24 February 2021

Turn Our Tragedies Into Joy

12 Adar 5781

My heart broke at the news of the 32-year-old pregnant mother-of-four who died, along with her unborn child of complications from COVID.  And it broke again when the establishment pounced on it and used the tragedy to further their evil ends of scaring more and more people into getting the experimental, and in some cases, lethal vaccine.

Headline from yesterday:  "Wave of Vaccinations After Pregnant Woman Dies of Coronavirus"

For the entire past year we didn't hear of such things, so I wracked my brain trying to understand how it could have happened.  They made a really big deal out of her brother-in-law hosting an "anti-vax" group on Facebook and trotted out the usual hysterical accusation of "murderers" by none other than the newly-converted-to-the-cause brother-in-law.  Although they at first claimed that the woman had been influenced by the family's anti-vax feelings, I wondered if she had not gone and gotten the vaccine without telling anyone.  So, today the truth comes out.

Yehudah Ben-Shitrit, the husband of Asnat, z’l, who passed away of the coronavirus on Motzei Shabbos at age 32, told Channel 13 News that contrary to rumors, his wife wasn’t opposed to vaccines and even made an appointment to receive the first dose but caught the virus prior to the appointment.

“At the beginning, she was a little nervous due to all the talk in the media about pregnant women but later she decided to be vaccinated and she made appointments for both of us,” Yehudah said.

“I got vaccinated with the first dose but then contracted the virus and then she caught it and it was too late for her to be vaccinated. We were in favor of vaccination – I recommend to everyone to be vaccinated, to protect your lives so you won’t come to our situation.”
And knowing that, he is still pushing other people to get the vaccine.  This truth is too hard for him to acknowledge.  Who is the "murderer" now?

May we see - with our own eyes - the grand turnaround where all tragedies are forgotten and all sadness is turned to joy - quickly - even NOW!
Purim — The Joy of Life

In the eighth year of Achashverosh’s rule, on the thirteenth of Adar, every Jewish man, woman and child was to be slaughtered. Young or old, wealthy or poor, they were counted as one, and on that fateful day, the Jewish people would cease to be. According to the ways of the world and according to the natural course of events, that is what should have happened.

But it didn’t. In the greatest reversal of fortune, the tables were turned and the Jews were saved. In a heartbeat, they went from death to life, from despondency to hope, from being sheep led to the slaughter to having Mordechai HaTzaddik paraded through the streets of Shushan. The people had lived through an astonishing miracle, and they experienced great joy. “And the Jews of Shushan were jubilant and celebrated.”

Yet, when the Gemara describes their elation, it seems to leave out the issue of life and death. Where the Megillah says, “The Jews had light and gladness, and joy and honor,” Chazal interpret it to mean, “The Jews had Torah, yom tov, milah and tefillin,” as if to say that the reason the Jews were celebrating was because they again had the opportunity to do these mitzvos. The issue of their being granted their lives doesn’t seem to weigh into the equation. It seems that the Gemara is saying that their entire celebration and their source of joy was that they were now once again able to perform these mitzvos.
Read the full article HERE.


  1. Hard to believe that most Israelis are comatose! Otherwise, how could they allow a pregnant woman to get a vaccination? Why aren't they researching and surfing the internet for some real information. Practically anyone who has an IQ knows that one must NOt believe the mainstream media. Check the weather because even that could be false (look out the window instead). Just as Chazal tell us, 'all truth will be gone at keitz hayamim'. Put your total faith and trust in the One Above, nothing or no one else is to be believed and use your own common sense. Only H' is in control and wants us to put our total emunah/bitachon in Him. Ain Od Milvado!
    The evil forces are at its strongest now, more than ever before.

    1. Anyone notice that BitCoin and BitaChon are erily similar?

  2. Wow, didn't see the connection to bitcoin and bitachon...nice

  3. But aren't the two opposites? Bitcoin is not good. The only sure thing which is perfect 'Bitachon' in Hashem!
