05 February 2021

"Hashem Rescued Them" - Hashem Will Rescue Us As Well

23 Shevat 5781
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Yitro

Shemot 18:8-11...

Moses told his father-in-law everything that Hashem had done to Pharaoh and Egypt for Israel's sake - all the travail that had befallen them on the way - and that Hashem had rescued them.

Jethro rejoiced over all the good that Hashem had done for Israel, that He had rescued it from the hand of Egypt.  Jethro said, "Blessed is Hashem, Who has rescued you from the hand of Egypt and from the hand of Pharaoh, Who has rescued the people from under the hand of Egypt.  Now I know that Hashem is greater than all the gods, for in the very matter in which [the Egyptians] had conspired against them...!

Ah!  There it is!  Another conspiracy "theory" - actually conspiracy FACT!  Yitro was there when Paro conspired to kill the Jewish babies by drowning them in the river, and here, HKB"H, measure for measure, destroyed the Egyptians by drowning them in the sea.  The irony - and the justice - of it was not lost on Yitro, nor on any of the surrounding nations who heard of it.

Very soon, the story will be told again and this time, it will be the New Egypt - the New World Order Egypt - and its erstwhile Pharaoh who will be on the receiving end of HKB"H's mida k'neged mida justice and the whole surviving world who had suffered under the heavy hand of this New Egypt will be praising Hashem for His rescue.



  1. Dear Tomer Devorah, "very soon" ??? "He Who sits in Heaven LAUGHS" (Psalm 2). It has already BEGUN. Shabbat Shalom from The Land Of Israel, City Of God/Jerusalem, Hill Of The Priests (Abu Tor/Givat Chananiya), LJG, Ancient Israelite Autist, Old Time Religion Pharisee

  2. Beautiful! Thank you Dvash!
    The human toilet who is our prime sinister wants to vaccinate all the population. Mass sterilization etc. They are more and more crazy and arrogant because they see everything they do they succeed.
    Hashem won't let them exterminate all the Jews.
    Napoleon went to far too in his craziness and invaded Russia. He lost everything because of his own arrogance. Same for the biuv who is called prime minister.

  3. The "Deep State" Evil is being exposed everywhere. HaShem is working step by step to show the world the total evil. Some people are in the Matrix or Never Never Land and will not wake up. that is their choice. Our choice is Light, Gladness, Joy and Honor as in Purim.
    Purim is in 3 weeks, May Everyone have a Joyous, Light of HaShem filled Purim.

  4. Another message from the woman close to the Rabbi. This is very detailed and speaks again about Adar. Those that received the *vaccination* will be in danger, falling due to the activation of 5G. Families are torn because some members are Erev Rav. Mashiach Ben David is from a secular family, he is doing Teshuvah. On another level of consciousness, he is at the foothills of Gan Eden with a sword in his hands, as he wakes up, he is moving with this sword and the barrier between Gan Eden and the tumah is being raised higher with every turn he makes. There is more- perhaps others would assist with the translation - it is very important and very deep. Shabbat Shalom - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynL9_rz8Hq0

  5. Re the video- there are actual directives on how to live during these times - she is saying NOT to watch, listen or read the news of the ER - at all. To protect the neshamot. It is very important. There will be untold upheaval during Adar until Nissan - she speaks about the Sneh Haboer. She is saying that Gog and Magog has now filtered in and is mixed in combined with WW3 and this is transpiring now on the psychological/mental level which must be fought with protecting the house by learning Zohar - keeping the voices of holiness continuing throughout the day and night. She speaks that it is now difficult to understand which rabbis are from the ER. She speaks about losses in every family.

  6. Attn. truth - that's a beautiful vid., with lovely scenery! Though I think it's more like some rabbi's (and Jews) are misguided, rather than outright ER. At least that's my observations. To say there's ER in so many families? Isn't that going a bit too far?

  7. Anonymous - ER and other evil doers in the family is well known by bringing tuma by ways of not going to the Mikveh or having unholy thoughts during conception. This creates the conditions to bring in an unholy neshama into the world. Rabbi Meir Eliyahu Shlita has spoken of this in his recent shiurim in Hebrew citing many sources. This is not what you will find usually in English. Having evil doers, ER in the family is part of the tikkun for the family members. This is mentioned in the video.
