18 February 2021

"Immediately Preceding the Month of Nisan"

7 Adar 5781
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Terumah - Zachor

"Remember what Amalek did to you on the way." 

It's not enough to remember what Amalek did.  We also need to remember why he was able to do it.

Idolatry in the camp of Israel (The Book of Our Heritage, by Eliyahu Kitov)
You followed me in the wilderness in a land that was not planted (Yirmeyahu 2:2) – The Sages explained: This [the complete dependence on G-d that characterized Israel’s existence in the desert] is only temporary and will last only as long as you are on the way [to the Land of Israel] and until the Torah is permanently implanted within you. Afterwards, you shall enter the land which is My place, and you will plant at the time of planting, sow at the time of sowing, and harvest at the time of harvesting, and I shall grant you bounty greater than any other nation or land.
However, the imperative to remove all traces of idolatry and to serve only G-d—this is incumbent upon you now and for generations to comeHave you removed the foreign gods from your midst? Have you brought yourselves under My wing and shattered all of your idols? Let Amalek come and examine you. If your hearts are completely with Me, you have nothing to fear. But if there is among you a man or woman whose soul still clings to the idols of Egypt and their abominations, let them [the idols] come and save you from the wicked Amalek! The verse therefore states: And Amalek came (Shemos 17;8)…and he tailed after you [striking] all the weak who fell behind (Devarim 25;18).
After he tailed after you—R. Nachman explained: All those whom the “protective cloud” cast out were caught by Amalek. The Sages explained: This refers to the tribe of Dan who were cast out by the “protective cloud” because they were all idol-worshipers. The idol which Michah had created was in their midst, and there were many among them who had not wholeheartedly resolved to serve God alone (Yalkut Shimoni, Parashas Ki Setze).

The complete obliteration of Amalek will occur at the time of the final redemption, immediately preceding the month of Nisan.  A trace of that obliteration is felt each year during Purim, which falls in the month preceding Nisan. The reading of Parashas Zachor was therefore prescribed for this time of year.

May we merit due to the depths of HKB"H's mercy to witness the final downfall of Amalek in these days "preceding the month of Nisan." 



  1. COVID: More Israelis die in January than in any month in 20 years

    And what was so different about January 2021??? THE PFIZER VACCINE!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Rabbi Yehuda Richter Posted 28Febuary2021
    Shocking Revelation: Why Are We Celebrating Purim on the Wrong Day
    Rabbi Yehuda Richter:Shocking Revelation Why Are We Celebrating Purim on the Wrong Day, Hamantaschen pastry

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. https://youtu.be/3KfEoQJ2bY8
