07 October 2023

Now, This For Sure Is "IT"!

23 Tishrei 5784 

UPDATE #1:  For those who forgot or those who never saw the post, many of your questions and concerns can be answered in the August 3, 2023 blog post For This We Wait.  Please (re)-read it, if you can.  Many thanks to all.  Pray for Israel!  Hodu l'Hashem ki tov, ki le'olam chasdo!!

(For the latest news on what is happening in Israel, subscribe to Israel Realtime Updates on Telegram:  https://t.me/Israel_Realtime_Updates )

UPDATE #2:  Word is leaking out from highly credible sources that this was no "surprise" attack, nor an "intelligence failure" and that it is "impossible" that the door was left wide open without any military response for about 6 hours.  Draw your own conclusions for now.

UPDATE #3(As of 4:00 pm Oct 10th)  Latest statistics - 1000+ dead, 2,806 wounded, 50 kidnapped.   There is concern that what happened (is still happening) in the south will spread to Yehuda v'Shomron:  "POLICE & VILLAGE ARMORIES ORDERED OPENED… Min. of Security Ben-Gvir has ordered the opening of police armories, arming all volunteer police (contact your station, reserve soldiers not called up (contact your reserve unit), and town security squads (contact your ravshatz).  All private licenses in processing are to be extremely expedited." 


I was near the end of the Shacharit Amida prayer when the first siren went off in Jerusalem on Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret.  My entire body was consumed with chills.  I have never before experienced such a thing.  I knew this was going to be what we've been talking about for a very, very long time.  It is the reason the blog was brought back.  Between approximately 8 am and noon, we heard several waves of sirens with accompanying booms of iron dome taking out projectiles.  

We saw three military helicopters go over and after that, all was quiet here in Jerusalem.  But, the unprecedented multiple waves of rocket attacks in Jerusalem in the morning indicated that something very serious was going on despite the sudden calm.  

As soon as Havdalah was done, I opened my phone and went into shock...

I have not yet begun to get the details yet of all that has happened.  So much to catch up on and events are still developing as I write this.  There is a lot of confusion about what will be tomorrow as the authorities cancel schools and report that public transportation will be limited.  People are being told to stay in their homes and try not to travel but a lot of people, like me, were visiting relatives away from our homes and want to get back to them.

I was just told that Lapid and Gantz are going to join a National Emergency Government with Netanyahu.  Further, that 500 are now reported missing, feared captured by Hamas.  Hashem yerachem!!!  

I firmly believe this is just the start of Persia going about "destroying the world" so we have to hold on to "the time of your redemption is here."  Geulah b'ita is a terrible, fearful thing, but when it's all done, we'll be in a much better place - somewhere our ancestors yearned to be, but did not want to experience.  You can see why.

Not sure how much I'll be able to update...    PRAY!!!


Rabbi Yitzchak said: (Yalkut Shimoni, Yishayahu 60)

"In the year when the king Moshiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other. The king of Paras (Iran) is provoking the Arab king (Saudi Arabia) and then the Arab King will turn to Edom (U.S.A.) for advice.

The king of Paras will then go and destroy the world. And all the nations of the world will shout from terror, fall upon their faces in fear and undergo such horrible pains as strong as labor pains.

And the Jewish people will shout from fear and say, "To where do we turn?! To where do we run?!"

And He (Hashem) will say unto them, My children, do not be afraid; all that I have done here, I have done only for you. What do you fear? The time for your Redemption has arrived!"


  1. It's hard to say that this is 'it'. We have done this to ourselves... Rosh Hashana was on a Shabbos... didn't have the protection... but it certainly looks like this is going to be a horrific step forward in the messianic process...Hashem isn't happy with us at all... doesn't take much to see that... so we need to choose what side of the fence we are going to be on once and for all.... What is happening here will pale in comparison to what is coming to the USA... the party is about to stop there permanently.

    1. I don't entirely understand what you are getting at, but I mostly disagree with you. Hashem loves us and he gave us the semblance of the clouds of glory over us throughout Sukkot as a sign of His love so that when this blow would hit after Hoshana Rabbah, we would know it is only for our good, out of His love for us and not because our repentance was not accepted. In my view, there is no comparison between what is happening here and what is coming in the rest of the world.

  2. The war of gog u’magog does not involve attacks on Israel. It’s not right to hype this up as if Moshiach is coming. Israel has been through many wars over the decades.


    1. 1. The prophets say very explicitly that armies invade Eretz Yisrael.
      2. Mashiach isn't "coming" - they are already here. Did you read the post I asked you to? Maybe it will explain better. Or maybe you just want to find fault.

  3. Sunday: 7:27 Residents of the north report hearing explosions from rockets fired at Israeli territory from Lebanon in a possible sign that Hezbollah is joining the fighting. IDF responds with artillery fire.


    1. This was at midnight. I can't vouch for the source but this is being reported on Twitter and it is an expected development: "BREAKING: Massive uprising by Palestinians in Jerusalem underway: It was reported that tomorrow evening, Palestinians will start to break out of the West Bank through Israel."

    2. Devorah where is this source from about Jerusalem?

    3. They are showing that thousands of Palestinians have gathered at the al aksa mosque. Hashem helps us all

  4. The neviim seemed to indicate that Am Yisrael would have nothing to do with starting what is commonly called the “Ezekiel 38 War”, and that all who come against Am Yisrael will be destroyed. That alone indicates that this is not the Ezekiel 38 war (the final war right before the Geulah).


    1. Did you find your answer?

    2. It’s erab rav with Amalek /Esau ?

  5. Does Iran for sure have a nuclear bomb already made that they can threaten Israel with at this time, as you mentioned regarding the moments right before the final redemption?


    1. I've never claimed to know whether Iran has a nuke or not. I've heard others who have claimed they do. I have no way of knowing if it is true or not.

  6. 1. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/378085... Taliban say they will conquer Jerusalem... and then Hashem sent them a huge earthquake! Praise Hashem!
    2. https://www.ynetnews.com/magazine/article/r1urui1b6 This is beautiful but why do we always force Hashem to do these kinds of things in order to have the unity we are supposed to have all the time?

    May Hashem have mercy on His people and show His power for His own sake! Let Him come out of exile and rule! Let Him return to Jerusalem. How patient is Hashem -- that He suffers like this in order to wait for as many of His children to do teshuva as possible before He reveals Himself. Praise the one and only living G-d, Hashem.

  7. Suzanne Butterfield8/10/23 9:56 PM

    Big hugs, I can't seem to sleep and all mixed up.

    1. 😍❤️ I can identify. Btw, Mazal tov savta!!💕

  8. Why is the title of this article “This for sure is IT”? Who can prove this is the final battle that brings Moshiach? Where’s the proof?


    1. The "proof" only comes at the end when it happens, obviously.

  9. In the post titled For This We Wait, I explained how the Third Messianic War would be focused on the Torah and sure enough, the unofficial name that has been given to it is The Simchat Torah War.

    1. So because it happened on simchat “torah” is proof that this is the third and final messianic war before Moshiach?


    2. No, it's just an interesting side note. It should be obvious that it is impossible to "prove" an event before it happens. But you can weigh the evidence presented and draw certain conclusions about the probabilities. In this case, based on the evidence I have, I assess the probability so high that I am willing to bet my reputation on it.

  10. How many messianic wars will
    there be after this war is over? Three is enough.

    And If this if the last one, how confident are you that this will result in Moshiach’s revelation (G-d willing very shortly!) ?


    1. I've asked that people read what has already been painstakingly explained. It seems from your question that you did not do that. The answers are already there.

    2. The Chafetz Chaim said there would three world wars and that the third world war would also have three parts. As I've already shown, we are conquering our land in three phases 1) the Land outside Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim itself, and the Temple Mount - Har Habayit. This will be the third. Mashiach will be revealed out of it and the finale will be when the nations invade Israel to defeat Mashiach. That's where HKB"H takes over and annihilates them with miracles greater than those He did in Egypt.

    3. The Chofetz Chaim's prediction of the third war was a spiritual war. Not a physical one. Rav Elchonon Wasserman, his most prominent student, told this to the Jews of London as he left for Lithuania prior to WW2

  11. Azriel and all,
    It is NEVUA being fulfilled...
    Believe already...

  12. Yasher Koach Devorah, yes I agree with you I think this is the beginning of the final battles! I firmly believe all will be accomplished by 5787 (2027)! Just pray and hope the 2/3 of world dying decree is sweetened so not that many die. May the Geulah Shaleimah come with much mercy and quickly be over with Mashiach being revealed soon.

  13. Shalom Devorah. I haven't heard from this blog for years, I thought you had quit but then I figured I'd check due to the events. I knew you'd be on it. Hope you're well. Achdut. We're almost there.
