15 February 2021


 4 Adar 5781

So, the third lockdown just ended here a week ago and already they say they are going to have to lock us down for Purim.  Who knows when that will start.  With an actual blizzard being predicted to arrive in Jerusalem beginning tomorrow night, I felt today was my best chance to go to town and shop for Purim.  

The lockdown doesn't really prevent one from traveling to Jerusalem and wandering anywhere he wants, but during the lockdown, there is no place to go.  All the businesses are closed except phone and computer stores, housewares and hardware, groceries and pharmacies.  I've been waiting a long time to buy some clothes for my grandchildren and some new shoes for me.  I forgot that they were opening up this last closure "slowly," so what I found open in Jerusalem today was the phone and computer stores, housewares and hardware, groceries and pharmacies.  Every single clothing and shoe store was closed up tight.  As one of my dearest friends likes to say: " <sigh>".

I did get everything I needed for my seudah and mishloach manot, however.  And there are three family birthdays coming up.  Picked up a few things on that score, but not enough.  A costume is no issue since I wear the same one every year - the queen bee.  

Speaking of the "blizzard," the Jerusalem Weatherman who keeps us all updated on snow news in the capital of Israel, explains that a blizzard is not defined by how much snow there is but by how much wind accompanies it.  I had only been out of Colorado for four years when I saw my first Jerusalem snowfall - 18 inches!!  I kid you not!! That was twenty-one years ago and there have been a few snows in Jerusalem since, but nothing like that one.  For the past nearly ten years I've been living in what I think is the friendliest and most beautiful little village in all the Land of Israel, out in the Judean Desert.  We are only 12 miles east of Jerusalem, but 500 meters lower in elevation, so it would be a very special gift from HKB"H for my grandchildren if snow fell even out here.

Actually, it seems like there is an awful lot of it going around.  Did you see this?

It's even snowing in my hometown of Houston, Texas! That's a rarity. But, it's not just the US. Look at this...
Low temperatures records have been tumbling across the planet of late, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere — North America, Europe, and Asia have each logged thousands of new cold records this winter, and now the situation looks set to intensify even further...

Latest GFS runs show a hemisphere-wide hyperborean invasion starting now and running all of next week, with brutal Arctic air masses occupying the majority of the mid-latitudes by Monday, Feb. 15.

Temperature departures of 20C below the winter average will grip much of North America and Russia, with North Africa and eastern Asia also copping nation-spanning blasts of anomalous cold.
We are going to start hearing a lot more harping on climate change because the weather anomalies are gonna go up another whole level of crazy. [See "Here Comes the Sun".  Note: video came from a 2009 interview.] 

Wherever you are, I hope you are warm and cozy!  


  1. Millions without power in TX and Louisiana

  2. Per Drudge - HISTORIC FREEZE TEX!
    -20° FEEL DALLAS

  3. Some of the readers might appreciate this: Snow: The Dark Side

  4. www.realclimatescience.com

    Man-made global warming / climate change is a political agenda masquerading as a "theory" to implement a great reset the world over. When the reality started going the other direction the taskmasters and overlords operating in the shadows of government/UN hubs apparently started ordering the data to be changed and the books to be "cooked". NASA, NOAA and other meteorological orgs around the world joined in (personnel were probably bribed/forced) to delete records of past warmth, inflate recent temps to be warmer than they actually are and keep hammering away at the global warming / climate change narrative all day. This is a multi-decadal agenda that got supercharged in recent years. Funny how covid came in to push the wagon over the hill so to speak.

    Climate Hustle film is a good documentary as well.

  5. https://youtu.be/r0l3tymEagc

    Video showing the changes to the historical data being made by world renowned science organizations and the true history of our climate most don't know.

    If they do this to the climate imagine what other data they fraud as well.

  6. Anonymous@9:19PM - "Man-made global warming" is not the issue. THIS is the issue. Plus, there is real "change" coming, but they aren't telling people the truth about it - of course.

  7. Anonymous@9:22PM - I find it interesting that weather is going to such extremes - as if it were a reflection of the people who live on the planet, because people, too, are being pushed to extremes.

  8. M.M. - I'm sorry but your most recent comments are completely off-topic and I am not dealing anymore with COVID or vaccine issues. I feel that everything that needed to be said about it has been said and we are moving on.

  9. Devash the weather IS a reflection of the people on the planet. The things we do affect the weather. And so here we are.

  10. My store, The Boydem is open. We sell second hand clothing and other assorted nik naks.

    You can find us on Tzeret Street 15

    We're just behind the Hadar Mall next to the antique shop

    We have a large selection of purim costumes

  11. The weather is also a creation of HaShem and He rules the entire world. HaShem needs His children to do TESHUVA and return to Him. Upheavals occurred in Mitzrayim, so we are to witness more!
    Remember ain od Millevado!r

  12. It was apparently stated by a rabbi in the past that when snow falls in Yerushalayim it represents the sweetening of the judgements.

    Rabbi Anava states during this time it is important to learn Zohar and the mystical parts of the Torah.

    This recent talk connects many dots (including the spiritual reason behind the NWO agenda - going all the way back to Avraham Avinu's time) and points out that this coming Pesach will be 3,333 years since the original Yetziat Mitzrayim. 33 33. Isn't the # 33 also a symbol that other groups have been using?

    A lot of interesting dots here:


  13. The great wind power electric generators in Texas - frozen solid. It looks like Mars - https://twitter.com/lukelegate/status/1361149723072208896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

  14. No matter how the ptb want to con the world, believe that the weather 'changes' in the world is really H' cleansing it (purifying) for the new world where Hashem will reign supreme with the coming of our righteous Moshiach. The reshaim have taken so much from our teachings to use for their own evil conspiracies against G-D, His people and all of mankind. This is the modern version of Nimrod & his followers. They will be defeated once again for good.
    Hashem is in control of everything.

  15. Israeli weatherman: "Extremism in the weather is what characterizes the current year."

  16. In fact, the Hebrew word for snow -- sheleg -- has a numerical value (gematria) of 333 - year of 3s
