot for Jews like the European-descended Christian Americans do." During the first 40 years of my life in various churches, I never met anyone like this.

    4. I don't have your background, but I do have a wife with a non-Jewish father. And also my experience growing up in America is that American Christians are not the same as European Christians. Dogmatic Christians might be different, but most are just culturally Christian.

  2. Conservatives aim to restructure U.S. government and replace it with Trump’s vision

    Project 2025: Building now for a conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training.

    b>Far-right Christian dominionists infiltrate schools, civic offices in Texas

    The problem with all of this is that the Christians are not the righteous, they do not have the truth, God is NOT on their side and they are just as bad from the other extreme.

    The whole world needs Mashiach!!

  3. בס"ד
    America is no longer a safe haven for the sane and rational. Totally delusional! America has become an existential threat to itself and the world in general.
    The writing has been on the wall for many years already, but the pace of its decay and self destruction is stunning. I have been urging the good folks in my kehila to at least start the aliyah process and get their documents in order. Baruch Hashem, I have been here 3 years already. I saw that the window of opportunity to make aliyah could close suddenly, without warning.
    I fear for my fellow Jews, and not just the good folks in my former shul, that they will leave it until its too late to get out, or barely make it out with the clothes on their backs.
    If there were any leaders in this country they would also understand the writing on the wall and let go of the ties that bind us to our "special relationship" with the US. Our so-called leaders have allowed us to become "the red-headed stepchild" in an abusive environment.
    They (the americans) understand that if they actually allow us to decisively defeat our enemies, then they lose all of their leverage over us. (not to mention the kickbacks to the politicians from arms sales) But if there is one hopeful aspect to all of this is that even the most clueless of Israelis are starting to feel the american knife in their backs, including our brave soldiers. Let us not go down with the rapidly sinking american dream.

    B'ezrat Hashem!


    1. It doesn’t make sense what u said This Galus is the last one. We go straight into Redemption from here. Not another exile It doesn’t matter if we get caught in America and not isreal. Whoever calls out to Hashem will be saved wherever u r. Malky

    2. Well done you. Unfortunately, you are an exception. Rav Brody spoke for years, maybe over a decade of the importance of aliya, Rav Nachman Kahana with his warnings of a general draft, at least send the young people, Rav Anava, these are just the English speakers. Unfortunately for the most part they get shut down by Jews in galut. Israeli Rabbonim are begging Jews to make aliya. If I pass on the message, they scold me.

      In 2018 after Pittsburghnact I felt very strongly that it was a a turning point for American Jews and that they must make aliya. It was on the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, how much clearer could Hashem be? Two years later, also on the anniversary there was an attack on the only shul to have survived WW2 in Vienna (on account of a shared wall with an apartment block.) I commented on a different blog, that it was time to start the process, sell your house and live in rented accommodation until you leave, and other good advice. The result? I was banned from that popular Jewish blog.

      Before BLM, Defund the Police and no flights due to corona, I wrote at the time, what would they do if there was a mob in the streets, no police and no flights. It was just my feeling. And it all happened in one form or another. The point is that they can't rely on their circumstances remaining the same. Jewish students are physically attacked on campus, with no repercussions.

      It's very hard to leave everything you've ever known. But in any case, all the old familiar places are no longer yours. Any Jew who is wise will come with their dear ones and their money. Jews who can't fly due to health reasons should move to somewhere like Panama. The Jewish community has billions and should use their money to help the poor make aliya. All of this is possible. The only problem is ratzon, from the root ratz. The desire for something is what sets the process in motion. Nothing happens until there is ratzon.


    3. This comment is for Malky. You're right that this is the last galut and we are going into the geula. Whilst we all want it to be today and in total rachamim for all Jews everywhere, the only thing certain at the moment is total uncertainty. Hashem is removing all the things that we thought we could rely on, so that we have only Him. It's a huge test of emuna for all of us.

      Hashem will save any Jew who calls out to Him anywhere, but the difference is that EY is a protected place (despite the current situation).

      On top of that, this is when people get upset, but I'm just repeating the words of two kedoshei yisrael. They both expressed precisely the same idea. The Yanuka shlita said it on video, and Rav Dov Kook shlita wrote a long letter with a request for it to be widely publicised, as seen recently on Or Hageula YT community page, both saying that Jews not making aliya are holding up the geula. Don't shoot the messenger.

      Every Jew in the galut should be PLANNING their aliya regardless of their circumstances, and moving forward to the best of their ability. If all you can do is clean out a drawer, so do that as part of your preparations to pack up. Talk to Hashem, and let Him do the rest. A person is led on the path they wish to follow.

      Also anyone with any kind of platform, position, or influence, even if only with friends and neighbours, should absolutely be using it to encourage others to do the same.


  4. OPINIONS??? How likely is THIS to happen?

    1. War is spreading.

      Unlikely to play out like that. While they (party 1) has cities and the heavy weapons, they (party 2) are dispersed and grow 90% or more of the food.

      And, the US military is still deadly, but it is also increasingly incompetent too.

  5. I thought this would have happened soon after trum won the first time… I was happy to have been wrong. I then thought it would happen after the “election when Biden won. Again…happily I was wrong. But then seeing so many signs we picked up and left North America and came Home bH! I am afraid for my family and friends still there, as so many readers seem to be as well, maybe this might help them see what may be just around the corner…chvsh . How soon does this movie get to theatres?

    1. Just to be clear. There is a movie clip at the beginning, but the other clips are various ones I put together into one video with it. The movie does not appear to have a firm date of release but it's reported to be coming to theaters in February 2024.

  6. There have been so many warnings to make Aliyah. Is it to late?

    1. Even with a knife, chalila, placed on a person's neck, one should never despair of Hashem's mercy. Every Jew should start, however hopeless a person's situation seems.

  7. Wow... scary. If only Jews would have the strength and courage to stand up and be as loyal to our Torah here in Israel as these fakers are with their false religion!!!
